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Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
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Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
I want to talk to you today about Just The Opposite. We all have situations that don’t look like they’re going to work out: doors have closed on our dream, medical reports not good, a relationship didn’t make it. All the circumstances say that will [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Bring Me A Musician
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Frankie Mazzapica - Bring Me A Musician
Frankie Mazzapica - Bring Me A Musician
Thank you for tuning in today, my name's Frankie Mazzapica, the title of today's message is "Bring Me A Musician", Bring Me A Musician. Let me just go to the Scripture that I'm basing that title on, so that everything begins [...]
Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
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Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
All right, who's ready to study God's Word today? Anybody, anybody? Yeah, me, too, and I think you're really gonna enjoy this message a lot. And this service is gonna be streamed by... there's several dozen churches that are [...]
Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
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Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody, anybody, anybody? Awesome. Now, my voice is out. I like spring, but spring doesn't like me, y'all. So, the pollen's kind of got me a little bit. And I half-way thought about actually [...]
Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
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Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
This is an excerpt from: God's Got Your Back - Part 2 You're not weak; you're weary. With every step he took by himself without talking to the God who brought him this far, the Devil was able to delete different things that could [...]
James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
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James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Well, a wonderful and a great morning to all of you here at our room, to those of you who are watching online, watching by TV, computer, iPhone, whatever your iPad, thanks for watching today. Winston Churchill called it the black dog, and years ago [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
And said, "You gon' die in 24 hours". Hey kings, do you realize it's been 2800 years approximately? Guess who has yet to die? I don't know if you understand what this means for you and for me. The next time we see Elijah, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
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Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
We all gotta go through the fire. The fire season is that season in our lives, when that sanctifying Matthew 3:11 reality kicks in. It's God sanctifying, purifying, we know about instantaneous and progressive, but it's God removing things [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Say The Word
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Samuel Rodriguez - Say The Word
Samuel Rodriguez - Say The Word
This is the way the Bible introduces the world to one of the most famous prophets. 1 Kings 17:1, "Now Elijah". I love that. That's like an intro phrase, "Now Elijah". Now Elijah. I love this, "Now Elijah". Now you! [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Same God, Same Word, Different Outcome
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Samuel Rodriguez - Same God, Same Word, Different Outcome
Samuel Rodriguez - Same God, Same Word, Different Outcome
Somebody shout greater things. High five your neighbor and tell them greater things. The other neighbor that doesn't want you to high five them. High five that neighbor and tell them greater things. Greater things, greater things, we're [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Protection, Provision, Promotion
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Samuel Rodriguez - Protection, Provision, Promotion
Samuel Rodriguez - Protection, Provision, Promotion
Last week, we began the series that will take us throughout October and November. We are a Word and spirit church, and it's so incredible because today's message speaks to that very reality. We started a series, "When heaven starts, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - More Water on the Wood Please
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Samuel Rodriguez - More Water on the Wood Please
Samuel Rodriguez - More Water on the Wood Please
Stop making excuses for not coming to church. And I don't mean this church we've been blessed we haven't missed a beat but I'm talkin' about to all the people streaming around the world. Go back to your home church. [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Jezebel's Tweet
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Samuel Rodriguez - Jezebel's Tweet
Samuel Rodriguez - Jezebel's Tweet
She tweeted, she tweeted. Her tweet was a nasty tweet. Oh, and Jezebel tweeted. When Jezebel issued her tweet this is why after the prophet Elijah, the most famous prophet of his generation. He confronted her husband who's the king of Israel, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - I Am Here! Here Comes Trouble!
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Samuel Rodriguez - I Am Here! Here Comes Trouble!
Samuel Rodriguez - I Am Here! Here Comes Trouble!
It's an amazing story of Elijah and Elisha. My assignment, meaning what God has ordained pastor Samuel Rodriguez to accomplish in this season, is to activate the Elijah's and Elisha's around the world. That's our assignment. So [...]
Greg Laurie - Exit Stage Left
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Greg Laurie - Exit Stage Left
Greg Laurie - Exit Stage Left
Let me start with a question. Have you ever faced a time in your life where you were isolated and alone? Maybe your friends and family even abandoned you. Maybe your husband or your wife walked out on you. Maybe even your dog left you. Cats always [...]
Greg Laurie - There's A New Kid In Town
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Greg Laurie - There's A New Kid In Town
Greg Laurie - There's A New Kid In Town
Welcome to "Harvest with Greg Laurie". This TV show is all about helping you get to know God better because God loves you and God has a plan for you and God wants to transform your life. And he's told us everything you need to know [...]
David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
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David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
It was a shot that essentially sealed the NBA finals for the 2017 edition of the Golden State Warriors. And even at that time, it seemed to mean more than it actually was. When Kevin Durant hit a 3-pointer with under a minute left in Game 3, giving [...]
David Jeremiah - What Ever Happened to God?
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David Jeremiah - What Ever Happened to God?
David Jeremiah - What Ever Happened to God?
Whenever a nation groans under the burden of an incompetent political leader, the people always take hope that someday there's going to be a change. In a democracy, the change comes at an election time, but in a monarchy, which is what most of [...]
David Jeremiah - Vengeance (Someone Like You)
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David Jeremiah - Vengeance
David Jeremiah - Vengeance
Have you ever seen a movie or read a book or witnessed a play where one of the characters was getting away with such grave injustice that you could hardly wait for the conclusion so that the evil character would get what was coming to him? Some [...]
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
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David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
Elijah was an extraordinary man, one of the greatest men in all of the Bible, and we've stood with him in this series on Mount Carmel, when in one 30-second prayer, he called down fire from heaven and proved, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that [...]
Steven Furtick - Enough Until It Comes
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Steven Furtick - Enough Until It Comes
Steven Furtick - Enough Until It Comes
First Kings, chapter 17, verse 7. "Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the LORD came to him [Elijah the prophet]: 'Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I [...]
David Jeremiah - The Aftermath
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David Jeremiah - The Aftermath
David Jeremiah - The Aftermath
The last five verses of 1 Kings 18 tell us what Elijah did after his victory on Mount Carmel. It had been a long and disappointing day for King Ahab, so Elijah sent him to get something to eat. Meanwhile, Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel to [...]
David Jeremiah - One Man Against the World
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David Jeremiah - One Man Against the World
David Jeremiah - One Man Against the World
Michael Jordan's book "Driven from Within" tells an eye-opening story about a visit the legendary basketball player once made to a friend's home. Fred Whitfield was the President and Chief Operating Officer of another NBA team, [...]
Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
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Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
The title of today's message is the "Battle of the Gods". And so I would invite you to take your Bible and turn with me to 1st Kings, chapters 17 and 18. We find our story, it's really a show-down kind of a story. I think most [...]
David Jeremiah - The First Resurrection in the Bible
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David Jeremiah - The First Resurrection in the Bible
David Jeremiah - The First Resurrection in the Bible
One of the greatest men to ever walk on this earth was a man by the name of Elijah. He was a prophet of God and in many respects the greatest prophet Israel ever had. We do not have one single written word from the pen of this prophet, but we have [...]
David Jeremiah - The Furnace of Faith
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David Jeremiah - The Furnace of Faith
David Jeremiah - The Furnace of Faith
King George of England once visited a pottery factory to inspect the China that was being prepared for the Buckingham Palace. He noticed at one of the work stations that a young woman was painting the inside of all of the cups jet black. He [...]
David Jeremiah - The School of Faith
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David Jeremiah - The School of Faith
David Jeremiah - The School of Faith
One of the sobering thoughts about the Christian life is the truth that God is far more interested in who we become and what we are than in what we do. He cares a whole lot more about how we live than about what we accomplish. His purpose is to [...]
David Jeremiah - The Life of Elijah
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David Jeremiah - The Life of Elijah
David Jeremiah - The Life of Elijah
The Bible is filled with stories. Oh, I know, it's just one story, but it's one story made up of many stories. And a large portion of the Word of God is communicated to us wrapped in the human flesh of Bible characters. It's almost to [...]
Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
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Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
All right, show them 2 Thessalonians 1, verse 6 to 10. Okay, verse 6, "Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you". Now, this is an awesome statement. All right, God says, it will be righteous [...]
David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
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David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
Tonight, I wanna talk with you about an overcomer who the Bible says is just like you, and just like me. You say, "There's somebody in the Bible like that"? Absolutely. The Bible says of this person that he is a person of like [...]