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Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven

Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
TOPICS: Worship

Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest has been number three on the Gospel charts. But that's not why he's here. He's here because he literally hears songs from Heaven. He literally hears not just trumpets, but shofar, rams arms blasted from Heaven. And when he sings these songs, miracles erupt. I protest, and here's why I protest. Eddie James, at eight years of age, you hear the audible voice of God. I didn't even know who God was at eight years of age. I mean, and not only that, God tells you you're going to be a musician, a singer and go all over the world, at eight years of age. Your mother finds out. She goes to this old Bible and she pulls out a little piece of paper she had never shown you. What did it say?

Eddie James: It said exactly what the Lord spoke to me when I was eight years old, what the Lord would do with my life in music, in ministry. The Lord had spoken to her at our church through a prophet who came from Africa, told her when she was just conceived with me, that I would be a son that would travel across the world doing ministry, preaching and doing worship. And she pulled that card out. She wrote the prophecy down, pulled the card when the Lord spoke to me at eight years old and told me the same thing.

Sid Roth: And then he gets ready to go to high school, but he knows he needs some extra help. He needs to be immersed in the Spirit of the Living God with speaking in unknown tongues. And he prays for this, and he gets hit, but hit is an understatement. What happened to you?

Eddie James: Oh what a glorious moment it was, Sid. The Lord filled me with the Holy Ghost just before I went into my freshman year in high school. I spoke in tongues all that day, that Sunday, all the next day, for several days. It was hard to talk English at all. Holy Ghost just wrecked my life. I've never been the same.

Sid Roth: Well I'm going to tell you something. The Holy Spirit has got to show up in the high schools and where you live, because when Eddie James showed up, because the Holy Spirit was inside of him, tell me one miracle that you remember that happened in high school, in high school.

Eddie James: Incredible. Okay. So a woman named, we call her Sister Breaker, she helped us establish what is called the Southbound High School Gospel Choir. It's a choir that I started as a desire to be a witness in my school. And we would sing several days a week, and we would see signs, wonders and miracles. And one of the most outstanding miracle that I saw, I was fasting for a few weeks because I was accepted in the call to ministry. And my teacher, Mrs. Modinger, she was a chemistry teacher, she, we were coming downstairs and she fell down two flights of stairs, head first, hitting every step. And you know, at this time I'm wanting so bad to be a follower of Christ and a representation of God. I've got my suit on. I'm 14 years old. I've got my suit on at school every day. I've got my big Bible because I'm trying to be holy, you know, walk with God. So I, without thinking about, I jump down to where my teacher was and I just laid hands on her, prayed for her for her to be healed, for her to be delivered. I didn't think about what the kids were going to think about this. I didn't think about what other teachers who saw it, what were they going to say. I just knew the power of God was able to do miracles. I jumped down there. She got up completely healed, completely whole. They took her to the doctor anyway just to make, check and see her back, her head. No issues, no scars, no hurts, no pains. She comes and testifies to my chemistry class the next day and says this: "I don't know what's in that young man, but it's real".

Sid Roth: You know what? You know what's in that young man? The Messiah of Israel. That's who's in the young man.

Eddie James: Yes sir.

Sid Roth: And I'm going to tell you something. He's alive. Briefly, tell me about the song, "He's Alive".

Eddie James: I was preparing for a conference with Chuck Pierce. And I'm in my hotel, and as I'm writing out songs I'm going to do for this conference, right there at my desk in the hotel, "He's Alive" just comes into my spirit. But I hear shofars, I hear trumpets, I hear, and I haven't done an event with Chuck Pierce. I'm not exactly sure what he's about, knowing that when I got there, there would be all these shofars, all these trumpets. I mean, he's really into that with this awesome Jewish expression of worship. And so as I begin to sing this, in our sound check time, it was amazing, because you know, I just got the song by Divine inspiration.

Sid Roth: The whole song?

Eddie James: The whole song. I had to figure out the chorus. I had to figure out the verse. I had to figure out the melody. It all just came just like that. And I knew in that moment, that was a song I was supposed to do in that hour.

Sid Roth: Well I know in this moment I want you to get to the music set and I want to hear you do that song. Do you want to hear "He's Alive"? I want to hear that. And I'm going to tell you something else. I am going to proclaim this to you.

Eddie James: Yes.

Sid Roth: He is alive!

Eddie James: Jesus is alive today. God's not dead. It's good news that Jesus is alive. Come on put your hands together. Let's celebrate Jesus today. Hallelujah, oh yeah. The lamb that was slain, he's alive. Forever he shall reign, he's alive. They crucified him at Calvary but he rose in victory. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive with all power in his head. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive with all power in his head. The lamb that was slain, he's alive. And forever he shall reign, he's alive. They crucified him at Calvary but he rose in victory. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive with all power in his head. Jesus is alive, he's alive, he's alive with all power. The lamb that was slain, he's alive. This is good news. Forever he shall reign, he's alive. They crucified him at Calvary but he rose in victory. Oh he's alive. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive with all power in his head. Jesus is alive today. He's alive! He's alive whole with all power in his head. He's alive!

Sid Roth: So Eddie James has this supernatural youth choir in a public high school. Miracles are breaking out. They don't know what to do with him. Tell me one healing miracle that you remember.

Eddie James: Sid, this is so incredible. My club sponsored Miss Breaker, who's such an amazing woman of God. She's with the Lord now. And my best friend, Yvette, we were praying with our gospel choir in her classroom. And there was a young man in our midst who the doctors say he had cancer. He had just found this news out and he was so broken and distraught about. We prayed in belief for God to break that cancer, and deliver him and heal him. He goes back, gets the doctor's report. One report says he has cancer, the other report says there's no trace of it. God just did it from high school.

Sid Roth: Can you imagine what's going to happen in our high schools when that type of move of God's spirit breaks out. Now okay. He's still in high school, Black History Month and the local synagogue says, we would like a black choir. So tell me what happened.

Eddie James: This is a funny story.

Sid Roth: And they did not know what they were going to get. Trust me.

Eddie James: This is a very funny story because, Sid, I was taught all my life to have an honor and respect for the Jewish people. They were the people of God. And so in my heart and my mind I thought they were already on the same page with us as Jesus, the Messiah.

Sid Roth: How many Jews did you know?

Eddie James: None at this time. Not one.

Sid Roth: And so you thought all Jews were believers in Jesus.

Eddie James: Automatically.

Sid Roth: Of course.

Eddie James: So in my mind, I've got Miss Breaker and friend Yvette, we got the whole choir fasting, we got them praying. These are God's people. We can't go in there and play games. We better be holy. We better have our stuff together. If you bless the people of God, God will bless those who bless Israel. God will not bless you if you don't bless Israel. So we better go in there with the Holy Ghost, having it together. So we pray and we fast, and we pray and we fast. When we get to the synagogue, Sid, I let it all out. I preached the cross, I preached the blood, I preached Holy Ghost and fire. We're speaking in tongues. And we're old school Pentecostal. We're shouting and we're just going on it in this Jewish synagogue. And I'm thinking this is what they want. I'm thinking this is what they know, this is who they are. And I called an altar. I said, you need to get saved, you need to get filled with the Holy Spirit.

Sid Roth: In a synagogue!

Eddie James: And you know, every single one of them, every single one of them came to the altar. Every single one of them. Yes.

Sid Roth: All right. I'm going to tell you something. I pray that Eddie James never gets sophisticated, keeps going into synagogues, and I want you all to go into synagogues like Eddie did. But you know what? As a young man, Eddie had such a heart for God. It's like the psalm. It's the deer panting at the water brook. I'm going to tell you, once you taste the love...

Eddie James: Thank you Jesus.

Sid Roth: Once you taste the goodness, once you taste the peace of the Living God, there is not a close second. Tell me the circumstances of that song when you were playing it.

Eddie James: I was doing a song, Jesus, Sid, I had an encounter with God that wrecked my life. I was playing this, and as I'm singing it and I'm playing, the Holy Spirit comes upon me in such a profound way. I couldn't continue the song. I just, I slid out of the chair I was sitting in at my piano and I was just out under the power of the Holy Spirit bawling my eyes out. I can still remember the moment of that encounter. I don't have words to explain how amazing that moment was in the presence of God. And it was like the song really helped to articulate the groan of my heart, that I want Him more than anything in the world.

Sid Roth: Would you go to the piano right now because I want him to sing, "As the Deer Panted". "Panted", that's a very good descriptive word. I'm telling you, that your spirit, the real you is so thirsty for the Living God. "As a Deer Panted".

Eddie James: As the deer panted, so as my soul longeth after thee. You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship you. For you alone are my strength and my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire and long to worship you. For I worship Jesus. You're my friend and my brother. Even though you are King of Kings, I love you...

Sid Roth: You know Eddie, when you were doing that last song, "As a Deer", what was really going on inside of you? Tell me if you can.

Eddie James: He really is the longing of my heart. He's accomplished a real...

Sid Roth: People don't know this, but you alone, I mean, eight hours a day, studying the Word, worshiping, is this what goes on when there's just an audience of one, just God?

Eddie James: Yes. And this is what makes this sometimes difficult to do in public because this is what happens to me when I'm by myself with God. It's really intimate. It's really special, you know. He takes you into that, you know, secret place with him. You can have an appropriate expression, but it's very powerful when it's you and God. And I've been touched in that place. And when I do this, I relive that moment when He just, I'm just so full of His goodness right now, His, it's like a river of living water springing up in my soul. And I just encourage everyone that's watching this, you can have what I'm sensing right now in your home, wherever you're at, in your car. He will visit you and it will be this real. When He comes, He makes a difference. When He shows up it is really supernatural. It is really powerful. And so when I say I yearn for you, when I say I long for you, that's not just buzz words in charismatic Pentecostal circles, it's the cry of my soul. Is there anybody here saying, it's the cry of my soul. It's the cry of my soul. I don't want church as usual, the fake stuff. I want the real deal.

Sid Roth: You know what? It's not just Eddie that wants the real deal. I want the real deal.

Eddie James: Yes.

Sid Roth: You want the real deal. You want the real deal. I tell you, you want the real deal. Aren't you tired of playing games?

Eddie James: Yes.

Sid Roth: Don't you want to know what life is all about? This is eternal life that you might know him.

Eddie James: Yes, yes.

Sid Roth: This is eternal life that you might know him and there is no other name given unto men in which we must be saved, but the name of Jesus. Eddie, put yourself, just you and God, and the piano, and minister to God right now. Would you do that?

Eddie James: Yes sir.