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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
We’ve been in a series of Bible studies under the heading, «Faithful to God’s Family,» and we’ve been talking to you about some factors of faithfulness. Several Sundays ago, we talked about faithful in Bible study. And then we talked about [...]
Chris Hodges - Sharing Our Faith
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Chris Hodges - Sharing Our Faith
Chris Hodges - Sharing Our Faith
All right, what's going on, church? How's everybody? You guys doing good? Really good to see you guys. You guys should be the best crowd all day. Come on, you got the most sleep. Are you ready to go, everybody? Yeah? Okay, well it's [...]
Robert Barron - How Will You Evangelize Today?
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Robert Barron - How Will You Evangelize Today?
Robert Barron - How Will You Evangelize Today?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week we had a wonderful portrait of discipleship. You might say the cost of discipleship was on clear display. As we continue now our reading of the Gospel of Luke, we have today a great, I would say, portrait of the [...]
Robert Barron - Proclaiming Christ in the Culture
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Robert Barron - Proclaiming Christ in the Culture
Robert Barron - Proclaiming Christ in the Culture
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is a very simple, very brief passage from the book of the prophet Amos. But it has, I think, a rather extraordinary significance for us and for our time. We don't even really know for sure when the [...]
Robert Barron - There's Nowhere to Run
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Robert Barron - There's Nowhere to Run
Robert Barron - There's Nowhere to Run
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading for this weekend is from the marvelous book of the prophet Jonah. I am always delighted when I have the opportunity to preach on Jonah. One of the shortest books in the Bible. It's maybe three pages [...]
James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
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James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
Well, I want you to imagine, and I want you to kinda do something. We're gonna kinda do a Disney-esque thing this morning. You know Walt Disney understood the power of imagination. So I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that [...]
Michael Youssef - Hope for the Heart of Georgia
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Michael Youssef - Hope for the Heart of Georgia
Michael Youssef - Hope for the Heart of Georgia
You've heard it said many times in the last few years we live in unprecedented times, and it's absolutely true. We're seeing chaos and disaster before our own eyes like we've never seen before. According to some media it feels [...]
Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
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Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
In Matthew 24 Jesus warned again and again. He said, "Let no man deceive you". Now the apostle Paul, he was absolutely aware of the insidiousness of that subtle deception. He knew that deception can come to all of us, pastor and [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
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Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
Right at the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, we read in John chapter number 3 and John chapter number 4, about two individuals who came to know Christ. These two individuals could not be more different. The first was Nicodemus, came to [...]
Chris Hodges - This Gospel Will Be Preached
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Chris Hodges - This Gospel Will Be Preached
Chris Hodges - This Gospel Will Be Preached
Oh, it's so good to see all of you here today. Who's glad to be in church? Who's glad to be in church? I know, it's just so good. And a big hello to all of you guys that are here at Grants Mill, at all of our campuses. To those [...]
Mike Novotny - Go and Tell
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Mike Novotny - Go and Tell
Mike Novotny - Go and Tell
If you compare the 2000 census to the 2010 census here in our county, the overall population has increased by about 10 percent. And yet, most churches haven't increased by 10 percent. In fact, most churches haven't stayed even. I found out [...]
Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
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Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
You know, the Bible tells us to be on duty at all times, or as the King James puts it, "Be instant in season and out of season". I mean anytime, anywhere, God may call on you to share the gospel. So a number of years ago, I had to go to [...]
Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
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Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
The title of my message is "The Joy of Sharing Your Faith," and I want you to turn to Romans chapter 10. Romans chapter 10, "The Joy of Sharing Your Faith". Let's pray: Father, this is your message, it's not mine. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Portrait of an Effective Evangelist
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Robert Jeffress - Portrait of an Effective Evangelist
Robert Jeffress - Portrait of an Effective Evangelist
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Some Christians assume evangelism is a job reserved for pastors, so you might be surprised to learn that the first and only person to be called an evangelist in the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Making Jesus Known
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Adrian Rogers - Making Jesus Known
Adrian Rogers - Making Jesus Known
Find the Book of Acts chapter one, the Book of Acts chapter one, right past the gospels. We're talking today about "Making Jesus Known". And let me tell you something, this world needs to know Jesus. This, your neighbor needs to know [...]
James Merritt - Is My Flashlight On?
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James Merritt - Is My Flashlight On?
James Merritt - Is My Flashlight On?
We are to become disciples of Jesus who make disciples for Jesus. If you want to know why you're here, that's why you're here. If you're not a believer, you're here to become a believer. If you are a believer, you're [...]
Craig Groeschel - Time To Be Bold
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Craig Groeschel - Time To Be Bold
Craig Groeschel - Time To Be Bold
I wanna tell you a story today about a trip that I took in Chicago, on the train that's called the L. Anybody ever been on the L before? I am from Oklahoma, where Uber is not nearly as exciting as the L is in Chicago. And I was there for an [...]
Jack Graham - It's Too Good to Keep
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Jack Graham - It's Too Good to Keep
Jack Graham - It's Too Good to Keep
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Romans, chapter 10. And the title of this message is "It's Too Good to Keep". At this time of the year down here deep in the heart of Texas we have birds flying south. I enjoy seeing [...]
Jack Graham - Til the Whole World Hears
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Jack Graham - Til the Whole World Hears
Jack Graham - Til the Whole World Hears
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the first chapter of the book of Romans. We’re calling this series THE ESSENTIAL GOSPEL. There is a man in the Bible I believe who is the goat. The greatest of all time Christians. The greatest Christian of all [...]
Charles Stanley - Because He Came We Must Go
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Charles Stanley - Because He Came We Must Go
Charles Stanley - Because He Came We Must Go
What is the greatest good that you can give to someone else? What's one of the most helpful things you can do for someone else? What's one thing you can do for someone else that will benefit them every single day of their life? What's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
I'm gonna be sharing a scripture with you today that I bet many of us have never really thought much about before. I'm going to the book of Galatians chapter 4 verse 16. I'm quoting the words of Paul to the church at Galatia. Listen [...]
David Jeremiah - Christian Communication
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David Jeremiah - Christian Communication
David Jeremiah - Christian Communication
When Karen Muller, filmmaker and author, was in the Peace Corps from 1987 to 1989, she dug wells and built schools in a village in the Philippines. And one night, 17 members of the New People's Army, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the [...]
John Bradshaw - Don't Judge a Book
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John Bradshaw - Don't Judge a Book
John Bradshaw - Don't Judge a Book
It's good to be with you today. Let's pray together before we open the Bible, and we'll expect that God will speak to our hearts. Let's pray. Father in heaven, for the privilege of being able to open Your Word, we are very [...]
Jack Graham - Priceless
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Jack Graham - Priceless
Jack Graham - Priceless
I want to talk to you today about how you can have eternal life. In this INVISIBLE series we've been talking about the invisible world all around us. There is more to life than what you see. And we now realize as believers and followers of [...]
Jack Graham - Together for the Gospel
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Jack Graham - Together for the Gospel
Jack Graham - Together for the Gospel
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Romans chapter 1, Romans the first chapter and the Apostle Paul, brilliant and bold, had a desire in his heart from the very beginning of his conversion experience to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News [...]
Robert Morris - Evangelists
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Robert Morris - Evangelists
Robert Morris - Evangelists
I just want to remind you ladies that Pink Impact is coming up, and this is our first time in two years to be able to have it live again where we gather. And if you want to wear a mask, please feel welcome. No one's going to look down on you [...]
David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
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David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
In our program today we are going to be talking with an amazing man who has spent most of his life involved in Jewish evangelism. I’m going to ask him how a Gentile like him got involved in such a ministry, and how his efforts lead to a ministry [...]
David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
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David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
What kind of evangelism, if any, is going on in Israel today? Is there freedom to share the Gospel? Are there Messianic congregations composed of believing Jews? Is there any kind of media outreach with the Gospel to the Jewish people? For the [...]
David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
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David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
Did you know that the Gospel is being proclaimed throughout Israel today? And did you know that both Jews and Arabs in Israel are responding to it? My special guest today is a Messianic Jewish leader from Tel Aviv, stay tuned. David Reagan: [...]
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Sharing The Gospel Effectively
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Greg Laurie - The Secret To Sharing The Gospel Effectively
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Sharing The Gospel Effectively
Let me ask you a question. Let's say that you got a brand new car, and there's nothing like a new car. You've got that new car smell, everything is nice and clean and shiny, and you're driving down the road, you're enjoying [...]
Sid Roth - Taking Jesus to Walmart with Brian Blount
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Sid Roth - Taking Jesus to Walmart with Brian Blount
Sid Roth - Taking Jesus to Walmart with Brian Blount
Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest prayed for a woman with no left kidney and the right one, working only 2%. Doctors verified she now has brand new kidneys. Brian Blount operates [...]
Craig Smith - Why Evangelism is Not a Four-Letter Word
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Craig Smith - Why Evangelism is Not a Four-Letter Word?
Craig Smith - Why Evangelism is Not a Four-Letter Word?
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills and this historic, historic moment, where for the first time in our 78-year history as a church, we are all gathering together live on campus rather than…or I’m sorry, live online rather than live on a campus. I [...]
Craig Smith - Here, There, and Everywhere
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Craig Smith - Here, There, and Everywhere
Craig Smith - Here, There, and Everywhere
If the last words of Jesus in Matthew give us our tactics for accomplishing our mission, then the last words of Jesus in Acts give us our strategy. The picture that Jesus paints here is ever-widening circles, kind of like the ripples that spread out [...]
Craig Smith - Evangelism
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Craig Smith - Evangelism
Craig Smith - Evangelism
Welcome back to the third and final week of our Spring Cleaning Series where we’ve been trying to sort of push aside some of the stuff that can just accumulate in a church, especially, a church our size. And we’re gonna focus in on the three things [...]
Greg Laurie - The Refreshing Power Of Telling Others About Jesus
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Greg Laurie - The Refreshing Power Of Telling Others About Jesus
Greg Laurie - The Refreshing Power Of Telling Others About Jesus
Well, how many of you out there are fishermen? I'm not much of a fisherman myself. Years ago, I was in Alaska, and I went on a little fishing trip for king salmon. I was with very seasoned fishermen who knew what they were doing. I didn't [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Do We Share Jesus?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Do We Share Jesus?
Rabbi Schneider - How Do We Share Jesus?
I want to move forward today in this study. We're in the Gospel of John, chapter 1. We're talking about how the Word of God was in the beginning with God; that all things came into being through the Word, and that the Word is the Light [...]
Leon Fontaine - Lost Souls
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Leon Fontaine - Lost Souls
Leon Fontaine - Lost Souls
A number of years ago as a young man, I was working at the hospital. We were based out of there, paramedic, as a paramedic. And I remember them bringing in a man that was dying, I was on the resus team, and as we worked on him to try to get this [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Sharing the Gospel Through Covenant Partnership
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Kenneth Copeland - Sharing the Gospel Through Covenant Partnership
Kenneth Copeland - Sharing the Gospel Through Covenant Partnership
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the "Believer's Voice of Victory". Now, we got a lot to say today, so let's just get right down into this. Let's open our Bibles to where we were yesterday in the book of [...]
Greg Laurie - A Crash Course On Evangelism and Discipleship
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Greg Laurie - A Crash Course On Evangelism and Discipleship
Greg Laurie - A Crash Course On Evangelism and Discipleship
Let's go back in time a little bit, I was a young man, 17 years old, a brand new Christian. And I heard my pastor say, I should go out and share my faith. Well, I had a thimble full of Biblical knowledge, but I knew that I should tell others [...]
Leon Fontaine - Seeking The Lost
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Leon Fontaine - Seeking The Lost
Leon Fontaine - Seeking The Lost
You know, there's something about believers today that we have to be very careful of, and that is the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 that the purpose for the ministry, the five-fold ministry for church, for getting together like this is to [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The World's Greatest Crime
Jentezen Franklin - The World's Greatest Crime
Proverbs 24. Proverbs 24. Are you ready? I'll begin reading with verse 11. "Deliver those who are drawn toward death, hold back those stumbling to the slaughter". What a mental picture. "If you say, 'Surely we didn't [...]
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Greg Laurie - The Jesus Revolution And Evangelism
Greg Laurie - The Jesus Revolution And Evangelism
You can all be seated, let's grab our Bibles and turn to Matthew, chapter 28. And the title of my message is "The Jesus Revolution and Evangelism". You know, one of the real traits of the Jesus movement was people were out everywhere [...]
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Greg Laurie - The Bible And Revival
Greg Laurie - The Bible And Revival
Greg: Okay so I have my friend here. Many of you have met him before, but how many of you saw the film "I Can Only Imagine"? Raise your hand up. That is a lot of you. This is the director of the film Jon Erwin. The way I met Jon is very [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Personal Evangelism
Joyce Meyer - Personal Evangelism
Well, thank you for joining us today. We're so happy to have you. Today, I would like to talk about something that, as far as I know, I've never really done in a proper teaching like this. It's something that I have talked about, of [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Sharing Christ, Loving People
Joyce Meyer - Sharing Christ, Loving People
God's love is needed everywhere. Discover how you are sharing Christ and loving people, and changing lives all over the world. [...]
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Greg Laurie - Every Generation Needs Jesus
Greg Laurie - Every Generation Needs Jesus
Did you know that you were chosen by God? Before your life began, before your parent's life began, or your grandparents or your great grandparents before Adam and eve were placed in the garden, before the earth was created, God chose you to be [...]
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Greg Laurie - Too Good to Keep to Yourself
Greg Laurie - Too Good to Keep to Yourself
I want to start with things that we're afraid of. I looked this up the other day - the top fears of Americans . We all have a certain things we're afraid of. Some have a fear of small spaces - claustrophobia. Others have a fear of heights. [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Witnessing Made Easy
Leon Fontaine - Witnessing Made Easy
I'm gonna read you a wild story. Luke 16:19-31. This story is hotly debated by preachers. We have one group of preachers today who believe there is no hell. They believe that it's not real. It's just a figment of imaginations. [...]
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Leon Fontaine - The Power of Your Testimony
Leon Fontaine - The Power of Your Testimony
I wanna talk to you today about your story. Your story. There is something you have that is so powerful and people don't use it. It's your own story. You know, over the last year so I've been watching the American election and then [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Tell Your Story
Leon Fontaine - Tell Your Story
The apostle Paul is an interesting guy. I mean, this guy wrote half the New Testament. Jesus appeared to him and literally taught him what happened behind the scenes from the cross to the throne. The Bible shows us the historical Jesus where He [...]
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