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Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
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Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
I want to ask you a real tough question. Is God in everything? Is God in everything in your life? It's a tough question and one sometimes, we would like to avoid but one that every one of us need to have a very clear answer about in our life. And [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
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Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
I love to read biography! I've read a lot of biographies... Somehow when you walk inside the skin of men and women, significant, insignificant, historical, Biblical, I just love biographies! How many of you like biographies? Lift your hand-yeah, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
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Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
Suffering is absolutely inevitable! It's a part of life! And if you want to know something about suffering, you have to study the Book of Job. There's no other Book in the Bible or outside the Bible that gives us more insight than this oldest Book [...]
Steven Furtick - The Trouble With Comfort
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Steven Furtick - The Trouble With Comfort
Steven Furtick - The Trouble With Comfort
This is an excerpt from: Comfort Food Do you have comfort friends? I'm using the term friend loosely. We all need people who can sit with us and be with us and we know they're there. I have several people in this room that I wouldn't have made it [...]
Jack Graham - The God of All Comfort
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Jack Graham - The God of All Comfort
Jack Graham - The God of All Comfort
Second Corinthians, chapter 1 says, "Blessed be the God and Father", that is, praise be to the God and Father, "of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Can We Find Comfort in All Circumstances?
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Rabbi Schneider - Can We Find Comfort in All Circumstances?
Rabbi Schneider - Can We Find Comfort in All Circumstances?
Shalom uvracha, peace and blessings beloved one. Last time I was talking about the supernatural ministry of God, of Hashem to you and I of comfort. And I talked about the fact that we'll find that while we're going through the most difficult times [...]
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
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Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
So, if we wanna start living unleashed, we have to stop living in our comfort zones. If you wanna live unleashed, one of the things you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna have to stop living in your comfort zones. I love what John Ostrom said about [...]
Steven Furtick - Comfort Food
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Steven Furtick - Comfort Food
Steven Furtick - Comfort Food
Would you look at somebody next to you? Please do not touch them. They might not be comfortable with that. Just look at them and say, "I am so looking forward to experiencing God's Word with you today". Say it even in the chat. Say, [...]
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
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Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
I want to talk to you today about Calling Over Comfort. It's easy to get comfortable in life with things that are less than God's best. We know there's more in us, but we don't want to have to stretch, we don't want to take that risk: what if it [...]
Charles Stanley - A Comforting Message in Fearful Times
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Charles Stanley - A Comforting Message in Fearful Times
Charles Stanley - A Comforting Message in Fearful Times
These are troublesome times in which we live. I remember during the Second World War the fear and uncertainty that everyone felt. The present events remind me of those days and today's message is one of encouragement to everyone, regardless of your [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Strength And Comfort Of The Holy Spirit
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Joyce Meyer - The Strength And Comfort Of The Holy Spirit
Joyce Meyer - The Strength And Comfort Of The Holy Spirit
Okay, tonight I want to talk about the Holy Spirit, our strengthener. I'm speaking this weekend on the Holy Spirit and the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit because I don't think he gets the attention that he deserves and personally, I think [...]
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TD Jakes - Blessed Outside Your Comfort Zone
TD Jakes - Blessed Outside Your Comfort Zone
Listen to this. At the moment that they were about to possess the Promised Land, was also the moment that they run into the biggest crisis. Isn't it funny how it can be the best of times and the worst of times all at the same time in your life? [...]
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Steven Furtick — Dysfunctional Comfort
Steven Furtick — Dysfunctional Comfort
Let's pick up right there at Mark 1:14, with this second installment of, "Savage Jesus". "After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 'The time has come," He said. 'Kingdom of God is [...]
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Charles Stanley — Our God of Comfort
Charles Stanley — Our God of Comfort
Who or what do you turn to when you've been disappointed or hurt? It's only in His presence that we find healing and restoration. [...]