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Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
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Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
I want to talk to you today аbout: It’s Not What You Think. We all have situations that look like they’re not going to work out. We can’t accomplish our dreams, no doors have opened, we took the fertility treatments we can’t have a baby, our child [...]
Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
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Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
I want to talk to you today about Just The Opposite. We all have situations that don’t look like they’re going to work out: doors have closed on our dream, medical reports not good, a relationship didn’t make it. All the circumstances say that will [...]
Marcus Mecum - Encouraged By The Enemy
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Marcus Mecum - Encouraged By The Enemy
Marcus Mecum - Encouraged By The Enemy
Judges 7. I wanna talk to you about being encouraged by your enemy. Let’s look at verse 9. «Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley. During the night the Lord said to Gideon, 'get up, go down against the camp, because I’m going to [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
I think most of us can testify, I know I can, that the times of discouragement and the times of disappointment and the times when we get down in the dumps are the times when we have taken our eyes off of Jesus. I have. In fact, I remember back when [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Hindsight is the ability to see things clearly after they happen, to see things clearly after they happen. Now, it's the opposite of foresight, because foresight is the ability to see things before they happen. Just about all of us are good at [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Have you ever experienced, or witnessed somebody else experience, something that you immediately stopped and said, "This is totally and truly unfair. This is pure injustice. This is a blatant lie". What compounds the problem is that [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Perhaps I have not seen this level of discouragement among God's people, and I know there's a lot to be discouraged about. Continuous discouragement can sap your energy. Continuous discouragement causes loss of hope. Continuous [...]
Steven Furtick - You Are Not Your Mistakes
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Steven Furtick - You Are Not Your Mistakes
Steven Furtick - You Are Not Your Mistakes
This is an excerpt from: When The Battle Chooses You We should never let an event become our identity. Ever. Watch me work this out now. I'm talking about our adversities and our achievements. No event should become your identity. That is a [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
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Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
A man was convinced that he has an inferiority complex problem, and he went to see a psychiatrist. And he told the psychiatrist, "I suffer from an inferiority complex". So the psychiatrist examined him very thoroughly, very thoughtfully, [...]
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
In Romans 8, there are seven questions that it says a conqueror asked. The first one was, "What shall we say in response to these things"? Referring to so much suffering. The second question was, "Who can be against us"? The [...]
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
Ephesians 4. Let's look at verse 23. "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, put away lying, 'let each one of you [...]
Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
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Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
Take your Bibles, find the Book of Acts, A-C-T-S, right after the Gospels, and turn to the fourth chapter where we were last week. And we're going to read just two verses to get us started. In a moment, we're going to read verses 36 and [...]
Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
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Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
I want to talk to you today about Supernatural Strength. We all we all have times in life that we feel tired. We've been doing our best, standing strong, but it's been so long, nothing has changed, now we're fatigued. We don't [...]
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
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Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
I want to talk to you today about Trusting God's Ways. We're not going to understand everything that happens in life. There will be detours, delays, even dead ends, times where it looks like we're stuck. It's easy to get [...]
Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
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Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
I want to talk to you today about From Trouble to Double. We all face difficulties and things that are not fair: someone walks out of a relationship, set back in our finances, we come down with an illness. A man told me how a coworker was dishonest [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
God is the maker of good days. You know, the Bible says that "He that will love life and see good days," and good days is always plural. "Good days," with an "s". But when it comes to the day that you go through a [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
If you are suffering mental depression, listen to what I'm gonna say, amen? Just live one day at a time. Get up, just do what you're supposed to do, the next thing, and the next thing, and the Holy Spirit will lead you first step by step [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you're going through something right now, even though right now you're on a high, you don't feel like you're going through anything. You know, you can [...]
David Jeremiah - God Will Give You Peace
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David Jeremiah - God Will Give You Peace
David Jeremiah - God Will Give You Peace
Donna and I were staying in the hotel in New York City in front of which a man drove his car up over the curb and ran down over 20 people. One 18-year-old girl was killed as she was walking along with her sister, and many were sent to the hospital [...]
David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
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David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
I heard a story once about a mother who got a call from school saying that her young daughter was ill. She hurried to pick up her child and then she called the doctor, but the doctor's schedule was already overbooked that day. He could see the [...]
David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
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David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
There's no such thing as luck. Anything that happens to you, good or bad, must pass through his fingers first. There are no accidents with God. I like the story of the cowboy who applied for health insurance, and the agent routinely asked him, [...]
David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
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David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
Jim and Carol Cymbala are good friends of ours. Donna and I have known them for many years, and almost every year we go to New York City to speak at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Some of you remember when I was sick, Jim took off a Sunday from his great [...]
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
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David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
"It was the bottom of the sixth inning, and the Montreal Expos's most feared hitter, Tim Raines, was at the plate. The pitcher, kicking high, threw as hard as he could, and it was the last pitch he would ever throw. A loud, sickening crack [...]
Joel Osteen - Hearing The Heavenly Cheers
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Joel Osteen - Hearing The Heavenly Cheers
Joel Osteen - Hearing The Heavenly Cheers
I want to talk to you today about Hearing the Heavenly Cheers. I grew up playing sports, and I realize the difference it makes to have someone in the stands rooting for you. When you look over and you see your family, you hear them calling your [...]
Michael Youssef - The God Who Encourages Us
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Michael Youssef - The God Who Encourages Us
Michael Youssef - The God Who Encourages Us
In times like these, God's people must only go to God and his Word for an answer. We must hear the Word of God loud and clear for his children from Haggai, "Be strong, be courageous, be proactive in witnessing. Be not afraid. Do not cease [...]
Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
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Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
God brings us to these points to see what we will do with our disappointment. She met him at the gate, and she confessed faith in him even in the absence of the miracle she so desperately needed. "I believe that you are the Son of God who is to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Things Can Get Better
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Rabbi Schneider - Things Can Get Better
Rabbi Schneider - Things Can Get Better
The God, beloved, that you and I serve, the one that has called us by His own grace through Messiah Yeshua, He is the God of hope. People need hope today. They're lost. They're confused. I mean, people don't know which way to turn. I [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - A Message of Encouragement for the Weak
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Frankie Mazzapica - A Message of Encouragement for the Weak
Frankie Mazzapica - A Message of Encouragement for the Weak
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica, the title of the message is "An Encouraging Message for the Weak". I wanna define weakness for this particular message. When I say weak, I'm not talking about physically [...]
Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
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Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
Got something today that was a little bit of a mind shift for me, reading about the story of Hannah when she was unable to conceive and her rival Peninnah would provoke her every day. In 1 Samuel, chapter 1, it says she would refuse to eat, and her [...]
Joseph Prince - Refresh and Encourage Others With Your Words
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Joseph Prince - Refresh and Encourage Others With Your Words
Joseph Prince - Refresh and Encourage Others With Your Words
This is an excerpt from: Unveiling Jesus' Heart To Serve You And Jesus dropped down, he says that, "When He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, 'Do you know what I've done to you? You [...]
Joseph Prince - A Message For Your Discouraging Days
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Joseph Prince - A Message For Your Discouraging Days
Joseph Prince - A Message For Your Discouraging Days
This is an excerpt from: Where Is God In The Midst Of Your Trouble? I want to share with you how when, you know, when things go wrong in your life and you are wondering, "Where is God, where is God in all this? Where are all those things that [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Encourage Yourself in the Lord
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Kenneth Copeland - Encourage Yourself in the Lord
Kenneth Copeland - Encourage Yourself in the Lord
The anointing is manifestation of the blessing that began on Adam. The blessing of the Lord, which is the blessing of Abraham, which is on us. So let's turn now to I Samuel, chapter 30. "It came to pass when David and his men were come to [...]
Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
Most of the time when we're facing a difficulty, we're praying, "God, get me out of this challenge. Get me out of this trouble at work. Get me out of this financial setback. Get me out of this sickness". There's nothing [...]
Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
Most of us have faced a challenge that left us thinking, "This is just too much". Too much pressure, too much heartache. It's in those moments God whispers, "You're stronger than you think". The scripture says, [...]
Joel Osteen - Who Do You Say You Are? - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Who Do You Say You Are? - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Who Do You Say You Are? - (Stronger Than You Think)
I know a woman who has struggled with depression for years. She's always been so strong, so determined, but when I saw her recently, she was very discouraged. She said, "I don't know if I have any fight left in me. I can't do it [...]
Joel Osteen - Designed To Withstand - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Designed To Withstand - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Designed To Withstand - (Stronger Than You Think)
There are a lot of voices in life trying to define us, tell us who we are. Sometimes they're uplifting, like a parent telling us that we're talented. We can do great things. Other times they're negative. "You're not [...]
Joel Osteen - Your Faith - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Your Faith - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Your Faith - (Stronger Than You Think)
As we go through life fighting the good fight of faith, one challenge we all have to face is weariness. It's easy to get tired. You can be raising great children, but because you're weary, you're not enjoying them. You can have the [...]
Joel Osteen - By This I Know - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - By This I Know - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - By This I Know - (Stronger Than You Think)
In Mark chapter 5, the Bible tells about a lady who had a bleeding disorder for 12 years. She'd gone to many doctors, spent all of her money, trying everything she could to get well, but nothing had helped. Then one day, Jesus came passing [...]
Joel Osteen - Keep On Walking - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Keep On Walking - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Keep On Walking - (Stronger Than You Think)
We've all come through challenges and difficulties that should have stopped us. There have been problems that seem too big or obstacles that looked insurmountable. Somehow we made it through. We've seen doors open that shouldn't have [...]
Joel Osteen - Surrounded By The Most High - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Surrounded By The Most High - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Surrounded By The Most High - (Stronger Than You Think)
We all have things we're believing for. A promise in our heart, healing in our bodies, the restoration of a relationship, but sometimes it feels like nothing's happening. We prayed, we believed, we're standing in faith, but everything [...]
Joel Osteen - You're Going To Laugh Again
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Joel Osteen - You're Going To Laugh Again
Joel Osteen - You're Going To Laugh Again
I want to talk to you today аbout: You're Going To Laugh Again. We all go through seasons of struggle and seasons where we're dealing with an illness, loss of a loved one, a relationship didn't work out, we don't understand, [...]
Charles Stanley - Our Great Encourager
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Charles Stanley - Our Great Encourager
Charles Stanley - Our Great Encourager
When you experience discouragement, where do you turn? Well, all of us are going to face it at one time or the other because that's the world we live in. Then I have a choice. I can remain discouraged or I can choose not to be discouraged. [...]
Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
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Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
I want to talk to you today about It's Still Going to Happen. We all have things that we're believing for. And we prayed, we've done our best, but the medical report hasn't improved, we didn't get to a promotion, we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Be Encouraged!
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Rabbi Schneider - Be Encouraged!
Rabbi Schneider - Be Encouraged!
For the last couple weeks, beloved ones, I've been in Psalm number 23 verses 1 through 3. I want to continue there today, but I'm focusing on a new element. In the previous two weeks I've been speaking about how the Lord restores our [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Be An Encourager
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Greg Laurie - How To Be An Encourager
Greg Laurie - How To Be An Encourager
I heard about a group of frogs that were walking through the forest one day, and two of the frogs fell into a pit. All the other frogs looked over the side and they said, "Oh, you're as good as dead. You'll never get out of that [...]
Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
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Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
I want to talk to you today about how Kind Words Work Wonders. When you say something kind: you give a compliment, you tell your spouse that you love them, you encourage your neighbor, it can seem like a simple thing, no big deal, but those words [...]
Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
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Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
When you're confronted with a decision to make to either obey or disobey God, what is your response? You say, "Well, most of the time I do, sometimes I don't". Why do you obey God? You say, "Well, what difference does it [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Crying, It's Coming
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Steven Furtick - Stop Crying, It's Coming
Steven Furtick - Stop Crying, It's Coming
Right now, we're going to take 21 seconds for the year 2021, and we're going to praise God for his mighty power and his awesome work, and we're going to do it in Gaston and Concord and Lake Norman and Ballantyne. We're going to [...]
Beth Moore - Do Not Lose Heart
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Beth Moore - Do Not Lose Heart
Beth Moore - Do Not Lose Heart
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, so you love one another". Now, here's the rub: So we're new creations. New creations. But we're still living on the old creation, earth, amid [...]
Joel Osteen - I Still Believe
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Joel Osteen - I Still Believe
Joel Osteen - I Still Believe
I want to talk to you today about I Still Believe. We all have promises we're standing on, and dreams we're hoping will come to pass. It's easy to believe it first, but what happens when nothing is improving? We've had setbacks, [...]
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