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Watch Online Sermons 2025 » Tag cloud » A Perfect 10 For Homes That Win
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Take your Bibles and open, would you please, to Exodus chapter 20 and we look now at verse 17. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 17. And while you're finding it, may I say that Madison avenue has done a job on the American people. It has given us a [...]
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
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Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Take if you will please your Bible and be finding the book of Exodus, chapter 20. And today we look at verse 16. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 16 it simply says this, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not bear [...]
Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
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Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
Be finding the book of Exodus chapter 20. Our verse for today is verse 15, and you don't have to have a doctorate to understand it. It can't be much plainer. "Thou shalt not steal". If there were ever a verse that is needed, this [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
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Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
Exodus chapter 20 and verse 14 says something clearly with no stutter, no stammer, no apology, no compromise, no equivocation. Clearly and plainly God says in His Word, "Thou shalt not commit adultery". I want to speak to you today on this [...]
Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
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Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
Would you turn now to the book of Exodus chapter 20 and we're going to begin reading in Exodus chapter 20 verse 1 through verse 13 so we'll be able to get the sweep of all of these commandments one more time? "And God spake all these [...]
Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
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Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
Would you take God's Word this morning, and turn to Exodus chapter 20 and I want us to look, if you will, in verse 12. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12, "Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
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Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
Would you take God's Word now and find Exodus chapter 20. And in a moment, we're going to begin looking at verse 8 and some verses following that. And may I say that in this day when we're supposed to have so many devices to save [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
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Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
Would you take God's Word, find Exodus chapter 20, and in just a moment we're going to read the third commandment. It's found in verse 7, but let me say that God's plan for your home is not failure but victory. God wants your [...]
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
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Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Be finding Exodus chapter 20, when you found it look up here. We're talking today about the Ten Commandments, "A Perfect 10 for Homes that Win". God does not want your home to be a loser. Let me say this about the Ten Commandments. [...]
Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
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Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
I want you to take God's Word today and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 5. Now the Ten Commandments are given in two places. They're given in Exodus chapter 20 and in Deuteronomy chapter 5. I've chosen Deuteronomy chapter 5 today for a [...]