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Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
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Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
I'm going to ask you to turn with me to the third chapter of the book of Genesis. And at the end of that chapter it says this: "And the Lord God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put [...]
James Merritt - Last Breath
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James Merritt - Last Breath
James Merritt - Last Breath
There are two dates that are very important to me, personally. They mean a lot to me. And individually, one is December the 22nd, 1952. The reason that date is so important, that's the date of my birth. And I'm at the age and stage of my [...]
Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
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Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
So my grandchildren used to have a bunch of rabbits and they had different names, Fuzzy and Cotton. One was named Chubby Cutie which is funny because that's what my wife calls me, but... So back to Fuzzy and Cotton, they were a couple, [...]
John Bradshaw - Original Sin, Death Decrees, and Vegetarianism
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John Bradshaw - Original Sin, Death Decrees, and Vegetarianism
John Bradshaw - Original Sin, Death Decrees, and Vegetarianism
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. Now, if you have a Bible question you'd like to submit, please do, and keep in mind that if the [...]
James Merritt - The Last Walk
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James Merritt - The Last Walk
James Merritt - The Last Walk
If you're a dad, you'll really appreciate the story I'm about to share with you. The name is Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff. I'm sure you probably haven't heard of him but he is Professor Emeritus our Philosophical Theology at [...]
Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
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Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
The bible teaches the mother of fears is the fear of death. I'm reading now from the Book of Hebrews, chapter number 2 verse number 14, speaking of Jesus, speaking of Yeshua. It says that he partook of flesh and blood like us, that he became [...]
Joseph Prince - Freed From The Fear Of Death
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Joseph Prince - Freed From The Fear Of Death
Joseph Prince - Freed From The Fear Of Death
Praise God, hallelujah. Happy Resurrection Day, the day death met its death in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a day, amen? The Bible tells us that death is an enemy to God. Just like sin is an enemy to God, the devil is an enemy to God, [...]
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from the Power of Death
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Jack Graham - Breaking Free from the Power of Death
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from the Power of Death
Take your Bibles and turn to 1st Corinthians, the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians, because today I'm going to talk to you about "Breaking the Power of Death". The ultimate enemy is death itself, but Jesus broke the chains of [...]
Robert Morris - Death
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Robert Morris - Death
Robert Morris - Death
We are concluding the series called "Good News". And what we've done is each week we've taken a word and shown how it's without Jesus coming and bringing the good news, that word's really kind of a bad word. Like the [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
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Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. From restrictive diets to rigorous exercise, people of all ages are trying new ways to prolong their lives and postpone the end. But no matter what exercise, regimen or diet you [...]
Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
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Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
My guest died of a heart attack. He knows what happens when you die, the whole process. Now, he knows what Heaven is like, and he returned physically healed with an urgent message for us, for you. Sid Roth : I've never had this happen before. A [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Conquering the Fear of Death
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Kenneth Copeland - Conquering the Fear of Death
Kenneth Copeland - Conquering the Fear of Death
Now, let's look at this. "...for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many [...]
Robert Morris - The Beginning of Death
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Robert Morris - The Beginning of Death
Robert Morris - The Beginning of Death
We're going to talk about The Principles of First Mention. The Principles of First Mention. Now, let me explain to you what this is. There's what was called a law in theology, the law of first mention. And it means when something is first [...]
Joseph Prince - Fear Not! Death Is Conquered!
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Joseph Prince - Fear Not! Death Is Conquered!
Joseph Prince - Fear Not! Death Is Conquered!
Today I'm gonna share with you on the grace of God and its three dimensions but especially the final one, but before that, let's familiarize ourself with the grace of God, okay? In Titus it says this, "The grace of God". Now, [...]
Tony Evans - Tribute To Mrs. Evans (In Memory Of Dr. Lois Irene Evans) - A Death Worth Dying
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Tony Evans - Tribute To Mrs. Evans (In Memory Of Dr. Lois Irene Evans)
Tony Evans - Tribute To Mrs. Evans (In Memory Of Dr. Lois Irene Evans)
A few days ago, sister Evans went home. She went home. As I reflected on her home-going and this passage, the principle that dawned on me was, the best way to have a life worth lived is to have a death worth dying. The best way to have a life worth [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Happens When We Die?
Joyce Meyer - What Happens When We Die?
Well, I'm so glad that you've joined us today and I believe the Word of God is going to enrich your lives. I have a subject today that might seem a little bit unique when I first get started, but God put it on my heart and I think [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Is Death, The Blessing Is Life
Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Is Death, The Blessing Is Life
Let's read once again our golden text from Galatians chapter 3 for this week's study. In Galatians chapter 3, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that [...]
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David Jeremiah - What About the Children?
David Jeremiah - What About the Children?
My first assignment after I graduated from seminary was in a rather large Baptist church in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, where I went to serve as the youth pastor and the Christian ed. director. I was working with a man I greatly admired who was a [...]
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Craig Groeschel - Life After Death
Craig Groeschel - Life After Death
And yeah, I'm really excited to share some truths today from God's word, but before we do, I wanna take a moment and just acknowledge the power of what we got to see at 31 different locations as hundreds and hundreds of people are being [...]
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Levi Lusko - But First, Death
Levi Lusko - But First, Death
John 11 is where we're going to be this Easter weekend, as we continue and finish a series of messages that we've called Magnificent Seven. And we're going to finish it up in John chapter 11. We have an app also called Fresh Life, [...]
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David Jeremiah - Death: The Fear of Dying
David Jeremiah - Death: The Fear of Dying
Someone once observed that life is pleasant, death is peaceful, it's the transition that's troublesome. Well, dying is certainly no laughing matter. I mean, we fear what we don't know and the biggest unknown in this life is death. [...]
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David Jeremiah - Overcoming Death with Life
David Jeremiah - Overcoming Death with Life
I began this series by telling you the story of David, the greatest overcomer in the Old Testament, and I wanna conclude it by pointing you toward the greatest Overcomer of all time, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, through death, burial, and [...]
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Greg Laurie - I Don't Want to Talk About It
Greg Laurie - I Don't Want to Talk About It
I heard a story about a man who went to Israel on vacation with his wife and his very difficult to deal with ever nagging mother-in-law. Well sadly his mother-in-law died while they were in the Holy Land. They were trying to figure out what to do [...]
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Tony Evans — What Happens When We Die?
Tony Evans — What Happens When We Die?
We have come today to a very challenging subject in our tour of prophecy. It is an inescapable subject, because it's a subject that we will all have to deal with, if Christ be not come, and that is the prophetic subject of death. No matter how [...]
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Patricia King — Where Do We Go When We Die?
Patricia King — Where Do We Go When We Die?
Have you ever wondered what happens after you take your last breath on earth? Is this life really all there is? [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
O Beloved did you go to the doctor and get a death sentence? Did they tell you that you had cancer? Did they tell you that you Lou Gehrig’s disease or Parkinson’s? Did they tell you that your future was dim that your days were limited? And how did [...]
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Sid Roth — What Happens When We Die?
Sid Roth — What Happens When We Die?
Dr. Reggie Anderson demystifies what happens when we die. The award winning medical doctor was once an atheist. But since his own heaven experiences, he can't keep quiet about what awaits us in eternity. [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Type of Him Who Was to Come
Kay Arthur — A Type of Him Who Was to Come
We were born with our tombstone already engraved. Death reigns. Death is everywhere and when we are born we know that we will die. We hate it. We avoid it. We do everything we can and then all of a sudden. It comes unexpectedly. It comes unwelcomed. [...]
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Sid Roth — Left to Die!
Sid Roth — Left to Die!
Meet Nasir Siddiki, a Muslim that did not believe in Jesus! Until he died and was raised from the dead — now he believes nothing is impossible for those who believe! [...]
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Kay Arthur — Beyond Death's Door
Kay Arthur — Beyond Death's Door
Have you ever wondered, when you hear about a person committing suicide, if they really understand what happens to them when they die? I think so many people are committing suicide because they want to get rid of the pain and they do not know and [...]
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Sid Roth — Raised from the Dead
Sid Roth — Raised from the Dead
Isaiah Reed was a pimp who was raised from the dead after being shot and stabbed. Enjoy this episode with Sid Roth and Isaiah Reed. [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Danger and Death
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Danger and Death
Well, this is the fourth message in the series on courage. And this morning I want to talk about the courage to face not only danger but death. And I want you to turn to Second Timothy for a moment, and look if you will in this fourth chapter, and [...]
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Charles Stanley - Right Thinking About Death And Resurrection
Charles Stanley - Right Thinking About Death And Resurrection
The night before Jesus died He said one of the most comforting things He could possibly have said to those disciples. Here's what He said in this fourteenth chapter of John, "Do not let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe [...]