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Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Three qualities that I want you to learn from the faith of Abraham. Alright? The first one is Obedience. The second one is restedness, Rest, the third one is total Surrender. Let’s begin with the first one, the faith of Abraham, The evidence of true [...]
Charles Spurgeon - The Believer's Challenge
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Charles Spurgeon - The Believer's Challenge
Charles Spurgeon - The Believer's Challenge
"Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" - Romans 8:34. The protest of an innocent man against the charge of an accuser [...]
Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're gonna continue our discussion on challenges to our faith. We're gonna look at our Bible. You know, it's not an easy book. I know we know we're supposed to read it, but it [...]
Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Challenges to Our Faith - Part 1
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. Our topic is the challenges to our faith. You know, we live in a world where there is pushback if you hold a biblical worldview, if you're an advocate for Jesus. I don't believe that's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Victory (Isaiah 41)
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Rabbi Schneider - Victory
Rabbi Schneider - Victory
Every spirit that is opposing you, every person that's being motivated by a demonic spirit, everything that's coming against you from the realm of darkness you're going to defeat. All your enemies will be defeated. Even those that are [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why Your Challenges Are Really Blessings
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Rabbi Schneider - Why Your Challenges Are Really Blessings
Rabbi Schneider - Why Your Challenges Are Really Blessings
Shalom, God bless you beloved one. I'm gonna share a scripture with you now. And I wanna ask you to be mindful of applying it to your life the next time that you face a challenge, which probably will be today. And we face little challenges and [...]
Derek Prince - Pressures, Tests And Challenges
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Derek Prince - Pressures, Tests And Challenges
Derek Prince - Pressures, Tests And Challenges
So our proclamation now is in light of the fact that we are going to study the events leading up to the close of this age. It’s a prayer that Paul prayed for the Thessalonians and he prayed it you, we’re praying it for you and us so we say [...]
Steven Furtick - Challenging What You Believe
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Steven Furtick - Challenging What You Believe
Steven Furtick - Challenging What You Believe
This is an excerpt from “Jump To A New Conclusion” You've been fighting some of the biggest battles of your life alone in this season. After a while, like my dad, you can start going crazy, coming to conclusions that are killing you. I totally [...]
David Jeremiah - Stay Challenged
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David Jeremiah - Stay Challenged
David Jeremiah - Stay Challenged
For all of his 76 years, Romanian-born, Liviu Librescu, met life's challenges head on. As a child in Romania during World War II, he had been confined to a Jewish ghetto while his father was sentenced to a forced labor camp. But Liviu survived [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
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Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
Jimmy Evans - The Three Challenges of Change
Karen and I were set free by this. Psalm 107:20 says this. God sent his word to heal us and to deliver us from all of our destruction. Our testimony is, we were deceived people trying to impose fallen beliefs on each other, fighting like cats and [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge to America's Christian Heritage
David Reagan - The Challenge to America's Christian Heritage
The Christian Heritage of our Nation is coming under increasing attack as our society continues to drift towards secularism and paganism. Have we reached the point of no return? Is there any hope for reviving and maintaining the Judeo-Christian [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge of Islam
David Reagan - The Challenge of Islam
Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. We have a very special treat in store for you over the next few weeks. We are going to present excerpts from the presentations that were made at our [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge of Humanism
David Reagan - The Challenge of Humanism
Are you aware of the fact that one of the greatest challenges to Christianity in the world today is Humanism? It is eroding Christianity both from within and without. What is Humanism? How can you recognize it? How should Christians respond to it? [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge of Government
David Reagan - The Challenge of Government
The United States of America was founded upon Christian principles, and throughout the history of our nation our Christian heritage has been respected by our government officials, until the middle of the 20th Century. Since that time Christianity [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge of Evolution
David Reagan - The Challenge of Evolution
Can Christianity be made compatible with Evolution, or, are the two so diametrically opposed that it is impossible to merge them? For the viewpoint of a world class expert on both Evolution and Creationism, stay tuned. Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge of Apostasy
David Reagan - The Challenge of Apostasy
Christianity is under attack. It is being assaulted by Islamic Fundamentalists, Evolutionists, Humanists, Atheists, and Government. But none of these constitute the greatest threat to Christianity. The most deadly threat to Christianity is one that [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Facing New Challenges
Joyce Meyer - Facing New Challenges
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying everyday life". You know, the Word of God is so powerful. When we speak the Word of God, it's different than just ordinary words because it's full of God's anointing which [...]
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Joyce Meyer - 3030 Challenge Bible Study
Joyce Meyer - 3030 Challenge Bible Study
How should we react when we don't get our way? Join Joyce Meyer for a study in Philippians 4 that will help you make peace with your circumstances today! [...]
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Steven Furtick — The Capacity Challenge
Steven Furtick — The Capacity Challenge
I just want to start off today a little thought from the scripture in Corinthians 2:8. I really want to read you verse three but that wouldn't make any sense without some of the verses around it. So pay attention to verses 1 and 2 and 4, 5, 6, [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge Toward Authenticity
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Tony Evans - A Challenge Toward Authenticity
Tony Evans - A Challenge Toward Authenticity
Our final church to the final body of saints is Laodicea Bible Fellowship. Laodicea was a wealthy city known for three things, some-45 miles southeast of Philadelphia, our last city and last church. Laodicea was known for its finance industry, its [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge To Increased Commitment
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Tony Evans - A Challenge to Increased Commitment
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Increased Commitment
Today we take a tour to Sardis, Sardis Bible Fellowship, located some 50 miles east of Smyrna and some 30 miles southwest of Thyatira. We come to a place, a city built on an acropolis on a mountain called Sardis. Sardis was the church of what's [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge To Higher Standards
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Tony Evans - A Challenge to Higher Standards
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Higher Standards
How do you become an overcomer and what can you expect as you function as an overcomer, not an undercomer? One who is operating in victory and not operating in defeat. Now, in order to be an overcomer, that means there's got to be something [...]
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Tony Evans — A Challenge to Greater Convictions
Tony Evans — A Challenge to Greater Convictions
A lot of Christians who love the Lord on Sunday and compromise on Monday, who love Jesus in the praise service, but love the world in their weekly activity, who, if they were accused of being a Christian on their job, there would not be enough [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge of Obedience
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Tony Evans - A Challenge of Obedience
Tony Evans - A Challenge of Obedience
We're now at the sixth church that the Apostle John has written, the church at Philadelphia. This is the first Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. This Philadelphia in verse 7 of Revelation 3 is located some 30 miles southeast of Sardis, [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Prioritize Your Priorities
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Tony Evans - A Challenge to Prioritize Your Priorities
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Prioritize Your Priorities
The first church we come to is the church at Ephesus. To appreciate and understand Ephesus, all you have to do is understand New York. Ephesus was the New York of Asia Minor, now known as Turkey. Ephesus was the center of commerce, of culture, of [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Overcome
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Tony Evans - A Challenge to Overcome
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Overcome
John is writing to the seven churches of Asia Minor, as you'll see in a moment. Seven is the number of completion, so this is a message to all churches for all time. And he's talking to the whole congregation. He says, "I want you to [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — The Challenge of Human Freedom
Ravi Zacharias — The Challenge of Human Freedom
Ravi Zacharias discusses the controversial issue of freedom in today's changing culture. The handwriting is on the wall and a sterile secularism will not be able to withstand the religious assault of beliefs that take away our freedom. Only [...]