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Craig Smith - The Final Exam
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Craig Smith - The Final Exam
Craig Smith - The Final Exam
Well, hey, welcome to the last week of our Unleashed series. Today, I wanna talk to you about overcoming one of the biggest obstacles to living on mission with Jesus. Because that’s what we do here at Mission Hills, we help people become like Jesus [...]
Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
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Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
Craig Smith - Moving Out On Mission
So I want to talk to you today a little bit about the secret ingredient to spiritual growth. My guess is that everybody who’s with us today, whether you’re online or in-person, you wanna grow spiritually, but it’s pretty easy to get stuck. And I [...]
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
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Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
So, I have two dogs at my house. I have a Golden Retriever and a Husky. In other words, real dogs, right? And, real dogs need to run. Unfortunately, I live in a house where my HOA said you can’t build a fence. So my dogs spend most of their time on [...]
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
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Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
Craig Smith - Comfort Zones
So, if we wanna start living unleashed, we have to stop living in our comfort zones. If you wanna live unleashed, one of the things you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna have to stop living in your comfort zones. I love what John Ostrom said about [...]
Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
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Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
Craig Smith - This Is Your Sign
Well, hey, welcome back to week number three of our “Unleashed” series, where we’re talking about how to get off the short leashes that we sometimes put ourselves on as followers of Jesus. Leashes that keep us from being on mission with Jesus, [...]
Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
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Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
Craig Smith - The Peril of Our Preferences
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. We are starting a new message series today called “Unleashed.” And actually, I just wanna go and dive right into God’s Word because I actually think what God says here at the passage we’re gonna look at is [...]