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Dr. Ed Young - The Promise
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Dr. Ed Young - The Promise
Dr. Ed Young - The Promise
We begin the new year in just a few days. Some of us will go to the supermarket and as you’ll go out the supermarket, you’ll see there inevitably those newspaper, journals there and they’ll have predictions, remember? And they’ll have all the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Sower the Seed and the Soil
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Dr. Ed Young - The Sower the Seed and the Soil
Dr. Ed Young - The Sower the Seed and the Soil
Neuroscientists, those who study the brain have found a switch that you and I can turn on our brain and will be healthier, wiser, and happier. Did that sink in? Now everybody asks, what in the world is that switch? It's your mind. It's my [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Christmas Eve Message
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Dr. Ed Young - Christmas Eve Message
Dr. Ed Young - Christmas Eve Message
Serious words in 2 Timothy chapter number 3. So many times we listen to Scripture and we don't apply it. I want you particularly this Christmas Eve, especially this Christmas Eve in this moment of history in the world in which we live, see if [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Resume' of Christmas
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Dr. Ed Young - The Resume' of Christmas
Dr. Ed Young - The Resume' of Christmas
Emmanuel means God with us. And that's Christmas. I love to quote and I do every Christmas Phillips Brooks' words. On that first Christmas, he said, "God came down the stairs of heaven with a baby in his arms". That's [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Born Crucified
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Dr. Ed Young - Born Crucified
Dr. Ed Young - Born Crucified
I love Christmas. I don't know why, I just do, don't you? Something about it, something about it. When you think of Christmas, I think of home. When I think of home, I think of Christmas. But, around the world today, there are 271,521 [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
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Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
Sometimes when you're perusing around the Bible, open it to the first chapter of Judges. Joshua had led the children of Israel to conquer the Promised Land. He didn't clean out all the evil that was there, demonstrated in the lives of all [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
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Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
Now, the book of Romans is different from all the other letters that Paul penned. It's radically different. All the other works of Paul were generally answering questions that he had been asked. He was trying to deal with problems in the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - From Confusion to Clarity
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Dr. Ed Young - From Confusion to Clarity
Dr. Ed Young - From Confusion to Clarity
Let's just take an examination, and let's just look for a moment as what it is like in marriage, in intimacy to live within the boundary of God. What is it like in marriage to live within the boundary of God? And then we are going to see [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Unseen Heroines
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Dr. Ed Young - Unseen Heroines
Dr. Ed Young - Unseen Heroines
Our Scripture is found in the book of Exodus. In Hebrew, the first word in chapter one of Exodus is and, and all this happened in Genesis, and. And then we move into Exodus, and I want you to notice what's going on. Beginning with verse number [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Resurrection Truth
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Dr. Ed Young - Resurrection Truth
Dr. Ed Young - Resurrection Truth
It was probably about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Friday. The announcement was made: Jesus is dead. I'm sure the whisperers went out everywhere. He's dead. He's dead. Jesus is dead. Normally, when a criminal was executed in such [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
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Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
There was a time on this earth when Adam and Eve, their mind was in perfect agreement with the mind of Almighty God. The garden of Eden, pristine utopia. God, mankind. In the garden there was beauty, joy, freedom, celebration, because the mind of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
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Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
God created time. Let that soak a while, okay. That answered so many things. God created time. And from the first nanosecond of creation in the beginning, God, from that first moment when He spoke time into existence all the way through history, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
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Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
Let me ask you a question: Would you let someone spoke in this pulpit, this evangelical, believer in Bible, if they had been part of the persecution of many Christians in the Middle East, you would have seen a lot of people be executed and they [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Depression
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Dr. Ed Young - Depression
Dr. Ed Young - Depression
Now I want us to read this together. Would you do that? Listen to it. Read it with me: "Why are you down in the dumps..."? Time out! All twelve of you! Read it with me! Here we go! "Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
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Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
Everybody did what was right, but they were wrong. It's the last Verse of the Book of Judges-Judges 25:21 says, "There was no king in the land of Israel, so everybody did what was right in their own eyes". In their own eyes... When [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
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Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
If God took each and every one of us-every one of us over to one side and looked you and me right in the face and asked this very personal, intimate question, how would you answer it? How would I answer it? If he asked this: "What is the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The End of Time
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Dr. Ed Young - The End of Time
Dr. Ed Young - The End of Time
It's amazing how interest in last things wanes and swells. Sometimes there's a lot of interest; sometimes there's little interest. Primarily I've noticed it centers around what's going on in the Middle East. And when there [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
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Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
I want you to repeat after me eight words, "When I am weak, then I am strong". Does that make any sense at all? It's a paradox. Weakness, strength. When we're weak, then we are strong? Doesn't that sound like nonsense, silly [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
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Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
Our Scripture is found in Psalm 119, verse 105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet. And a light to my path". Say that after me, "Your word is a lamp to my feet. And a light in my path". In 1917, in Petrograd, Russia, now St. [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Life
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Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Life
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Life
Motherhood, to be a mother, is the most demanding job on the planet. To be a mother is the least recognized, rewarded job on the planet. But to be a mother is the most important job on the planet. Without any question about it. And mothers [...]
Dr. Ed Young - You Need a Cheerleader
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Dr. Ed Young - You Need a Cheerleader
Dr. Ed Young - You Need a Cheerleader
In 1898, a young student named Johnny Campbell became the first known cheerleader in the United States of America. On the campus of University of Minnesota, an athletic contest was taking place, and Johnny Campbell stood up and led all of those in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
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Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
There's something about large public trials that have always attracted people. When there's an issue on the line, or a life on the line, and decisions must be made, and it is taken into the public arena, there's something magnetic [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Teachable Moments
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Dr. Ed Young - Teachable Moments
Dr. Ed Young - Teachable Moments
What is a Christian? Most of us can give an answer to that. A Christian is someone who is convicted of their sin. They confess that sin, they turn away from that sin, and they invite Jesus Christ to come into their life and to clean up their act and [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
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Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
Dr. Ed Young - Breaking Down Barriers
Right at the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, we read in John chapter number 3 and John chapter number 4, about two individuals who came to know Christ. These two individuals could not be more different. The first was Nicodemus, came to [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
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Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
What is the operative word, the basic factor that leads to war? What is the thing that is there? We look at Mao, we look at Adolf Hitler, we look at Tojo, we look at Stalin, we look at Idi Amin, and we can rattle off all of those who led in war in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Father Knows Best?
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Dr. Ed Young - Father Knows Best?
Dr. Ed Young - Father Knows Best?
Ed Young : Recently, my son, Ben, interviewed me about what our home was like growing up. Let me tell you something confidentially. I was nervous. I assure you, as you will be able to see in a few moments, it was unscripted and unrehearsed. But in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
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Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
So, we need to learn how to parent in the world in which we live. You know what parenting today is like? It's like building a fire in the rain. You ever tried to build a fire in the rain? I have. It's tough, isn't it? Man, a lot of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
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Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
"All right! You want a healthy family, a healthy marriage, here's the list! Where are you failing? Try harder"! Isn't that what you expect? That's not what you're gonna get, because if you've been around for a [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
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Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
In 1878 some archaeologists were digging around in the sands of Egypt, and they ran into an obelisk with hieroglyphics written on it, and they translated the hieroglyphics and they discovered a civilization, a culture, a nation, that heretofore [...]
Dr. Ed Young - A New Nature
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Dr. Ed Young - A New Nature
Dr. Ed Young - A New Nature
Jesus began his public ministry in Jerusalem, in Judea, on the temple mount, there at the temple. The perfect place to begin, would you say? And when you read the Bible about the temple that can't be talking about the temple mount, which is an [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Saved by a Look
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Dr. Ed Young - Saved by a Look
Dr. Ed Young - Saved by a Look
I'm in heaven, it's the first sunrise I've ever seen in heaven. I have on my resurrected body, this old shell was thrown away. Now I've got that resurrected body, it's going to take me about 50 trillion years even to [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Greatest Man
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Dr. Ed Young - The Greatest Man
Dr. Ed Young - The Greatest Man
Four hundred years, no word From God. Temple worship went on. Sacrificial system continued. All the special days were religiously observed. A form of godliness, no power, until we read in the Gospel of John, there was a man sent from God whose name [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
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Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
Dr. Ed Young - Words of Comfort
I love to read biography! I've read a lot of biographies... Somehow when you walk inside the skin of men and women, significant, insignificant, historical, Biblical, I just love biographies! How many of you like biographies? Lift your [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Is God in Control?
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Dr. Ed Young - Is God in Control?
Dr. Ed Young - Is God in Control?
A brief look at El, E-L. We're not going to exhaust our study but when you see the name E-L or the initials, E-L it stands for God. That E-L is mentioned 238 times in the Old Testament, E-L. We looked last week at the God of creation, he is [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Can God Heal Me?
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Dr. Ed Young - Can God Heal Me?
Dr. Ed Young - Can God Heal Me?
When I was a boy, I played flat out. Know what that means? I just, whew. I wasn't the fastest or the biggest or the strongest, and certainly not the best athlete, but I'll tell ya, when I entered into a contest, I didn't leaven [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Good Shepherd
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Dr. Ed Young - The Good Shepherd
Dr. Ed Young - The Good Shepherd
We're all familiar with somewhat Psalm 23, even those outside of the understanding. We know that famous passage. We've talked about it. We've exegeted it recently, and it begins "The Lord is my Shepherd". and we hear that at [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Overcoming Loneliness
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Dr. Ed Young - Overcoming Loneliness
Dr. Ed Young - Overcoming Loneliness
I heard someone say, in conversation, loneliness is hell. Now, they didn't know that, but they made a very profound theological statement. Because loneliness is, indeed, hell. We search for definitions of hell, we look at the Bible. Fire and [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
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Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
Jack was almost 6'4", weighed about a smooth, oh, 265 pounds, ex-marine, big, strong, bombastic, personality just everywhere. If you knew Jack you liked him, he was a man's man, he was everybody's friend, he loved life, and he [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Church Alive
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Dr. Ed Young - The Church Alive
Dr. Ed Young - The Church Alive
Elvis has left the building. That famous phrase has been applied in these years in many, many different situations. Major League baseball game, someone hits it out of the park, homerun, and the announcer a might say, "Well, that ball has left [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Death of Death
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Dr. Ed Young - The Death of Death
Dr. Ed Young - The Death of Death
I looked today at Easter in a new way because I've come to a realization that I am terminally ill. But you also are terminally ill, everybody here. We just don't know how long the term will be. In light of that, Easter has new meaning for [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Presence of God
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Dr. Ed Young - The Presence of God
Dr. Ed Young - The Presence of God
Everybody here would like to have the power of God at your disposal, in your repertoire. We need the power of God to help us in our business, helps us in our vocation, health challenges we might have. In any area of our life, all of us would love to [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Rescue Me
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Dr. Ed Young - Rescue Me
Dr. Ed Young - Rescue Me
If you just came from outer space, didn't know anything about church and Christian history, or any doctrines of biblical truth, and somebody would tell you that the death of a man who lived over 2,000 years ago has relevance for you, you'd [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Entrance to the Kingdom
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Dr. Ed Young - The Entrance to the Kingdom
Dr. Ed Young - The Entrance to the Kingdom
Mark 14:12, "On the first day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb was being sacrificed, His disciples came to Him, 'Where do You want us to go and prepare for You to eat the Passover?'" Verse 22, "While they were [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
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Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Several years ago in the "Wall Street Journal," a writer penning words that went something like this. He said, "Money is the passport that will take you anywhere you want to go, except to Heaven". And said, "Money also is a [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
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Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold inbaskets of silver". Beautiful, flowing Verse, isn't it? A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in baskets of silver. The picture here we receive in Proverbs is one that [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
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Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
Well! Every survey you read says the basic need, number one need of every married man, take any survey with almost no exceptions... It may be verbalized a little different. The number one basic need of every married man is sexual fulfillment. The [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
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Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
We are wrapped up with superheroes. When I was a boy, I went to the movie almost every Saturday. Cost a dime. Can you believe that? And I watched Roy Rogers and Gene Autry and... most you've never heard of, Whip LaRue. Anybody ever heard of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - God Will Provide
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Dr. Ed Young - God Will Provide
Dr. Ed Young - God Will Provide
The theme of this Scripture is Jehovah-jireh, God will provide. So, when I say Jehovah-jireh in the service, you will answer... Jehovah-jireh. "Now it came to pass after these things". After these things is where we begin as we ascend [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Thanksgiving from Israel
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Dr. Ed Young - Thanksgiving from Israel
Dr. Ed Young - Thanksgiving from Israel
41 years ago, I showed up in Houston and I met CW Maxcy, who's Lee Maxcy's dad, and he came up to me and he said, "Do you know anything about Texas history"? I said, "Well, I've heard of Sam Houston and I've heard [...]
Dr. Ed Young - An Unlikely Hero
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Dr. Ed Young - An Unlikely Hero
Dr. Ed Young - An Unlikely Hero
God told Joshua to go and possess the land and to wipe out the Moabites, the Jebusites, the Amorites, all the Canaanites. Wipe out all the -ites in the land, so God's people could go and become his peculiar people, wholly separate to him [...]
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