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Creflo Dollar - Conquering The Spirit of Fear - Part 2

Creflo Dollar - Conquering The Spirit of Fear - Part 2

2 Timothy chapter 1:7 he says this: "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but he's given us power," the ability to get results. "He's given us power. He's given us love, and we have a sound mind". All right, so if he hadn't given us fear, he hadn't given us the spirit of fear, we know that's true, then we have to conclude that fear is not natural, and it is not normal, okay? So we established that. Also, in 1 John chapter 4 and verse 18, the solution to the spirit of fear that, when the spirit of fear shows up, and you gotta learn how to be really honest with yourself. You've gotta really get to the point where you say, "I'm gonna be honest with myself. I'm facing fear. I'm being tempted with fear. Fear is knockin' on the door". You're not gonna accomplish anything just tryin' to, you know, be religious and deep like nothin's goin' on.

If it's there, face it, okay? Face it, and deal with it. So how do we deal with it? 1 John chapter 4:18, and here's what he says: "There is no fear in love". Now, that's a powerful statement. "There is no fear in love," okay, "but perfect love casteth out fear". Or another translation says that "perfect love expels fear". How many of you know it's time for you to expel fear, amen? "Perfect love expels fear, because fear hath torment". It does have torment, and "He that feareth is not made perfect in love". So, I mean, this is pretty straightforward. "Perfect love," what is perfect love? It's the love that God has for us and us comin' to a place where we have faith in that love, okay? And so I have faith, and I believe in the love that God has for me.

Now, fear is, most of the time, goin' to try to contradict the promises of God. It's gonna try to contradict what God has said to you and promised you and declared who you are, and the greatest fear that Satan wants to put on us is the fear that what he said and what he promised won't come to pass, okay? So by reminding yourself that, you know, God loves you, and because God loves you, that has come to pass; because God loves you, this has taken place; because God loves you, "I am healed," because God loves you, "I will be all right," and so you have to understand that, when fear knocks, the perfect love answers, and it's the perfect love that you believe that God has for you: "I believe God loves me, and because I believe God loves me, any fear that comes my way I cast out because 'Perfect love casteth out all fear.'" If you understand that, say, "Amen".

Okay, so we move on to what we were really dealing with, and the more and more I think about it, it gets more and more deeper and deeper. Romans chapter 8:2. So to really get in the nitty-gritty of how this fear operates, we, first of all, understand that there are "principles," and I'm gonna use that word tonight. I will use the word "law" interchangeably, but when I talk about the laws that govern life, I'm not talking about the law of Moses, okay? I'm not talkin' about the 613 laws. I'm talking about spiritual principles that have been set forth to govern things. There is a law of gravity or a principle of gravity that will work for anybody that will get involved. That is a law of gravity, but that is the principle that operates on this planet, okay? So there are, just like there's a law of gravity, there's a law of lift that operates in the natural, okay? So, likewise, there are laws that govern and operate in the world of the Spirit, in the spirit realm, where angels and demons exist and where God and Satan exists. That spirit realm, there are laws that govern the spirit realm.

Now, why should that be important to us as Christians? Even though we live in the natural where there are laws that govern the natural realm, we've got to understand that everything in this physical world has come out from the spiritual world, or the spiritual world is kind of like the parent of the physical world. So you've got to understand, if you want your physical life to go a certain way, it's got to start with what's happening in that spiritual world, and we have authority in those two places. We have authority in that spiritual world. We have authority in that physical world, and so what I release spiritually is gonna give birth to somethin' in this physical world, so I gotta pay attention to what I release. There are laws that govern the spirit.

Now, there are two major laws, two major laws that govern life, okay? According to this Scripture, Romans 8:2, he says, "For the law of the Spirit of life", that's one, "in Christ Jesus", so, now, I had a little adjustment to make today: "For the law of the Spirit of life that's in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death". That's another one, so I submit to you two of the major, basic laws that govern life: the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death. Let's deal with the law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus.

Now, the law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus functions and operates by the faith of Jesus Christ, and that's the adjustment I made. It functions by faith, but it functions by the faith of Jesus Christ. This law functions by me believing what Jesus believes. This law functions by me having faith in what Jesus has faith in, and so, basically, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus operates by faith. It operates by faith, and that means, you know, I already believe that I already have what Jesus has already done. I already believe that I already have what Jesus has already done, and so, I mean, that's a powerful thing. I'm healed, I'm prosperous, I'm delivered, I have peace. Spiritual warfare is not only me receiving what Jesus has done but also me maintaining what Jesus has done.

So the Spirit, the life, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus operates by faith. Now, when faith is released in that law, in that principle, when faith is released there, you turn on the life cycle. So there's the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which operates by faith. When you operate by faith, it now turns on the life cycle. The life cycle starts working in you and in your life and around you, so you experience things like, you know, goodness. You experience things like healing. You experience the finished works of Jesus Christ, and that life cycle is gonna bring you all the way up to eternal life and life spent with God.

So all of the goodness of God, all of the promises of God, all of everything that God says is yours right now, comes when you recognize there are the law of life in Christ Jesus that operates by the faith that turns on the life cycle, and by living this way, you're living in the life cycle and everything that deals with life: "I've come that you might have," what? "Life, and to have it," what? "More abundantly," okay? And so you start living that abundant life. That's that life cycle, and you're just cycling everything that deals with abundant life, everything that is good, everything that is wealthy, healthy. All those things happen.

Now, will you still have attacks? Yes, but you're operating by a greater law that governs all of the rest of the things that you have to face. This is the most powerful law that you can operate in, in life. Somebody says, "Well, what about the law of sin and death"? Listen to what it says, "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death". So it has to be greater. See, the law of lift in the natural is greater than the law of gravity, okay? The law of gravity says, you know, "What goes up must come down," but the law of lift says, "If you engage that, it will now set you free from the law of gravity, and you can take flight," glory be to God.

All right, so let's look at the law of sin and death. Well, how does that operate? Well, the law of sin and death, this is interesting. The law of sin and death operates, watch this, by fear. You turn the law of sin and death on by fear. You activate the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus by faith. Every time I say, "by faith," I think about by faith of, I don't know if you've been doin' that, but all weeklong, I've been goin' around, saying, "I'm delivered by the faith of Jesus. I'm healed by the faith of Jesus. I'm prosperous by the faith of Jesus. I'm saved by the faith of Jesus". I'm tryin' to renew my mind to that to remind me that I have faith in what Jesus has already done, amen? By me saying that, I am activating those principles that the faith of Jesus has already made available, but now I now move into the life cycle of that.

So what happens is Satan says, "Okay, I need somethin' like what God got". So, remember, spiritual reciprocals. I don't even know if we talked about that last week. Did we talk about it? "One over three," the reciprocal is now "three over one," or two-thirds, a reciprocal, we use it in fractions. Well, there are spiritual reciprocals, okay? They can be common, like, for all fractions, but they're inverted, okay, on the same plane but inverted, and so what happens is you have the law of life which is in Christ Jesus. Satan says, "I wanna invert that law and produce somethin' that will produce sin and death". So there's a law of sin and death. So under the law of life in Christ Jesus, it operates by faith. The reciprocal of faith is fear.

See, fear didn't exist first, and then faith came out of it. Fear came out, is a reciprocal, or an inversion, of faith. The law of sin and death is a reciprocal, or an inversion, of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Satan is trying to be an inversion of God. The problem there is there's no common denominator. He's a archangel, and God's God. You follow what I'm sayin'? Okay, so what he's tryin' to set up here is, all right, like you need faith to turn on that principle of the Spirit of life, you need fear to turn on the principle of sin and death. Fear. So you're not just walkin' around with fear. That's not all that's happening. You are literally switching on a law that tries to now govern your life.

Now, what happens when you have fear that turns on the law of sin and death? When you have fear that turns that law on, that law now produces the death cycle. You start doing things, thinking things that is just leading you to death, okay, leading you to sickness, leading you to poverty. It's everything in that death cycle that's been turned on by your fear that's happening in your life. You cannot tolerate fear. Why? To tolerate fear is to contaminate faith. You cannot. So the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus will make you free from sin and death, will make you free from fear, will make you free from the death cycle. So, as Christian people, we have got to engage the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and it will make you free from everything that leads to the death cycle.

And you and I have got to recognize that, in our life, ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to have the only potential in your life is the death cycle. You have to decide to turn on the death cycle in your life. You have to decide to turn on sin and death in your life. You have to decide. It is a decision. It's not well, some people are under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and some people are under the law of sin and death. No, no, no, no. The only people that are under the law of sin and death are those who have activated through their fear, and they have found that their fear is now governing their life, governing their speech, governing their thinking, and they are in a death cycle. Stuff just ain't actin' right. Stuff ain't goin' good. It's just like, "Why is this happenin' like this"?

Now, on some cases, somebody says, "Well, you know, it's just maturin' me". Yeah, that's good unless you are the victim of the law that you turned on to operate. All right, so how does that work? How does that work? All right, let's look at this real quick: Proverbs 18:21, and then Matthew 12:37. Proverbs 18:21, now, this is gonna take us back to somethin' that somebody's gonna say, "Dear God, we back to talkin' about that again"? Isn't it amazin' how we can go through the same Scriptures and get somethin' totally, a total, different direction or add more to it? And I'm convinced sometimes we don't need to go to new Scriptures. We just need to go over the ones we just talked about 'cause the Bible is pregnant, full of revelation, amen? And you can't exhaust it, amen? You can just get a little bit and go back and look at somethin' else, amen? Praise God.

All right, Proverbs 18:21, all right, so we talked about the death cycle and the life cycle. We talked about the law of sin and death and the law of life which is in Christ Jesus. All right, check this out. Now it's gonna really make sense that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall benefit from it or eat the fruit thereof," either death or life. Okay, so, heh, you can just say, "Well, it don't really matter. It don't make", it does, it does. What you allow to consistently come out of your mouth matters. Why? Because it is the determining factor, I believe, in what law is working. I just don't want the law of sin and death to be workin' in my life, and then I ignore it.

I want to every day ignite and to turn on the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. I wanna turn that on, but death and life is in the power of the tongue. You know that is an awesome responsibility to realize that there's a Scripture in the Bible that says death and life is your responsibility. Now look at the Scriptures. Go to the next one. I saw this one in Matthew 12:37. Matthew 12:37, he says, "For by thy words thou shalt be justified. By thy words thou shalt be condemned".

So don't tell me what's comin' out of here is not important. It gives laws the authority to produce fruit in your life, this right here. Your whole life will change if you'll change the way you're talking. At least set some time aside to release stuff, and that's why, you know, that's why we started doin' the confessions in the morning. I know I got at least 30 minutes of time with people, of us sayin' the right things and then dependin' on the grace of God throughout the day. Don't go and beat yourself up if you're, you know, you're not there yet. Just, you know, "All right, I understand this now. I know this now. I see myself now. At least I put 30 minutes in the day, a good time doin' the thing. At least I can do that, and, Father, I thank you that you'll help me".

God'll teach you how to be holy. You know what? The Bible says grace will teach you. In the book of Titus, it says grace will teach you. No, no, no, here's what it actually says: "Grace will teach us," and the emphasis is "us," who are born again. Grace won't teach the unsaved world 'cause they're not payin' no attention. Grace teaches us to live a godly life. Grace teaches us to resist ungodliness, and that's a whole, I cannot, yeah, I can wait, but it's gonna be excitin' to explain to you what that means.

Let's close with this: It is amazing, to me, that most people tend to hear Satan more clearly than they hear God. They listen to him say they're not going to make it, that they're going to fail, that they're going to be depressed, sick, and broke all their lives, however, understanding the nature of Satan will give you the strength you need to resist his deception and choose to activate the law of faith rather than the law of fear. The first thing we must know about Satan is that he is a liar. He cannot tell the truth. Similarly, God is the truth and cannot tell a lie.

So the very natures of God and Satan are what govern the words that they speak. When God says somethin' to you, you can bank on it because he is incapable of lying. When Satan whispers something in your ear, you can be sure it's a lie because he's incapable of telling the truth. When you understand the fundamental differences between God and Satan, your confidence in your ability to rise above fear will soar. The Bible doesn't just call Satan a liar. It says he is the father of lies. In other words, the boy spent all day just givin' birth to lies. He's never created anything. He's only perverted what God has created. His primary goal is to challenge God's faith-giving promises with fear, which brings doubt.

And when we understand Satan's tactics along with the law of reciprocals, we begin to see that every time we embrace fear of any kind, we are canceling out our faith. And I think that's the sum total. You see that in 2 Peter chapter 1, and verse 14, 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 1 through 4, it mentions the faith, but your faith is, like, contaminated if you let the voices, if you somehow think that Satan's just told the truth, it's a lie. He lies, and we feed upon lies from somebody who's the father of lies, and, you know, if it didn't come from God, it came from him. It's a lie.

So Satan says, "You're gonna die". He lying. That ought to get you healed right now. He lying. "Well, how you know he lying"? It came from the devil. The devil said, "You're", but God ain't gonna tell me that. Satan said it. He lying, so I'm gonna live. Everything's good, amen. You gotta stop allowing your life to be governed by a liar. Glory to God. Glory to God. Satan says, "You're broke". You're like, "Oh, my God, I'm rich". Take everything he says, so God cannot lie, and all Satan does is lie. As God is incapable of tellin' a lie, Satan is incapable of telling the truth. "So why do you say that"? Because the character really determines and really gives you a lot of trust in God because you know the character of Satan. He's a liar. He lies all the time. He's the father of lies.

Why are you gonna believe him, the one who condemns, the one who lies, the one tells you that you're not righteous, the one tells you that God doesn't love you, the one tells you that you're not enough. It's all lies, and how is it that we can be Christians in church and believe the lie more than we believe the truth? Praise God that's over with, amen? We have activated the law of life which is in Christ Jesus, which has also made you free from the law of sin and death. So I declare that you are free from the law of sin and death. You are free from fear, and you are free from the death cycle. Somebody, say, "Amen," somebody, "Amen".
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