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Derek Grier - When Everyone Abandons You
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Derek Grier - When Everyone Abandons You
Derek Grier - When Everyone Abandons You
Open your Bibles to 2 Timothy chapter one, and we are gonna begin with verse 15. «This you know,» now, Emperor Nero had just blamed Christians for the Great Fire of Rome. It was a four day fire that killed about 12,000 people. Legend says that Nero [...]
James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
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James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
What is Bible Nerds? This is a show all about answering your questions to different parts of the Bible so that together we can read the Bible more wisely to see it as this unified story that leads to Jesus and invites us to become like Jesus. We [...]
Robert Jeffress - When You Feel Abandoned By God
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Robert Jeffress - When You Feel Abandoned By God
Robert Jeffress - When You Feel Abandoned By God
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Have you ever noticed that suffering, and loneliness tend to be a package deal? When you're going through a tough time, it can often feel like you're facing the battle [...]
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
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Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
So we're in a series called The Four Living Creatures. It's something that I know you've been wanting to hear for years. I will say it's kind of fun, don't you think? Just say it anyway. Just, Yeah Pastor Robert, it's [...]
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Craig Groeschel - I'm Invited
Craig Groeschel - I'm Invited
Hey, it's awesome to have all of you with us today. What an honor to gather at 34 different locations around the nation to lift up the name of Jesus, to worship our Savior, to experience God's word. I wanna welcome you. This is an amazing [...]
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David Jeremiah - Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection
David Jeremiah - Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection
From being the last one picked for a team on the playground, to being overlooked for a promotion, everybody has experienced rejection to some degree and it's never any fun. You see, rejection can make us feel unworthy, even unlovable. [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Abandonment Anxiety
Creflo Dollar — Abandonment Anxiety
Many people grow up with fears of rejection or abandonment. They worry they'll be rejected by peers, partners, schools, companies, or social circles. And for some, these fears aren't fully realized until they enter into a romantic [...]
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Charles Stanley - Victory over Rejection
Charles Stanley - Victory over Rejection
Many people are living in bondage and not even aware of it. Not talking about bars and chains, but there are other forms of bondage besides things that you and I can see. And sometimes the worst form of bondage is something emotional in a [...]
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Priscilla Shirer — Have You Abandoned Your Boat?
Priscilla Shirer — Have You Abandoned Your Boat?
Does part of your life feel broken? Priscilla Shirer will show you the incredible things Jesus can do with the discarded, failed pieces of your life. You’ll be encouraged to give every situation to the Lord, no matter how difficult. [...]
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Ravi Zacharias — Is America Abandoning God?
Ravi Zacharias — Is America Abandoning God?
Ravi Zacharias and Bob Ditmer talk about a recent USA TODAY article that reports more Americans are declaring no religious affiliation according to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey. [...]