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Michael Youssef - Pray or Faint
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Michael Youssef - Pray or Faint
Michael Youssef - Pray or Faint
Our culture is thoroughly confused about what prayer is and what prayer is not. Prayer is some sort of a magic words that you use in order for a genie to appear. And when a genie appears, you ask what you want from the genie, and the genie would [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 14
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 14
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 14
If you don't know who you are in Christ, you will find your identity in something else. But if you find your identity in Christ alone, your life will be radically transformed. That's why I'm doing these series of messages entitled [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 13
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 13
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 13
Practicing humility causes me to be realistic about myself, to be realistic about my fallen nature, about my weaknesses, and be realistic about my vulnerability. You see, when I recognize that God is sovereign and I'm not, that is gonna go a [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 12
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 12
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 12
If you don't know who you are in Christ, you will find your identity in something else. But if you find your identity in Christ alone, your life will be radically transformed. That's why I'm doing this series of messages, entitled, [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 11
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 11
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 11
For the true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, their faith is not seasonal. For true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, their godly conduct is not occasional. It is not one thing in public and one thing in private. The Apostle Peter tells us a [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 10
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 10
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 10
If you don't know who you are in Christ, you will find your identity in something else. But if you find your identity in Christ alone, your life will be radically transformed. That's why I'm doing this series of messages, entitled, [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 9
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 9
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 9
Everyone in Christ Jesus will be like Jesus. We may actually go into the very gates of hell itself, but that's only to declare and to witness, not to stay there. Like Jesus, we may be experiencing the depth of Hades in this life. Like Jesus, [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 8
First of all, I wanna say blessed Father's Day, especially to our Heavenly Father, and then to you, all fathers, those of you who love and lead your family. Keep this question in mind as you listen to this message from 1 Peter 3. Why did Peter [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 7
By his wounds you've been made whole. Only his wounds can bind our wounds. Only his stripes can mend our brokenness. Only his death can raise us to a new life. Only his blood can heal the ravages of addiction. Only the cross can redeem us from [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 6
If you don't know who you are in Christ, you will find your identity in something else. But if you find your identity in Christ alone, your life will be radically transformed. That's why I'm doing this series of messages entitled, [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 5
You have responsibility to the cornerstone, Jesus. You have responsibility to other living stones, responsibility to stand by them and they stand by you, responsibility to support them and they support you, responsibility to uphold them and they [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 4
Satan's number one assault on Christians is to keep them away from the Word of God. Because Satan knows better than most Christians, Satan knows that the Word of God is powerful and he does not want us to live in power. He wants us to live a [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 3
Blessed Mother's Day. And talking about Mother's Day, I am gonna bring you a message in the next few minutes about being grateful and being thankful. Comes straight from the first epistle of Peter. And in gratitude that we express to God [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 2
Gratitude comes from acknowledging that God is the one who saves us from beginning to end. But when I began to study the Scripture and learn these wonderful truths from the Word of God, that God is the one who sovereignly called me, God is the one [...]
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Identity Transformation - Part 1
Identity theft is a big word these days. Are you experiencing identity crisis or are you feeling like your Christian life is lacking in power? This week, I'm gonna start a new series of messages called, "Identity Transformation". It [...]
Michael Youssef - He Can Open Your Eyes
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Michael Youssef - He Can Open Your Eyes
Michael Youssef - He Can Open Your Eyes
Not long ago, I read a story about George Shearing. Now, for those of you who do not know the name, George Shearing was a very prominent British-American jazz pianist. He was born blind, and often, whenever he crosses a busy intersection in New York [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
There is no subject that is more confusing and people are confused about than the question of who goes to heaven. It really is. There are so many conflicting views and opinions on the subject, and everyone who holds a view forcefully and strongly [...]
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
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Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
I had an opportunity to watch an interview with Dr. Patrick Carnes, who is recognized as the foremost authority in this country in this whole issue of sexual addiction, and pornography, and pornographic addiction. He heads up that famous clinic in [...]
Michael Youssef - Raising Children in the Lord
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Michael Youssef - Raising Children in the Lord
Michael Youssef - Raising Children in the Lord
Lorna Dueck : Okay, Dr. Youssef. You've just challenged us every day to learn from the lessons of Nehemiah. You know, Israel is still a family. It's still a big... it's a big symbol for all of us as we look at it in these incredible [...]
Michael Youssef - Are You Building or Obstructing?
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Michael Youssef - Are You Building or Obstructing?
Michael Youssef - Are You Building or Obstructing?
Lorna Dueck : Well, we're back with Dr. Michael Youssef in his studio here in Atlanta. And you know, you've done a lot of building in the world. You're challenging us this month to rebuild our broken world. Talk to me about, you term [...]
Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
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Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Youssef, you have challenged us with Nehemiah that he was a man of sacrifice. Dr. Michael Youssef : Yes. Lorna Dueck : He knew that if something is worth doing, put your grit into it. Tell me about that. Tell me about what kind of [...]
Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
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Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
Lorna Dueck : All right, Dr. Youssef. We have been learning every day from the book of Nehemiah with you. And when Nehemiah arrived to rebuild this massive wall, his enemies said, "It'll be nothing. A fox'll knock this thing [...]
Michael Youssef - Nehemiah's Task
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Michael Youssef - Nehemiah's Task
Michael Youssef - Nehemiah's Task
Lorna Dueck : Okay. Dr. Youssef, you have been walking us daily through Nehemiah. Help us understand how fantastically big and outrageous Nehemiah's task was. Dr. Michael Youssef : Well, just think of the gumption. Lorna Dueck : Unbelievable. [...]
Michael Youssef - Discerning God's Will
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Michael Youssef - Discerning God's Will
Michael Youssef - Discerning God's Will
Lorna Dueck : Okay. Dr. Youssef, you have given us this amazing challenge in the book of Nehemiah, "God, Help Me Rebuild My Broken World". Are there some occasions when we should not rebuild something? Like, how do you know that this is a [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Youssef, you challenge us in your study on Nehemiah that rebuilding our broken world is very close to God's heart. Dr. Michael Youssef : Absolutely. Lorna Dueck : Does this work for my family? If I've got a broken [...]
Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
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Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
Lorna Dueck : So, Dr. Youssef, we're jumping in again with your wonderful book on Nehemiah. How does one man, in a position of influence, begin on an enormous problem? Dr. Michael Youssef : Well, the reason I wrote the book and the reason I [...]
Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
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Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Michael Youssef was a young scholar when he left Egypt on his way to Australia, then to America, and he has since traveled around the world, teaching the Bible more than 32 times around the world. And Dr. Youssef, we are so [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 9
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 9
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 9
Whenever you are doing the will of God, whenever you are obeying God's vision for your life, whenever you know that you are following God's vision, not your own, nothing, listen carefully, nothing. Can you say, "Nothing"? Nothing [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 8
An authentic faith brings an authentic change of heart, and that is a far cry from what we hear from some pulpits today of presuming on God's grace, of taking God's grace for granted, of using God's grace as a license to continue in [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 7
I read not long ago about a diagnostician who identified a new disease that inflicts many professing Christians. Now, the technical name for this disease, for those who understand Latin, is Morbus Sundayitis. Now, in layman's language, [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 6
In this post-Christian era, God is not looking for sunshine Christians. God is not looking for those who want to be entertained. God is not looking for compromises. In this day and age, God is looking for faithful, courageous, uncompromising men and [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 5
The fact remains that the Bible never said that money is the root of all evil. The Bible is very clear that it is the very love of money that is the root of all evil. No wonder Jesus spoke more about the use of material possessions and money than he [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 4
I trust that the Lord is using these series of messages to encourage you and also to challenge you at the same time. You know, what I'm gonna be talking about is the importance of being good stewards. And we can be good stewards of our [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 3
In days gone by great leaders like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln called the nation for a day of prayer and humiliation, that is, repentance, and you know what? That's why God blessed this country. Sadly, today, nobody is calling the [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 2
I trust that the Lord is using these series of messages to encourage you and also to challenge you at the same time. You know, what I'm gonna be talking about is the importance of being good stewards. And we can be good stewards of our [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Our Broken Walls - Part 1
You know, all the statistics say that in the average church, 80% of people just do nothing and 20% do all the work. Now, that is a sad statistic. If we are gonna change our culture for Christ, if we gonna turn the world upside down for Christ, [...]
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
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Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Jesus taught many times about the importance of faithfulness, of diligence, of hard-work, faithfulness without resources, prudent with our investments of life; all of life. Not just money. Faithful worship, faithful stewardship with all of our [...]
Michael Youssef - The Value of Your Soul
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Michael Youssef - The Value of Your Soul
Michael Youssef - The Value of Your Soul
Good evening. I'm so honored and delighted to be here with you and I want to thank the board of "Leading the Way" Australia. Without their incredible effort and hard work, sacrifice, probably this would not be here. And I also want to [...]
Michael Youssef - Look Up
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Michael Youssef - Look Up
Michael Youssef - Look Up
I want to talk to you about the trusting prayer that we learn from the psalmist, particularly in Psalm 121. And I hope you're turning to it in your Bible, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever you do, and get Psalm 121 as I begin to bring this [...]
Michael Youssef - Understanding and Responding to Islam
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Michael Youssef - Understanding and Responding to Islam
Michael Youssef - Understanding and Responding to Islam
Good morning. Thank you, Bob Lupine, for that introduction. Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for inviting me. I am so honored to be here with you, and my time is limited, so I am gonna come out of the chute telling you something that might surprise you. I [...]
Michael Youssef - The Fatherhood of God
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Michael Youssef - The Fatherhood of God
Michael Youssef - The Fatherhood of God
Many people confuse the fatherhood of God with their earthly fathers, whether their earthly fathers were good or they were not as we expect. And I've done this. As a young Christian, I confused the fatherhood of God with my earthly father. [...]
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 3
The question that a lot of people are asking is this, "What is the origin of evil? Where'd it come from"? And that's the question I'm gonna try to answer in this last of three messages on the problem of evil and the [...]
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 2
One of the books that came out in the late '80s, a very popular book, was a best seller by Rabbi Harold Kushner, and the title of the book was "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". The tragedy of this erroneous, heretical book is [...]
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Why Does God Allow Evil? - Part 1
How can a loving God allow evil to exist? This is the age-old question. What is the answer? It all depends on what you mean by answer. It all depends in what kind of answer you are willing to accept. It all depends whether you're really looking [...]
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