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Joseph Prince - What It Means to Be Fully Accepted in Christ
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Joseph Prince - What It Means to Be Fully Accepted in Christ
Joseph Prince - What It Means to Be Fully Accepted in Christ
I have a testimony here I’d like to open up with from United States, and it’s a sister from Missouri. So this lady says, «I was hopelessly addicted to crack cocaine, a habit that began in 2000. I went to countless inpatient and outpatient [...]
Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
The new covenant is all about believing, amen. Therefore, the lack of blessing in a believer’s life is a symptom of what? Not a lack of devotion but a lack of faith, unbelief. Somewhere in some area of our life we don’t believe. We are operating by [...]
Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
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Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
You and I today, we are born again. «If any man be in Christ, he’s a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new». And the Holy Spirit indwells you. Do you know the Holy Spirit is in you? Do you know how clean you are for [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you’re going through something right now, even though right now you’re on a high, you don’t feel like you’re going through anything. You know, you can tear a lion apart and [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Are you ready for God’s Word? I wanna touch on something that only believers have, and it’s called the faith of God, the God kind of faith. Say it, «The God kind of faith». Now, many of us, we grew up in the word of faith circle, so we have heard [...]
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
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Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Romans 10 is a very beautiful passage of Scripture. It tells us even how to be saved. Not only that, it is a message for believers and unbelievers as well. It starts with verse 4, «Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who [...]
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
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Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
I have a question to ask all of you and this is the question, ready? «Do you want to really live? Would you love to live a long happy life»? This is from the Bible, I love this translation because it brings out the Hebrew. In the King James’s days, [...]
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
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Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Faith is very simple. In the greatest gift of our salvation, it says in Romans chapter 10, verse 8, «What does it say? The Word is near you». Where? «In your mouth and in your heart (that is the Word of faith which we preach): that if you confess [...]
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
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Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
There is no sin that God cannot forgive. There is no pain that God cannot touch, no disease that he cannot heal. Amen? He’s above it all. Where sin increase, grace super abounds. In a world where people are so conscious of sin, shortcomings, [...]
Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
So let’s dive right into the Word of God, praise the name of Jesus. We know that God is going to do something great in your life, something powerful, amen? The world is getting darker and darker but the church of Jesus Christ is shining brighter and [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power of Declaring Your Right Standing in Christ
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Joseph Prince - The Power of Declaring Your Right Standing in Christ
Joseph Prince - The Power of Declaring Your Right Standing in Christ
Now, I’m going to show you something very, very powerful and this is the meat of my teaching, the marrow of the bone here. In Galatians 3, «And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith,» «Justify the Gentiles by faith». [...]
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
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Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
You ready for the Word, amen? So this is the way Jesus showed himself. Whatever it is, he’s about to show himself in a way the Holy Spirit is warning you, all right, giving you a little insight that this chapter is full of revelation about Jesus [...]
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
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Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
And verse 23, «They certainly,» God says about those who didn’t believe, «They certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to your fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it». If you don’t believe, the land is ready for you. The [...]
Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
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Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
Remember that at Kadesh Barnea, everything changed. The place they came out, for two years, they were walking with God, but for 38 years, they were wandering in the wilderness. But God collectively calls them 40 years of testing, 40 years of [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret to a Fruitful Life
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to a Fruitful Life
Joseph Prince - The Secret to a Fruitful Life
I’m reminded of the story of Ruth. Ruth, by the way, you should take time to read the story of Ruth. It’s only four chapters, one of the shortest books in the Bible. Four chapters, very beautiful story of Jesus and the Church. Jesus is portrayed by [...]
Joseph Prince - The Key to Success in Every Area of Your Life
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Joseph Prince - The Key to Success in Every Area of Your Life
Joseph Prince - The Key to Success in Every Area of Your Life
God wants Jesus Christ to come back to the center of his church. And he wants the gospel that Jesus died to produce, amen? To give to the church, to come back to the centerpiece, to the forefront, amen? And it seems like there’s such a mixture all [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Grace Empowers Right Living
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Joseph Prince - God's Grace Empowers Right Living
Joseph Prince - God's Grace Empowers Right Living
Being under law and grace is a matter of life and death. It’s a matter of being healthy, being strong. Many years ago, the Lord asked me a question about the centurion who had great faith. He wasn’t a Jew, all right? And he was a centurion, Roman [...]
Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
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Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
The law was given by Moses. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The law was given by a servant. Grace and truth came by the Son. We are not under Moses. We are under Christ. We are not under law, we are under grace. We are not under demand, we are [...]
Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
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Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
How many of us, we pray, the moment you say, «Father,» you know God hears your prayer? You have the conscience, I have to be careful what I pray because God hears my prayer, he will answer it. Do you feel that way, or do you feel like, «Father? [...]
Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
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Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
There’s a woman of Canaan… say Canaan. Jesus went up to the north, near the sea coast, near the Lebanon area, where Tyre and Sidon was. The Bible says Jesus went to the regions of Tyre and Sidon. Tyre and Sidon are two very famous cities, and a [...]
Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
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Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
I really think that we are really blessed and privileged to be in this generation, amen. Even if you are in the Acts of the apostles, you know, that is the church in its infancy, amen. They ride on donkeys to bring the gospel somewhere. They travel [...]
Joseph Prince - God-Given Peace Is Yours to Claim
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Joseph Prince - God-Given Peace Is Yours to Claim
Joseph Prince - God-Given Peace Is Yours to Claim
I’m going to show you something back to back, okay, and I’m a contextual preacher which means I preach things in context in the way it appears in the Bible. In John chapter 19, don’t have to turn to it. Listen, in John 19 is the story of the cross, [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
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Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
Praise God. All right, turn to your Bibles to the Word of God in Romans chapter 3, Romans chapter 3. It is important for us to remember that there cannot be forgiveness, there cannot be remission of sins, «remission» means «sending away». Literally, [...]
Joseph Prince - The God Who Provides
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Joseph Prince - The God Who Provides
Joseph Prince - The God Who Provides
All right, so the names of God are important. We have Yeshua, the name of Jesus. But don’t forget there’s one more name that Jesus came to reveal. And this is all important. Inasmuch as you learn Psalms 91, all the Old Testament scripture, whatever [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
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Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
I want to share with you something that I think is going to bless you greatly, especially we are on this track of learning to inherit. Say, «Inheritance». That word is so rich, isn’t it? Just saying the word inheritance. When someone says, «I have [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
Now, I’m going to tell you something. I read the Bible and I ask questions that people don’t ask. That’s how I get my messages. I like to ask questions that some people don’t even bother. I ask them, «How about this verse? There must be an [...]
Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
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Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
All right, «They limited the Holy One of Israel». This is a phrase that I feel that the Lord has put in my spirit, that has happened to so many of us. We have become natural. We are God’s people, yet we become natural. Psalm 78 says the people of [...]
Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Things Are Not
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Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Things Are Not
Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Things Are Not
You know, God’s picture is for all of you to experience this, Zechariah 9:11 for the 9/11 generation. It says this, 9:12, we’ll come to 9:11 in a while, «Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today», this is God’s declaration, «I [...]
Joseph Prince - God Is With You Even In Your Night Seasons
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Joseph Prince - God Is With You Even In Your Night Seasons
Joseph Prince - God Is With You Even In Your Night Seasons
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you’re going through something right now, even though right now you’re on a high, you don’t feel like you’re going through anything. You know, you can tear a lion apart and [...]
Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
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Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
Of all the sins that Jesus publicly rebukes and exposes in the gospels, it is not, you know, you can never find, you can never read anywhere, «He rebuked the tax collectors, the social outcasts, the prostitutes of his day». You cannot find anywhere [...]
Joseph Prince - Make Room For Christ
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Joseph Prince - Make Room For Christ
Joseph Prince - Make Room For Christ
Merry Christmas, everyone. What a beautiful sight. At least, you know that you are in the house of God. Anything is possible and everything is possible, not just because it’s Christmas. It’s because of his presence, amen? But during this [...]
Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
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Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
You know how the Gospel of John ends? All the four gospels, because Jesus is the King of the Jews, he ends off by giving them, "Go into all the world and observe all my commandments". Those are commandments of the New Covenant, loving one [...]
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
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Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
The reason you can believe for a good in your future, for a confident expectation of good, for a happy anticipation of good in your future is because at the cross. Jesus bore all your sins and cancelled out all the effects of those sins and the [...]
Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
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Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
God looks at you and God puts his righteousness on you. The moment you believe on Jesus, God treats you like Jesus, amen? Your actions are not yet perfect, your thoughts are not perfect, amen? But until then, God does not look at you in your error, [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
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Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
They say that stress, when you're under stress, okay, it affects your body, especially chronic stress. It can cause cardiovascular problems, sickness, disease, and all kinds of conditions. Chronic stress, so what is that? It's trying to [...]
Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
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Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
One reason why people give up on their life or they take their own life is because they see all kinds of imperfection in themselves, they see all kinds of darkness in their mind, but it's all a lie. Are you listening? A lot of Christians are [...]
Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
Greetings, church. We are in for an exciting time in God's Word. You know, the Lord has laid something on my heart. The Word that he has laid on my heart has been brewing there for some time, and I'm looking at different aspects of it and [...]
Joseph Prince - God Is No Longer Angry With You Today ​(Live at Lakewood Church)
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Joseph Prince - God Is No Longer Angry With You Today ​(Live at Lakewood Church)
Joseph Prince - God Is No Longer Angry With You Today ​(Live at Lakewood Church)
You ready for the Word? Isaiah 54. How many know that Isaiah 54 comes after Isaiah 53? I know that's kind of deep, but 53 is all about the work of the Messiah. For example, Isaiah 53, it says, "Surely, he has borne our diseases and carried [...]
Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You
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Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You
Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You
Take some time to smile at the one beside you on the right and the left because in the year of time and space you might be liable to sit here for the next 5 hours. You don't even know it, okay? But it will be an accelerated time. Praise God. [...]
Joseph Prince - You Have A Destiny
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Joseph Prince - You Have A Destiny
Joseph Prince - You Have A Destiny
Yes, Lord, thank you. The Lord has been good to us. Amen? Amen, what a year. What a year, the year of the latter rain. Praise God. And it's still raining. Amen? Like, we always say that just because the year comes to an end does not mean that [...]
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
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Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
Good morning, church. Praise the Lord. Welcome to New Creation Church. We trust we're going to have a great time together in the Lord. Amen? I want you to acknowledge the ones beside you. Just bless them. Okay? Say something good to them. Say, [...]
Joseph Prince - Walk In Divine Health And Life (Live at Lakewood Church)
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Joseph Prince - Walk In Divine Health And Life (Live at Lakewood Church)
Joseph Prince - Walk In Divine Health And Life (Live at Lakewood Church)
Hello, Lakewood. Hello, America. And the world is tuning in on social media as well. This is going to be a fantastic meeting, all right? Gathering of the united nations around the world watching the name of Jesus being lifted. Amen, let's hear [...]
Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
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Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
How are y'all doing? We are living in exciting times, amen? I mean, do you feel like there's an acceleration of time, people? Isn't it amazing? And we now have the blessing of hindsight, all right? Every time we look behind, we can [...]
Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective
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Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective
Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective
Happy new year of living in the upper room. Amen. You know, when we were believing God for this place, I actually heard the Lord tell me this. This is the very first time ever he said this to me years ago. We moved in in 2012, end of 2012. And those [...]
Joseph Prince - The Year of Living In The Upper Room
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Joseph Prince - The Year of Living In The Upper Room
Joseph Prince - The Year of Living In The Upper Room
We got the theme of the year waiting for us, amen? God's Word is always important. It's important to always bring forth the Word of God. Do you know that as the Word of God goes forth people are healed, amen? There are signs and wonders. [...]
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
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Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Come on, lift your voices to the one who gave his life for us, who has risen from the dead. He's here right now. Give him praise. Hallelujah. We welcome your presence, Lord. He is here, you know. We're not just saying, he is here. Amen? [...]
Joseph Prince - The Beauty of Our Servant King
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Joseph Prince - The Beauty of Our Servant King
Joseph Prince - The Beauty of Our Servant King
Are you ready for God's Word? Yes? Last week we touched on Zacchaeus, remember that, and the city of Jericho. The city that's cursed. I wanna continue with the teaching, but I just wanna show you how this is back to back. The reason why we [...]
Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
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Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
Resurrection Morning. Jesus conquered death, amen? A man has been raised from the dead. You know, the Resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate today is not like when he raised Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus was to wear those linen clothes, those [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
God is the maker of good days. You know, the Bible says that "He that will love life and see good days," and good days is always plural. "Good days," with an "s". But when it comes to the day that you go through a [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
If you are suffering mental depression, listen to what I'm gonna say, amen? Just live one day at a time. Get up, just do what you're supposed to do, the next thing, and the next thing, and the Holy Spirit will lead you first step by step [...]
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