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Sid Roth - Heaven's Sound

TOPICS: Worship

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I love the rarified air of Heaven. Did you ever see the movie, "Chariots of Fire"? Did any of you see that? It's a true story about a Christian runner and he had a line. It was so wonderful. He said, "I feel the pleasure of God when I run". Do you remember that line? Well my guest could have a line like that, except it would be a little different. He would say, "I feel the pleasure of God when I worship God". I told you that certain psalmists tap into certain frequencies of Heaven. We've had people like Julie True taps into the frequency of supernatural peace.

My guest Roy Fields taps into a God hunger frequency. You, if you think you're hungry for God now, wait until you hear this supernatural frequency that will move you into a, because it's from the heart of God. Then everything opens up to the supernatural realm. Do you want that? Do you want that? You know, my guest has led revivals throughout the world. He's been with Reinhart Bonnke, with Rodney Howard Brown. But I want to take you back, Roy Fields. Age 11, for the first time in your life you experienced the presence of God. What was that like?

Roy Fields: I'll never forget it. It was a bunch of people that were hungry for God, that had gone to church from different churches. We were at a house and they had a traditional, you know, I guess it's a traditional Bible study. Everybody was together and there were about 40 of us packed in this living room. And these five acoustic guitar players were across the front, and they were all singing the song, "I Lift my Hands". And I'll never forget, Sid, I remember them singing, "I lift my hands to the coming king, to the great I Am to you I sing. For you're the one who reigns within my heart". And I was melting. I never felt anything warm feeling as I did that day. And I remembered in the middle of that I said, "Lord, if this is what it's like to feel your presence, if this is what it's like when people lead worship, I want to do this the rest of my life. I'm addicted".

Sid Roth: Now in the midst of your revivals, you have songs downloaded to you. Tell me about the song, "Unto You".

Roy Fields: I was in Muskegon, Michigan in 2010, just recently. We were in a 54-day revival, and the worship would last sometimes two hours. Nobody wants to leave the room, and I love that. And in the middle of that I heard this melody. Now I'm not really a writer. I really try to hear. I try to hear what's being sung in Heaven. I've never been to Heaven yet, but I try to hear that sound that I felt when I first was touched. And "Unto You", I heard that melody. That melody was "da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da". I just could hear it over and over. Well two hours later, we're all singing this thing. There weren't even any words. It was just worshiping the Lord.

Sid Roth: You know what I'm moved from these song that you get from Heaven, they're all about to God as opposed to us or all the other things. I want to release you right now. I want to hear, "Unto You", because I want you to know something is going to be downloaded as you hear Roy Fields, "Unto You".

Roy Fields: "All creation cries your name, falling down before your throne. With a mighty hand unto you, Lord. There is no greater God than our king. There is no greater song we could sing. For you are holy. Lord, you are worthy. Unto you glory in the highest. All the kingdoms of this world will surrender to you, God Forever you ascend, reign victorious. There is no greater God than our king. There is no greater song we could sing. For you are holy. Lord, you are worthy. Unto you glory in the highest. Every creature great and small, saints and angels one and all bow in reverence at your feet. Every creature great and small, saints and angels one and all bow in reverence at your feet. For you are holy, Lord, you are worthy. Unto you glory in the highest. For you are holy, Lord, you are worthy. Unto you glory in the highest. For you are holy, Lord, you are worthy. Unto you glory in the highest".

Sid Roth: You know, many religious people, they're used to going to a congregation and having a few songs and then the announcements, and then the offering, and then the message, and then lunch. But Roy Fields, you will worship sometimes for two hours. And you said to me that there is such, the atmosphere so changes that it activates the promises of God without you even saying anything, just in that worship. tell me about the person that had a burn on a leg.

Roy Fields: I was in a meeting a few years back, and this 15-year old kid approached the stage and he had a bad fire scar on like his leg. And in the middle of worship, he screamed out he felt pain again in that leg. And when he lifted it up the scar had disappeared, and he came up and showed everybody. I've been a skeptic, even as a Christian, because you want to see the real. When I saw that, I went, okay.

Sid Roth: What would you do?

Roy Fields: It got my attention.

Sid Roth: All right. This amazes me. In four different locations, four different children saw the same thing. What did they see?

Roy Fields: Well we were here in a meeting. I know what you're referring. We were in meetings. We had about 8000 people in the arena, and these four different children with their parents, from four different states, as you said, came to the back of the table to tell me a message. One of them was on video. The other three were told to me by our staff. And they all said, while I was leading worship, that there was a huge angel standing behind me with a big sword, and it was on fire, and he was just waving it like this. I have never seen an angel. But when all four say that, I don't have to.

Sid Roth: Okay. Tell me about this song, because I happen to love it. It's the song, how did "In the Presence of Angels" happen?

Roy Fields: Well I was in a house in Destin, Florida, and a boat captain was there, his house. I had done a meeting in his house. And at the end of the night after the meeting was over I was still caught up in worship. Everybody had gone home. I don't sleep much, Sid. I don't get a lot of sleep. My mind, my heart, my spirit is always going. In the middle of the night, I was just worshiping the Lord by myself, wasn't trying to write a song. I don't try to write a song.

And in the middle of worship, once again, I heard this melody. I heard "da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da". I mean, I just, I didn't have a huge vision, but I could picture it in my mind, as they say, you have your mind's eye. I pictured this massive throne room with angels, and I mean multitudes and multitudes of angels were just like dancing in this kind of order. It was kind of like ballroom dancing, except not with partners. It was just everybody and it was all to God. And it was "Holy, holy, holy, worthy, glory, glory" over and over. I must have sang in the middle of the until, I don't know, three o'clock in the morning. I looked down at my watch. I had been at the keyboard for two and half hours. I wasn't even aware of the time.

Sid Roth: You know, I could listen to that song for hours.

Roy Fields: I have.

Sid Roth: I'm sure. I want to release you to sing, "In the Presence of Angels" and I want to release you to be freer than you've ever been before, because I believe you are in the presence of angels.

Roy Fields: "This is a realm of your glory. This is a realm of your grace. I can feel your mighty power. It is moving in this place. We're in the presence of angels with God's glory on their wings. Like the voice of many waters I can hear the angels sing, singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. This is a realm of your glory. This is a realm of your grace. I can feel your mighty power. It is moving in this place. We're in the presence of angels with God's glory on their wings. Like the voice of many waters I can hear the angels sing, singing holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. You are worthy, worthy. You are worthy, worthy. Show us your glory, glory".

Sid Roth: You know, this atmosphere and anointing, when are worshiping God, that's what you are doing. You are worshiping God and you're calling everyone to worship God with you. There are supernatural breakthroughs in every possible area. Tell me about the person with cancer.

Roy Fields: Yeah. There is this lady that I was in a small meeting in a little white church, actually, in Pennsylvania. And I led worship and then I preached. And during the worship, I had noticed that this pastor had asked me to talk to this lady. I noticed that she was lifting her hands and crying, weeping. And then during the speaking part of it, I called her out because I felt the Lord tell me this lady, it's her time now for healing. And so I grabbed a hold of her hand and said, "Lady, what's happening to you"? And she said, "The worship, I just appreciate the presence of God". I said, "What's going on with you"? And she swelling in her leg. She had her sneakers were busting at the seams because of the cancer. And I just felt a gift of faith or whatever.

When you're in the presence of God you can almost get away with anything. And so I just, I said, "By the spirit of God," I said, "Lady, let's take a walk right now". And we started walking and the pain started leaving her body. She started feeling her swelling go down in her legs. When she left and I left, I didn't hear from here for almost a month. And I always want to call back and check to see what's going on. Well the pastor called me back and he's freaking out on the phone. He goes, "Roy, Roy, Roy, Roy, this woman went back to the doctor and she was given the diagnosis of she's going to die in six months with stage 4 cancer, and now today they could not find one trace of cancer in her body".

Sid Roth: I told you there are breakthroughs. Very briefly, tell me about that atheist.

Roy Fields: Oh there was this, yeah, there was this atheist. You know, American atheists, they're easy to work with. You can convert them pretty quickly. But when it comes to British atheist, you need to move to God. Yeah. So there is this British atheist that I ran into just a couple of years back, and they were in one of these arenas that we did with 8000 and all that. The wife had told her husband, "I want to go to this revival meeting". And he didn't want nothing to do with it, but he loves his wife. They get there, and while the worship is going on, all of a sudden his wife's ear bursts out, like pops and fluid starts coming out. And he looks at her and he says, "This has got to be God". And all of a sudden he says he felt like it was almost like somebody had grabbed his arms and pulled him up and then pulled his legs down to the floor. And he was on his knees, I can't do it in the studio. But he was on his knees with his hands lifted it up, and he said he heard somebody grabbing him and speaking through him, and he went "Jesus Christ is Lord"!

Sid Roth: Could you picture that? Then he heard reports, this British atheist, very refined, leads 300 people to the Lord. I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. You go to the camera right now, Roy, because the song, "Fill This Place," guess what the place is. It's you. I want you to stand up and worship God, and ask Him to fill this place.

Roy Fields: "Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Fill this place. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. Oh Lord, you have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Lord fill this place".