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John Hagee - Think About Good Things
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John Hagee - Think About Good Things
John Hagee - Think About Good Things
Think about good things. As saint Paul boldly declares to every Christian in America, «In nothing be anxious». In nothing be anxious. Say that with me, «In nothing be anxious». This is one of my favorite verses I have found in the comforting pillow [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
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Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
How should we pray? God first, right? Focus on God. Okay, focus on God. Higher, everybody. When you focus on God, that means you don’t focus on your problem. You think of your relationship with God. He is our Father. And then, you can now pray for [...]
Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
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Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
One of the many things I love about Christmas, I love the decorations. Anybody else at all? Type in the comment section, "I love the decorations". Now, to be clear, I don't like putting them up at all, and it's my job to get the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Overcome Anxiety
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Peter Tan-Chi - Overcome Anxiety
Peter Tan-Chi - Overcome Anxiety
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Sunday, we want to begin a new series. It's called Life Detox: Now let me ask you: what enters your mind when you see the word "detox"? Let me help explain [...]
John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
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John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
John Bradshaw : Dr. Neil Nedley, thank you so much. I appreciate you being here. Dr. Neil Nedley : Oh, it's great being here, John. John Bradshaw : So you're a physician. You've been a physician for some years. Your specialty is [...]
Louie Giglio - Living Free From Anxiety
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Louie Giglio - Living Free From Anxiety
Louie Giglio - Living Free From Anxiety
God's giving us the opportunity today to put an X through anxiety, for us to live free from the grip of anxiety in our lives. I don't know if anybody here today needs a message like that. I would guess that there are people in this space [...]
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
What do you worry about most in life? Is it your health, your marriage, your children? Maybe you worry most about what other people think about you. Maybe it's because you're worried because you don't know what God thinks about you [...]
Louie Giglio - The Best Thing To Do With Your Anxiety
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Louie Giglio - The Best Thing To Do With Your Anxiety
Louie Giglio - The Best Thing To Do With Your Anxiety
There's all kinds of us in the room today. And I think that the best thing we can do today is to maybe all just move our hearts a little bit towards this idea of expectation. That you didn't come to a show today, you didn't come to a [...]
Louie Giglio - Finding Up When Anxiety Weighs You Down
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Louie Giglio - Finding Up When Anxiety Weighs You Down
Louie Giglio - Finding Up When Anxiety Weighs You Down
If you have scripture today, I want us to look at a psalm that really reflects what we're talking about. And in Psalm 42, the psalmist here is writing about a struggle. Specifically, writing about someone who's known the goodness of God, [...]
Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
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Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
This is an excerpt from: The Guided Mind and The Guarded Heart I want you to know you can bring any problem you ever have into the presence of God. Your problems are welcome in God's presence. You might as well bring them into the presence of [...]
John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
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John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
Hope is God's gift to the believer. 1 Corinthians 13 says, "Now abideth faith, hope, and love". Say that with me. "Faith, hope, and love". David writes in Psalm 42:5, "Hope thou in God". You put your faith in some [...]
Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
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Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is freedom from worry. Wow, we've been living this one out, haven't we, for several months now. It started with a virus that came our way from China, but it's continued right [...]
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
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Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
How many of you struggle with fear, anxiety, and worry? Raise your hand. Okay, quite a few of you. I read recently that millennials and gen Z are the most stressed generations ever. For this generation, antidepressants are the bestselling [...]
Chris Hodges - Dealing with Anxiety
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Chris Hodges - Dealing with Anxiety
Chris Hodges - Dealing with Anxiety
Well, hello, church family. How is everybody doing today? Everybody doing good? I said is everybody doing good, today? Really good to see you. I am just honored to stand in front of you and to minister to you over the next few minutes, as we get [...]
Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
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Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
Anybody? Oh I know, me too. And we are beginning a brand-new series today, Part 1 of a 7-part series, called "You Asked For It," and I'll tell you more about that in just a second. But let me begin by looking into the camera, saying [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
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Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
This is an excerpt from: Why I Went Off? Things will happen in your life, and you'll come up on situations that will expose something that you would prefer to hide, and what you do next determines whether you get healed. "Naaman went to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
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Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
I want to revisit today Philippians four, four, six and seven. I began on it last time. I said, be anxious for nothing. And I can tell you, you know, overcoming anxiety is not just like a flip that we can turn on like if we've been walking in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Be at Peace. This is the Lord's Will for Your Life
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Rabbi Schneider - Be at Peace. This is the Lord's Will for Your Life
Rabbi Schneider - Be at Peace. This is the Lord's Will for Your Life
I'm going to share with you a scripture now that most of us have heard before. But when I read it, I want you to take it as a command rather than as a pleasant suggestion, or rather than accepting it as a little something that would appear on a [...]
Steven Furtick - Focus On Today
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Steven Furtick - Focus On Today
Steven Furtick - Focus On Today
This is an excerpt from: This Is That Day I wonder: are we stressed, discouraged, defeated, and lacking momentum and victory in our lives because when I asked, "What are you going to do with your 24?" you thought years? The real answer to [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Depression and anxiety continue to be major problems in first-world nations. Around the world, it appears, in fact, it very much is, that depression [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For decades and decades, depression and anxiety have presented the United States and other first-world countries around the world with a major health [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
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Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure
I want us to look at 2 Corinthians 10. "Now I, Paul, myself, beseech you by the meekness and great gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you. But I beseech you that I may not be bold when [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Anxiety
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Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Anxiety
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Anxiety
About 18 months ago I had my first real personal encounter with anxiety. For most of my life I've been kind of the logical, rational, biblical kind of guy. I'm not super emotional, pretty black and white. The bible says this, or the bible [...]
Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
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Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
It seems that depression and anxiety are on the rise, especially with the Covid pandemic. That's true. What portions of the Bible can we point people to and, especially teens? Man, it's a great question. So I'm reading a book on, [...]
Michael Youssef - Jesus Lifts The Burden Of Anxiety
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Michael Youssef - Jesus Lifts The Burden Of Anxiety
Michael Youssef - Jesus Lifts The Burden Of Anxiety
Hello, friends, there is so much anxiety today, as people are watching the very foundation of Western civilization crumbling under their feet. Anxiety meds are very prominent now, but there is a peace in the midst of this turmoil and that only Jesus [...]
Michael Youssef - Do Not Be Anxious
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Michael Youssef - Do Not Be Anxious
Michael Youssef - Do Not Be Anxious
This pandemic, this crisis, we have seen human nature at its best. We've seen people giving of themselves, sharing, sacrificing. But we also have seen human nature at its worst. We've seen pictures of people fighting over toilet papers and [...]
Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
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Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
I just wanna tell you, when we're talking about worry, that one of the things you can do, when you're worried, is just really get it, get some good worship music on and get into God's presence and get your mind off of the stuff [...]
Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
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Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
The year was nineteen hundred and forty-four and I was in the eighth grade. We were in a war and we were fighting in the Pacific and also in Europe. It was a time of great distress and turmoil in this country. Many things were rationed: food and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
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Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
A Scripture that most of us are familiar with comes from the Book of Matthew Chapter six, verse 34. It's the words of Yeshua himself. So let's first of all receive this as the arrow and sword of the Lord. It's what Yeshua said. He [...]
Mike Novotny - Anxious? Be Still
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Mike Novotny - Anxious? Be Still
Mike Novotny - Anxious? Be Still
In a world where we worry, where we find it hard to sit still, where we panic about our medical results, or our kids and their choices, about our president, our nation, a thousand different things. God says to us, "Hey. Be still". Wow! We [...]
Mike Novotny - GOD Is Here! You Don't Have to Be Anxious
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Mike Novotny - GOD Is Here! You Don't Have to Be Anxious
Mike Novotny - GOD Is Here! You Don't Have to Be Anxious
There are three words that God used to change my life. Three words so powerful that I wrote a whole book about it, called "3 Words That Will Change Your Life". If you want to get a copy of the book, you can jump over to [...]
James Merritt - Calm the Nerves
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James Merritt - Calm the Nerves
James Merritt - Calm the Nerves
Now I wanna welcome those of you who are watching online, by television, those in our room today, this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Don't know where you are, but where we are, it is a beautiful day. So [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 2
Causes for stress, I have 16. And I could've kept going, so you know. I'll try not to get hung up too much on these points, so we'll just go through them pretty fast. Guilt, that's a bad one. Hidden sin. Poor diet. I decided [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 1
Well, this weekend I'm going to do a little three-part series on dealing with stress. And so tonight, first service, tomorrow, second service, it'll all be different messages. So, if you just wanna make it a little weekend seminar on [...]
Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
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Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
This week in our country, millions upon millions of people will celebrate the gift of freedom. That God has blessed us with a freedom from so many of the things that people struggle with around our world. But even more, we as Christians celebrate [...]
Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
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Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
I got a really vulnerable and honest question from someone from our church. She wrote this: "I've been diagnosed with clinical anxiety and depression. My doctor says it's brain chemistry, yet I know the Bible says worry and despair [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Answer To Anxiety with Love McPherson
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Joyce Meyer - The Answer To Anxiety with Love McPherson
Joyce Meyer - The Answer To Anxiety with Love McPherson
Ginger Stache : Hey, everyone. We are so glad, friends, that you are with us here, today, because a very special episode of Talk It Out with all my friends, with Joyce, and with another special guest that you're going to love. And this comes [...]
Joel Osteen - The Antidote for Anxiety
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Joel Osteen - The Antidote for Anxiety
Joel Osteen - The Antidote for Anxiety
I want to talk to you today about the Antidote For Anxiety. We all have opportunities to live anxious and worried about the future, and wondering what's going to happen with our children, our finances, our health. It's always something [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Cure to Anxiety
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Rabbi Schneider - A Cure to Anxiety
Rabbi Schneider - A Cure to Anxiety
I'm going to press on now to the next verse. Continuing in verse number nine, we read this: "You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its remotest parts and said to you, 'You are My servant, I have chosen you [...]
Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
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Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
Living from victory, anxious for nothing, and as we continue on our journey in our walk with God, it's really vital that we understand we don't need to defeat the devil. Now, the devil is real, and his impact in this world is real. From [...]
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
It's a very common topic in the Bible to address the anxiety and concern that people have. Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, got right into it. He said, in chapter 6 of Matthew, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will [...]
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
Now, I don't know if I’m the only one that has a tendency to worry. Are there any worriers out there? If you don't have anything to worry about, I could probably help you think of something. There's a lot of things that, if you want [...]
Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
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Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
My guest says, hidden in the darkness that many of you are facing right now, your mess is your message. My guest was set free and was given keys from Messiah that will launch you into the best part, into the greatest part of the rest of your life. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Overcoming Anxiety
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Rabbi Schneider - Overcoming Anxiety
Rabbi Schneider - Overcoming Anxiety
A beautiful, powerful Scripture to take ahold of is Philippians 4:6. Paul tells us though, "Be anxious for nothing". I want you to consider this verse as you're moving throughout your day. As soon as you find yourself having anxiety, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Heal My Anxious Mind
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Craig Groeschel - Heal My Anxious Mind
Craig Groeschel - Heal My Anxious Mind
So, I was a young pastor, probably 23 or 24 years of age, and my pastor had a back surgery and told me I had to preach Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the following Sunday, and I felt incredibly unprepared, insecure, and I think for the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Attacking Anxiety in Leadership (Q&A with Shawn Johnson)
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Craig Groeschel - Attacking Anxiety in Leadership (Q&A with Shawn Johnson)
Craig Groeschel - Attacking Anxiety in Leadership (Q&A with Shawn Johnson)
— Hey welcome Shawn. — Hey, thank you for having me. — I've been looking forward to this for a long time. I have too, thank you. We have so many offline conversations that are incredibly meaningful to me, and every time we talk, I walk away [...]
Steven Furtick - Breaking News: Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety
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Steven Furtick - Breaking News: Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety
Steven Furtick - Breaking News: Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety
This is an excerpt from: Why Am I Anxious? "Search me…" Those two words would set you free from 90% of the drama, because some of you borrow drama trying to look into other people's lives. Clap it's not like you. No one will [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Answer for Being Anxious
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Rabbi Schneider - The Answer for Being Anxious
Rabbi Schneider - The Answer for Being Anxious
I wanna read from the Book of Philippians, chapter number 4 verse 6. Hear the word of God. "Be anxious for nothing," Paul's instructing, "but in everything by prayer and supplication," this is asking, "with [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Listening To The Enemy
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Steven Furtick - Stop Listening To The Enemy
Steven Furtick - Stop Listening To The Enemy
This is an excerpt from: Lions & Lizards & Lies A lot of my anxiety comes because I get confused about who is in control and I get responsibilities confused with sovereignty. So, I start thinking that because God has given me [...]
Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
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Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. How many hours do you spend entertaining worried and anxious thoughts, even though they rob you of sleep, joy and peace. If you're like most people the answer is probably [...]
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