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TD Jakes - Anointed Alignment

TD Jakes - Anointed Alignment

The only safe place as a believer is in alignment with God. Even if I'm out of line with people, even if I don't fit in with the group, I want to be in alignment with God. Even if I'm out of alignment with my job, I wanna be in alignment with God. Because when you get into alignment, you don't have to wrestle to be anointed. The anointing will flow wherever the alignment occurs. This is not about you, this is about what it's going to come through you, your children's children's children's children are going to be affected by you coming into alignment. And Samuel said I cannot rest until David comes into alignment. The Holy Spirit knows what God has for you is for you, you don't have to fight nobody, you don't have to argue with nobody, you don't have to be jealous of nobody, this is yours. Here it comes. This is yours. Are you ready? This is your prophetic word.

Somebody shout, "Bring me into alignment". Go to Psalms 133 for a minute and I'm gonna show you what'll happen if you get into alignment. Glory to God, "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. It is like the precious oil," look at that, unity, next word, oil. "It is like the precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is like the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion, for there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore". If you're the beard or the skirt of Aaron, all you have to do is be aligned. You don't have to be anointed, just be in your place, because when God anoints your head, it's gonna fall in alignment, and everything that's in alignment is gonna get that anointing.

And that's why the devil will try to move you out of your place and get you out of line, 'cause he sees what God is sending and what's going to flow into your life if you're in alignment, and he doesn't want you to be in the right place. And the Lord sent me here to teach tonight, to tell you this is the wrong time to move. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. When the oil hits the head, if you're the beard, this is the wrong time to move, you want to be lined up with head so that you get flow, and it will hit you without effort. Somebody shout, "It's comin' my way". That's why I want the head to be blessed. I want my leaders to be blessed, because when I see the old hit the head of my leader, if I'm lined up with leadership, the same oil that's on the head will be on the beard, will flow to the skirts, it won't be diluted, it won't be polluted, it will be the same exact oil. Bring me into alignment. I want to be in alignment.

Somebody shout, "Alignment". The creation in the book of Genesis makes it really, really clear. It shows us the fruitfulness of alignment. When the Holy Spirit comes into the chaotic world and begins to move on the chaotic world, he does not say bring forth until he has alignment, until he separated the firmaments above the waters from the firmaments that were beneath the waters. Until he's put boundaries on the seas. Until he got structure, and order, and alignment. And once he has alignment, then he starts bringing fruit. Bring forth, and all of a sudden, fish began to swim. Bring forth, and birds began to fly. Bring forth, and grass began to grow. God cannot give you what you're praying for until you get in alignment. He's not gonna give you vegetables in mud. He's not gonna give your fruitfulness in chaos. He's not gonna give you fruitfulness where there are no boundaries.

The first thing the Holy Spirit does is bring alignment, and then he commands fruitfulness to come out of alignment. If it was true in Genesis, if it was true in Gethsemane, if it was true on Calvary, then it's true today. If it was true in Genesis, if it was true in Psalms, if it was true on Calvary, if it's true in this text, because God says to Samuel, "Go to Bethlehem". Wait a minute. He says I have a king. I have found one after my heart. The one you had was after your heart. That was your will, now I'm going to show you my will. Go to Bethlehem. This is very, this text is so important. I just wish I could teach good enough to make you understand how important this text is. Because when God says go to Bethlehem, Samuel is moving from the will of the people to the will of God. He's having a Gethsemane moment. And in order to have a Gethsemane moment, he has to move into alignment.

You can't get God to do it where you are, go to Bethlehem. Why does he want him to go to Bethlehem? "O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see you you lie". What is that? Oh, no, that's the Christmas song. Oh, yeah, that's the wrong time to sing that, or is it? Is this not a dress rehearsal? Is this not a dress rehearsal? Is it a coincidence that God has said to Samuel, "Go down to Bethlehem"? Look at him bringing alignment. 'Cause it's about Bethlehem, baby. It's about Bethlehem. Everybody's headed for Bethlehem. Ruth is headed for Bethlehem. Boaz is in Bethlehem. Now Samuel again says go down to Bethlehem. This is a shadow that whatever God's gonna do in the earth it's gonna mean that we got to go to Bethlehem, because the glory of the Lord is coming to Bethlehem. Go down to Bethlehem. Fill your horn with oil and go to Bethlehem. Something's gonna happen in Bethlehem.

It's always about Bethlehem. A little town on the outskirts of Jerusalem, not heavily populated, not extremely wealthy, not extremely impressive, but God doesn't need you to be impressive with men to be impressive with God. When God's got something for you, he's gonna do it in Bethlehem. You don't have to be in a big city. He can do it in a small town. You don't have to have a big house. He can do it in your house. You don't have to have a big name. He can do it with your name. When I came up preaching, everybody was talkin' about everybody else. Nobody was talking about Jakes nowhere. Nobody knew who a Jakes was. But God will reach out into a little town in the hills of West Virginia, and get a no-name boy that nobody was thinkin' about, because when God gets ready to raise you up, he doesn't need the people to help you. They can all go to sleep. But if God's got something for you, go down to Bethlehem.

I don't know who I'm talking to tonight, but the Holy Spirit is coming into your Bethlehem to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that ye may ask or think. Go down, get your horn of oil, and go down to Bethlehem. And all of a sudden, now, now, look at this, look at this, this is good. This is good, look at this. He was weeping for Saul being rejected as king, but Saul is still alive. Even though Saul is alive, he is mourning him as gone, because he's not gone when he goes, he's gone when God says it. Oh, y'all don't hear what I'm sayin.' The Bible says how long will you grieve? How long will you mourn? How long will you be upset? It's talkin' about Saul like he's dead, and Saul is so much in charge that Samuel is afraid to go to Bethlehem, lest Saul hear about it.

So Saul is alive, physically, but spiritually, it's already done. That's why I tell you Calvary was settled in the Garden of Gethsemane. You don't have to wait till you see it happen for it to be over. When God told Saul it was over, it was over. When Jesus said, "Yes, not my will, but thine be done," Calvary was settled in the garden. The moment you say yes in your spirit, it is already done. Go down, down, down, down, down. You're up too high, go down, go down, go down to Bethlehem. It's about Bethlehem. Bethlehem means the house of bread. It's about the house of bread. It literally means the house of bread. Over and over, for the past few weeks, I've been preaching text that keeps bringing us to Bethlehem. Over and over we keep seeing Ruth and Naomi headed for Bethlehem. Are you hearing what I'm saying to you? Are you hearing what I'm saying to you?

We come to understand that Rachel gives birth on the way to Ephrata, which is an Old Testament name for Bethlehem, and she births Benjamin. She births Benjamin, calls him Benoni on the way to Bethlehem. And the Bible says they were just a little ways from Ephrath when she gave birth to the child, and gave up the ghost, and they buried her on the way to Bethlehem. Why does the Holy Spirit keep pulling us back to Bethlehem? Arise and fill your horn with oil, and go down to Bethlehem. Something is about to happen, and it's not gonna happen where you're at. There's a shift coming. There's a shift. There's a shift coming. I hereby prophesy and declare there is a shift coming. There's a move of glory. There's a transition going on. There's a shift from the house of Saul to the house of David. God is getting ready to do a new thing. God is getting ready to start a new order. David wasn't even related to Saul, but God's gonna take something that's not even connected and raise it up. You've been tryin' to make connections. You don't need connections with nobody but God. Once you connect with God, God's going to get it done. Go down to Bethlehem.

What caused the oil to stay in the horn is that they put wax in the bottom of the horn so that it would hold the oil. And until the wax melted, the oil wouldn't flow. And they held the horn over Eliab's head, but he didn't have enough glory to melt the wax. They brought Abinadab, but he didn't have enough glory to melt the wax. They brought Shimea, he didn't have enough glory to melt the wax. And all of a sudden, the prophet said you got to have another son. You've got to have another son. You got to have somebody else. Now, they have gone through seven. That is a completion. Seven is the number of completeness. That means that David coming is number eight, meaning God is about to do a new thing. The former things are passed away and all things are about to be new, glory to God. If you haven't gotten it by number seven, it's a sign that God's gonna do something with number eight. God is about to do a new thing, shout hallelujah. Give me 30 seconds of praise right now.

That was nice, but praise him for something new. Praise him for something you haven't seen yet. Praise him for something that's about to blow your mind. Praise him for something that's out of sequence. Praise him for something fresh. Praise him for something that seems impossible. God is about to do a new thing. Who knows, if you praise him right tonight, you might melt some wax. If you praised him tonight, you might melt the wax that's stopping the glory for the season that you're in right now. I'm gonna give you another chance to melt some wax until the oil begins to flow. Somebody praise him. Anybody praise him. Everybody praise him. Let everything that has breath. Sit down, sit down, I gotta go further. I gotta go further.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I feel that glory we had Sunday morning. I feel it sitting in here right now. I feel it sitting in here right now. I hope you can feel it online. The anointing of the Lord is on this word right now. I want you to receive it. I want you to understand. Jesse has brought seven of his sons, but one of them is out of alignment. He said you gotta have somebody else. Somebody's not here, somebody's misaligned. He had to bring David to the place. There could be no flow until there was alignment. As much as God had in store for David, and as much as David was dancing on the mountains, God would not anoint him out of place.

See, there's as much glory on being in the right place as there is having the right attitude. David had the right attitude, but he had to have the right alignment. God would not send the oil to David, David had to come to the oil. Now he says, Samuel says I will not rest until he comes into alignment. What is God waiting on you to do or move in order for you to come into alignment? With his little-bitty self, and his smelly self, and his untrained, unprepared self with no experience, and no training to be king. When Samuel held up the horn, the wax melted and the oil flowed. It flowed down upon the head of David. That oil flowed down through David's sons. It's flowed down through generations. That oil flowed all the way down to Jesus. Jesus Christos, the anointed one. Christ means the anointed one.

David is acting out what Jesus is. This is Bible class, come on. It's Bible class, it's not Sunday morning, it's Bible class. So when David comes to Bethlehem, he he is giving us a shadow of the Messiah, of the King of Israel, the real King of which David is just a shadow, but he had to do it in Bethlehem, because Mary's water was gonna break in Bethlehem. The wax melted in Bethlehem. Her water broke in Bethlehem. Y'all don't hear what I'm sayin.' I'm gonna go find somebody I can teach this to that can get what I'm sayin.' Everything breaks loose when you get in the right place. It ain't no accident her water didn't break loose nowhere else. When she got to Bethlehem, she said, "Oh, Joseph I can't go no further. The baby is coming, the baby is coming". And any pregnant woman will tell you that the sign of the baby coming is the water breaking. Her water broke the same way that that wax melted, and both of them are kings.

Oh, y'all don't hear what I'm sayin.' Do you get it? Are you with me? Are you with me? Are you with me? Can you hear me? Do you feel it? Something's about to break in your life, and if it breaks in your life, it's going to break in your grandson's life. If it breaks in your life, generational curses are going to be broken in your life, shout, "Yes". Watch this and I'm almost finished. I'm almost finished. I feel kind of good in my soul. I'm tryin' to keep this on a Bible-class level, but I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel a flow. I feel a flow. I feel a flow. I feel a flow. Everything in God is about a flow. It's about a flow. It's about a flow. There is a fountain filled with blood. There's always a flow. A flow, a flow.

The spirit flows. The wax melted. The oil flows. It doesn't just anoint David, it anoints prophetically all the way down to Jesus becoming the Christ, the anointed one. Are you watching what I'm saying to you? So when they bring David down, this is not just history, this is destiny. The wax melts because he is the one. He is the one. He is the only one. The Holy Spirit knows him. The Holy Spirit moves everything out the way that's in between David's head and the anointing. It's gotta go. When it is your time, it is your time, and everything in the way has got to melt out of the way. The Holy Spirit knows what God has for you is for you. You don't have to fight nobody, you don't have to argue with nobody, you don't have to be jealous of nobody. This is yours. Here it comes. This is yours, are you ready? Here it comes. This is yours, are you ready? Here it comes. This is yours, are you ready? Here it comes. This is yours.

This is a release coming down from glory. Here it comes. Here it comes. Here it comes. This is your prophetic word. Anointed alignment, watch this. The oil hit the head of David, and from that point forward, the house of Saul grows weaker and weaker, and the house of David grow stronger and stronger. That that is of the flesh grows weaker and weaker, while that that is of the spirit grow stronger and stronger. It is not that your flesh is dead, you're reckoning it to be dead, it's not dead. It's not that you don't still like whatever you used to like. It's not like you don't crave whatever you used to crave, it's just that you don't crave it like you used to crave it, because the house of Saul is getting weaker and weaker.

I know you got to act like you don't know what I'm talkin' about, 'cause you can't let the saints know that you still got some issues that are still walking around in the palace, think they in charge, but the shift has happened, and the more you get up under the anointing, the house of Saul is getting weaker and weaker, and the house of David is getting stronger and stronger. And it does not yet appear what you shall be, but in just a moment, they're gonna see you standing in your glory, because your Saul is getting weaker. Somebody praise God.

My Saul is getting weaker. My Saul is getting weaker. My issue is getting weaker. My struggle is getting weaker. My temper is getting weaker. My flesh is getting weaker. My flesh is getting weaker. The house of Saul is growing weaker and weaker, and the house of David is growing stronger. David goes back out to take care of the sheep. It doesn't matter anymore where he is, because the oil has flowed. It will not stop the transfer. From that day forward, years before he was made king officially, it was gonna happen, it was just a matter of time. Saul ends up dying. David ends up king because of one thing, anointed and alignment.