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David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
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David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
Is it reasonable for us to hope that lifespans will increase in Christ's millennial kingdom? Yes, it's more than reasonable and we can more than hope. We can believe in the historical testimony of God's Word and we can rely on the incredible [...]
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David Jeremiah - No Devil
David Jeremiah - No Devil
Sitting on 37 acres of land southwest of Colorado Springs is a place called ADX Florence. It's the most secure prison in America. If you could walk its corridors, you'd pass a who's who of criminals, including Zacarias Moussaoui, who masterminded [...]
Louie Giglio - Wide Awake At The Dawn of the End of Time
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Louie Giglio - Wide Awake At The Dawn of the End of Time
Louie Giglio - Wide Awake At The Dawn of the End of Time
The message is: God Restores. And yes, there's been lost, but God repays for the years that the locust have eaten. So, if that's where you are, there are two talks parked there for you. This message today is for us collectively as the church. And [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I always say it is a great joy and privilege to worship with all of you today. Why do I say that? Because this week alone, I heard that one of our volunteers was arrested. Our [...]
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 2
I want you to open your Bibles back to the book of Acts. This is a time when we need clarity. This is a time when we need to understand what the Bible teaches us as Christians. Do you believe that? In verse 14, "But Peter standing with the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, I would love for you to open them with me today to the book of Acts 2, Acts 2. This is an amazing chapter, of course. It's the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, they're both biblical terms, the same meaning. But [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Golden City
David Jeremiah - The Golden City
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and his new wife, Devora, sailed wide-eyed into the port of Joppa, which is in Israel. They had dreamed forever that they would be able one day to step into the Holy Land, and now their dream had come true. They arranged to get [...]
John Hagee - The End of Days
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John Hagee - The End of Days
John Hagee - The End of Days
Will you please stand for the reading of God's word. Turn to Matthew 24. We'll read verses 1-3. As we gather here today, the headlines are screaming the message, "That Iran's supreme leader orders a direct attack on Israel". The [...]
Marcus Mecum - How To Be End Time Bullet Proof
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Marcus Mecum - How To Be End Time Bullet Proof
Marcus Mecum - How To Be End Time Bullet Proof
1 Thessalonians 5, and let's look at verse 12. And I wanna talk to you about, "How be bullet proof in the last days". I want you to know that when you talk about these types of subjects, a lot of people have a lot fear surrounding end [...]
Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
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Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
The next series of questions is about Israel. And naturally, there are a number of questions. How are the church and Israel related? Does Galatians 3:29 not mean that believers are Abraham's seed adopted Jews? We better look at Galatians 3:29. [...]
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
God's still winning souls, he's still winning the lost. That's why we're here today, that's what we're all about. The point is, we're gonna continue to gather the end time harvest, but in the end, verse 26 says, "And in this way, all of Israel [...]
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
I wanna get right to the message, and as I'm preparing for that, you know, if you look at the world events right now, if you look at what's happening in the Middle East, this message in many ways is a current event message and I feel like it's [...]
Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 2
It says that, "Blessed are those who read and understand this particular book". The Book of Revelations. So, I don't know about you, but I wanna live blessed. You may hate this subject, but we're talking about this book. We're gonna read [...]
Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Seven Events of Revelation - Part 1
Today I wanna deal with the seven events of Revelation. So, we're gonna quickly comb through the Book of Revelation in one message and so I'll go as quickly as I can. And as we begin to look through these different events together I wanna just kind [...]
Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 2
1 Peter 4:7-10 says, "The end of all things is now. Therefore, be alert and of a sober mind, or a clear mind so that you may pray", and now this is, I love how it says verse 8, "Above all". Think about that, "Above all [...]
Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - These Last Days - Part 1
1 Thessalonians 4:16, "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God, the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
The question for you and me ultimately comes down to whether we will be faithful to God or we'll choose to be unfaithful. Psalm 125, I love this verse, says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
We've been working through a little study called "Faith Mountains". The idea is pretty simple. If you're gonna make any journey of any significance distance, you're probably gonna have to traverse mountains. And historically, some of the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
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Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Be finding First John, the second chapter, and when you've found it, let me tell you that education is costly, but ignorance will cost you far, far more. And no child of God can afford to be ignorant in these dynamic days in which we're living. All [...]
Robert Barron - The Shaking of Three Worlds
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Robert Barron - The Shaking of Three Worlds
Robert Barron - The Shaking of Three Worlds
Peace be with you. Friends, as we come toward the end of the liturgical year, we begin to look at more apocalyptic readings and writings in the Bible. End of the liturgical year, end of the world. As I've said though to you before, [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
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Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
Would you be finding please Matthew chapter 5 in your Bible? We're going to be talking about one of the signs of the last days and that is the persecution of the church. Did you know that's one of the signs that we're living in the last days? And I [...]
Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
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Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
Take God's Word and find Titus chapter 2. We've been in a series of Bible studies on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and this morning we come to the end of this series and today we want to see what that means to us personally. We're going to be [...]
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
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Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Turn to First Thessalonians chapter 1. And I want you to see three of the richest verses on Bible prophecy in all of the Bible. And God has put three incredible thoughts in these short verses. Look if you will in First Thessalonians chapter 1 now [...]
Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
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Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
Would you take God's Word and find Matthew chapter 24. We've been thinking in these days about end time prophesy and the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now let me tell you something folks, we're not talking about something that [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
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Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
Would you take God's Word and find Revelation chapter 13. We're talking about Bible prophecy and no child of God can afford to be ignorant in these pregnant days in which we are living. The sands of time are running low. The stage is set, the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
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Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Find in God's Word Second Thessalonians chapter 1 beginning in verse 7. Second Thessalonians chapter 1, and in a moment we begin reading in verse 7. We're thinking about the beginning of the end. The stage is set for the drama of the ages, and the [...]
Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
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Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
How are y'all doing? We are living in exciting times, amen? I mean, do you feel like there's an acceleration of time, people? Isn't it amazing? And we now have the blessing of hindsight, all right? Every time we look behind, we can see the goodness [...]
Allen Jackson - A Look Into Biblical Prophecy
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Allen Jackson - A Look Into Biblical Prophecy
Allen Jackson - A Look Into Biblical Prophecy
We wanna begin a new study this weekend. We're gonna take two or three, maybe four weeks even and talk a little bit about what's next, and this is really just an introduction. We wanna take a look at biblical prophecy. It's a topic that tends to [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
And then I brought you just a quick sampling. I think it's worth noting that, what Jesus told his friends about, they got to see. But I think it's extraordinarily naive and a very poor application of Biblical interpretation to suggest it was only a [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're walking through this series on learning to do difficult things in this session, we're gonna talk about the hatred of God's people. It's uncomfortable, it's unpleasant, but it's a reality of our world. Right [...]
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
If you can have faith in Jesus being given to you, then you will be successful in navigating through hard times or challenges. And you will have some difficult times. But you gotta remember Romans 8:32, he gave me Jesus. Whatever confronts your [...]
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
Let's go to Hebrews chapter 13, verses 5 in the Amplified. Hebrews 13:5 in the Amplified Bible. I just wanna take you through the Word this morning. I wanna show you that God is committed to your care. God is committed to your care. God is committed [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
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Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Be finding, please, Matthew chapter 24. In a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 36. Matthew chapter 24. I'm told that a man asked another man on the street, "Do you know what the two biggest problems in the world are today"? The [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
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Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". No event in biblical prophecy has caused more confusion among Christians than the rapture of the church. Today I'm going to clearly outline what the Bible says about the [...]
Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
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Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
Well, it's great to see all of you here today. welcome to week number 3 of a 4-part series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll tell you more about that in just a moment. But I always like to begin, of course, looking straight [...]
Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
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Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
We are in week number 2 of a 4-part series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll get to more of that in just a second. I always like to take a minute and look straight into the camera and say hello to our 23 locations all across [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". In light of the war in Israel, I've received a number of questions about Bible prophecy. Many people are asking if we could be living in the end times. Well, for the [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 1
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". While world events certainly feel apocalyptic, we are not technically living in the end times, at least not yet. Instead, we are living in what the Bible calls the last [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Are The Major Events of The End Times?
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Robert Jeffress - What Are The Major Events of The End Times?
Robert Jeffress - What Are The Major Events of The End Times?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. If I were to ask you to list the events of the end times in correct order, could you do it? If the answer is no, you're not alone. Many Christians are confused by the chronology of [...]
Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
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Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
All right, well, today we are starting a brand-new, month-long series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll tell you more about that in just a second. But as always, I like to look into the camera and just say hello to all of our [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
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Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to, "Pathway to Victory". Someone has said that if you want to know where we are on God's prophetic timeline, just look at what is happening in Israel. The nation of Israel is God's prophetic [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
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Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Back on October 7th, our world changed forever. Militant thugs swooped into an Israeli neighborhood on foot and in the air and committed unspeakable crimes. The images [...]
Adrian Rogers - Beware the Beast
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Adrian Rogers - Beware the Beast
Adrian Rogers - Beware the Beast
Find the Book of the Revelation, last chapter in the Bible, and turn to chapter 13. Now we are in a series on prophecy. I want to say one thing with great emphasis. Only God can prophesy! Only God, and of course those whom God inspires, but it's [...]
Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
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Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
This fourth and the last in the series of messages from the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24, the signs of the end of time, the signs of his return. And here there is a contrast. In fact, there are going to be several contrasts in this [...]
Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
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Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
Throughout Christian history, as you read Christian history, you'll find that faithful, true, genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ throughout church history, they have waited for the day of the return of the Lord. All have looked forward with [...]
Michael Youssef - Two Events
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Michael Youssef - Two Events
Michael Youssef - Two Events
In the last message, I shared with you from the Word of God what Jesus explained to the disciples when they asked the question, "What are the signs of your return"? And he talks about the labor pains of a pregnant woman. And we saw six [...]
Michael Youssef - Six Signs
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Michael Youssef - Six Signs
Michael Youssef - Six Signs
As rapid change in our society picks up speed, more and more believers are really asking, "Are we there yet"? And by that, of course, they mean, "Is this the end of time"? But the believer's question is this: "Are we [...]
Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
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Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
Sid Roth : I'll tell you, I'm in awe of the presence of God on this set. Holy Spirit, you are our most welcome guest, takeover! My guest, Alwyn Uys had goals to be a professional rugby player, but in his last game of the season he was permanently [...]
Sid Roth - Yeshua is Appearing to Many Jews NOW!
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Sid Roth - Yeshua is Appearing to Many Jews NOW!
Sid Roth - Yeshua is Appearing to Many Jews NOW!
Sid Roth : You know, it's like 40 years ago was like yesterday. I remember a young, just out of the teens, Jewish believer that stopped at my door, knocked, introduced himself, and he was on his way to Bible college. And so then I said, "Have [...]
Jonathan Bernis - A Guide To The End Times
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Jonathan Bernis - A Guide To The End Times
Jonathan Bernis - A Guide To The End Times
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Now, I know that you'll be excited to see who my guest is again today. He's one of our most popular guest, and God is using him [...]
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