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Kenneth Copeland - Sow The WORD To Reap Faith

Kenneth Copeland - Sow The WORD To Reap Faith
TOPICS: God's Word, Faith

Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is The Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast and this is the student body of Kenneth Copeland Bible College. And in all of us together, let's welcome them in class this morning. Amen. Thank You, Lord Jesus. It's wonderful. Let's go back to where we were yesterday in the 13th chapter of John's gospel and the 13th chapter, the 14th chapter, the 15th chapter, the 16th chapter, the 17th chapter is all right there in that covenant meal. And he did some amazing things. He did things that these Orthodox Jews were astounded by. He took the Messiah's cup and turned it up.

Now this didn't surprise Peter. He already said, now he was Simon Barjona when he said this. Simon Barjona was his name. And he said, "Who do you say that I am"? And Peter jumped up and said, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God". And he said, "Flesh and blood hasn't shown this to you, but my Father in heaven. And I call you Peter". Well now in Hebrew and Greek both, he called him the rock. And he was known as the Apostle Peter from that day forward. Now this is covenant talk and most people don't realize it that the first covenant known to man that all other covenants have been based upon was the covenant between God and Abram, a blood covenant. And that's the base of all other blood covenants. He changed his name in the 17th chapter of Genesis. He changed his name from Abram to Abraham. The H in the middle of his name is Hashem. God changed his name to indicate covenant and covenant is just simply the greater blessing the lesser on an even standing. The greater blessing the lesser on an even basis. Amen.

That's what covenant is. And it was hidden for so many years, years, and years by the word testament. But that's what the word testament means. And I'm convinced what the English translators were attempting to do was get over to us that this is the will and testament of Almighty God. This is the will and testament of the Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He's the only man that has ever died, raised from the dead and probated his own will. And this means that it is the will of God, testament. And you and I testified to that. But when you look it up, the word is covenant. It was translated testament. Amen. Old and new. I like what professor Greg Stephens says, "No, it's the first and second". I really like that. That, in reality, is correct. Now then, let's go back where we were yesterday in the new commandment, in that meal of all meals that changed heaven and earth. Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you also love one another. By this shall all men or all people know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another".

Every night before I go to sleep, after I tell my love goodnight, Gloria, Gloria Jean, before I go to sleep, I say, "I love the Lord God with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. And I love my neighbor as myself, fulfilling the law and the prophets. And then there's our covenant," and I quote that, "the new covenant, the new commandment that he has given me that I love the brethren, even as he loved the brethren". Hallelujah, every night. This is my confession every night and then go to sleep. So we understand now. I want us to go now into this 14th chapter, the 10th verse, "Believeth though not that I'm in the Father and the Father in me. The words that I speak under you, I speak not of myself," now listen, "but the Father within me, He does the works".

Now all kinds of religious traditions that have gone awry and gone astray, that Jesus came and healed people to prove his divinity, well no, if that's true, he failed that in his own hometown because it says, "There he could do no mighty works". It didn't say he wouldn't. It said he couldn't. Why? Because of their unbelief. So let's talk a few moments about that because as pastors and as ministers of the gospel, as teachers and so forth, in your future, this is going to come up in one form or another. Jesus would never, ever allow anybody to call him good. We know he was and is, amen, because of what we read and Acts 10:38, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Yes, but now he says, it's the Father within he did the works. Okay.

Now I get extremely excited about this. What happened to him in the Jordan? He was baptized in water, which is right. Every believer should be baptized in water, glory to God. And if you were baptized when you were a little child and I don't know, well do it again. It don't matter. You can be dunked again, glory to God. Thank You, Jesus. But he also was baptized in the spirit. Now the spirit of God had always been in him because he was born of the spirit. But he had to be baptized in the spirit. And remember the fourth chapter of Luke now. After that, he was driven into the wilderness where he had to stand and he had to pass the test that Adam failed. And after he had not eaten anything for six weeks and then hunger came, that's when the devil's said, "Turn these stones into bread". And what did he say? "It is written. It is written. It is also written," and the devil left him. Well, sure he did. Absolutely, he did.

Now, thank You, Lord. He never did take the credit. It's the Father that dwells within me. He does the works. It's the same God that dwells within us. But when you and I follow his example and are baptized in water and then give ourselves over to the Holy Spirit to speak with other tongues, that's the easiest thing you ever did in your life. It was really easy for me because I didn't have any religion to unlearn. It just happened. Now how many Pentecostal people do you think would've done this? I talked in tongues there for a good little bit and then I had to fly back to Little Rock that night. So I was flying along there and I said, "Lord, I don't know whether there's anything to this or not because I don't know anything about it, but I'm going to do it again. I'm just going to say some of those words".

"Brother Kenneth, are you just going to just start talking in tongues anytime you want to"? "Yes". But I didn't have any fear of it because I wasn't raised around it and you might get the wrong thing. I didn't plan on getting the wrong thing. I didn't plan on that at all. I hadn't been and taught not to do that. Now when they gave the invitation, my mother and dad were sitting right behind Gloria and me and I turned around. I said, "Is this something we're supposed to have"? She said, "This is something you should have". So Gloria and I just jumped and ran up there to get it, not to ask for it. We went up there to get it. Looked great to us. Amen. Gloria didn't receive until the next morning. I had to go over and fly back that night. Well, and I just flying along there, I said, "I'm going to say some of those words again".

So I did. Here it came again. I've been doing it ever since. And I jumped out of that little airplane. I blessed the airplane. I blessed the hangar. I blessed the concrete. I blessed everything I could see. Praise God. But what happened? I didn't even know it then. Just like Jesus when he came up out of that water, John, the baptizer, saw the Holy Spirit land on him like a dove. He saw that in the Spirit. He stepped across a line. He stepped into the world of the supernatural. Now did Jesus talk tongues? Well, let's see if he did. At the tomb of Lazarus, he groaned in the Spirit and he said, "I know you always hear me". He didn't have to talk in tongues, but it's the same thing. Groaning in the Spirit. He moved into the Spirit place and he began to groan in the Spirit. And he said, "I know you always hear me". And he called him by name, "Lazarus come forth".

Now Lazarus had been mummified. The Jews learned that in Egypt. And he came forth, bound in grave clothes. Now they prepared Jesus that way. You wrap every finger, wrap the whole body and pour this liquid over it and it becomes this cocoon. And the last thing you cover is the face. Lazarus' face was covered. And the power of Jesus' words by the power of God lifted him up and stood him in the mouth of that tomb. And Jesus said, "Loose him and let him go". Brother Hagin said he used to preach a sermon, loose him and let him go. He said we had loosening services. But he said, "Everybody get loose and go crazy and the next day they got the same problem". He said, "Nobody walked in it by faith". He said, "I didn't either till I learned how". Loose him and let him go. Praise God.

Now all but Jesus' face was covered. So that whole cocoon type thing was in that tomb with the napkin folded to the side. Now you know why it was so shocking when they walked in there and saw that thing lying there with nobody in it. Now, how could that be possible? There was a physical body in there, but then when he came up out of hell, he was a glorified body. And that glorified body knows no boundaries. You and I will have that at the resurrection. Now that's what's so big about this Wednesday. It's one day closer to the resurrection. This has been just part of me for all these years. It's one day closer to the resurrection. It's one day closer to my birthday. And it's one day closer to Christmas. Any way you look at it, one day closer to the resurrection every day of the world. And I expect him every day. Glory to God. Amen. Thank You, Lord Jesus. One day closer, one day closer.

Now some people think, "Well, I'm one day closer to dying". I'll never die. No, I don't die. I depart. Now that's what the Spirit said through the Apostle Paul is, "It's time for my departure". Well, hey, I've done a lot of departing over the years. Being a pilot, started out a commercial pilot. Amen. What's my estimated time of departure? My estimated time of departure is December the sixth, 2056. I'll be 120 years old and I'm out here that day. I'm not staying here one day longer now. I mean, now it's up to you. Praise God. I mean it and I'm one day closer to it. Glory to God. Yes. Amen. Hallelujah. That's enough to make anybody shout.

So we talked about faith comes, faith comes Romans 10:1-17. "So then faith cometh by hearing". Let's turn over there, Romans 10. Now this is the place where we get the phrase, the Word of Faith, which we preach. This is not something Kenneth Hagin made up. It's not something that I made up. No, I'm not smart enough to come up with something like that in the first place. But here it is, Romans chapter 10, this classic chapter, verse four, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Moses describes the righteousness, which is of the law, that the man which does those things shall live by them. But the righteousness, which is of faith".

Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. Faith perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to the five physical senses. Amen. Faith speaks on this manner. "Say not in thine heart shall ascend into heaven to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep or the abyss, that is to bring up Christ again from the dead". What does it say? What does faith say? Excuse me. "The Word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart". That is the Word of Faith which we preach. Glory to God. That's what we preach, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus or that Jesus is Lord and shall believe in that heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart, man believeth under righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made under salvation. For the scripture says, "Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek. For the same Lord over all is rich under all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved".

How then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed? They can't. How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? They can't. How shall they hear without a preacher? Now that ought to get your attention. How shall they hear without a preacher? They can't. How shall they preach except they be sent? You can't. You have to realize that. Amen, we'll talk about that maybe some later. As it is written, "How beautiful of the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tiding of good things". They've not all obeyed the gospel, for Isaiah said, "The Lord who had believed our report. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," the preached Word of Faith. Hallelujah. It brings faith. It brings faith. You sow it, and it'll come up. It is a seed. The word Jesus called the Word of God seed and a seed does what? Produces after its own kind.

That's the reason it's so interesting and necessary to name your seed in offerings what you're believing. That for which you are believing, call it that and it'll produce it. Praise God. So then faith comes. Faith always comes. Say it. Faith always comes. It is the product of the preaching of the Word. Now, if you realize in your congregations, and we're out of time, that you're not having any of the gifts of the Spirit, start preaching on them. Then faith will come and they'll begin to be manifest. Praise God. And like I said, we're out of time, so give the Lord a praise offering. Let him know you appreciate him. Thank You, Jesus.
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