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Kenneth Copeland - Act on the Truth of God's WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Act on the Truth of God's WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Act on the Truth of God's WORD
Thank You, Jesus. I’m supposed to be healed today. Faith works by love. Now, Luke chapter 13. This one is really special to me. 13:10, «And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of [...]
Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
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Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
This is an excerpt from: Wasted Rain Here's what I want to say to you. How many of you love the Word of God? How many of you believe the Word of God can change your life? How many want the Word of God to work inside of you today? All right. [...]
James Merritt - Take My Word for It
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James Merritt - Take My Word for It
James Merritt - Take My Word for It
There was a guy who was applying for a high-profile job at a major corporation and they’re gonna pay him like a half a million dollars a year. I mean, it was a big deal. So he submitted his resume and I mean, submitted it one day. And that afternoon [...]
Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 2
Look at John 14:6. Look at all of these keys, look at all these about the deity of Christ. Look at what he was saying. We're never gonna understand this grace and truth until we understand the preeminence over Moses, over the law. The nerve of [...]
Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 1
We are looking at the Gospel of John, and last week we talked about the mosaic law versus the grace that came by Jesus. And so, tonight, what we're gonna talk about, we're gonna talk about, continue that grace and truth and see what [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
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Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Today we're gonna begin a new message series. It's called "Almost True". There are so many beliefs in our culture today that sound true, feel true, and they're almost true, but they're not true. And I just wanna warn [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
In Exodus chapter 3, God is recruiting Moses. You know, we all want to think if God recruited us, we'd go, "Well, yeah! Let's go! I'm in"! We wanna think that. Well, if I knew it was God. You know, I kind of had a thought. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
I wanna start a new study with you. This session we're gonna talk about "Let's Choose Truth". I know you know enough English on this one. "Let's" is just a contraction, two words: let us. It's an interesting [...]
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
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Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Take if you will please your Bible and be finding the book of Exodus, chapter 20. And today we look at verse 16. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 16 it simply says this, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not bear [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Finding the Truth
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Rabbi Schneider - Finding the Truth
Rabbi Schneider - Finding the Truth
"...if we continue in His word", Yeshua said, "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free". So what's the truth that sets us free? I'm going to Chapter 8 and verse 31. Hear the Word of God. So Yeshua was [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me See the Truth
Hi everybody, I'm Rick Warren and yes, I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt for the first time in about 20 years. But before we look at God's word today I want to give you an update on our pandemic plans as a church. You know, we were all [...]
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Think about it. What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Now, nobody knows for sure and nobody can prove it, but one could argue that one of the most important verses is [...]
Michael Youssef - Honor the Truth
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Michael Youssef - Honor the Truth
Michael Youssef - Honor the Truth
I wonder if you've ever thought of the meaning of the word "sincere". Back in the Dark Ages, when we used to write letters, before emails, we used to sign "Sincerely yours". By that, of course, we mean genuine, we mean [...]
Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're talking about buying the truth, attaching value to the truth, being willing to exchange time, energy, and effort in order to know what is true. We've lived through a season of tremendous [...]
Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Buy The Truth - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "Buy the Truth". You know, tragically, we find ourselves in a place where the truth is not held in high esteem. Well, I want to suggest to you the truth is extremely important. If [...]
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 2
Hey, it's a privilege to be with you today, we're going to complete our discussion on the triumph of truth. We're going to look a bit at John the Baptist. You know, the Bible describes John as a voice crying in the wilderness, a voice [...]
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of Truth - Part 1
We've been working through a series under a general theme of "When God Breaks Out". I have this sense that God is moving in the earth in some very remarkable ways, and it's more than some innate sense. I think there's [...]
Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 2
Hey, it's a privilege to be with you today, the beginning of a brand new year. I always enjoy the beginning of the year. It's as if we get a fresh calendar, a fresh start, an opportunity for a whole new set of outcomes. It's an [...]
Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Truth Over Deception - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. Our topic is "Truth Over Deception". We are living in a season when truth is not even held in high esteem. Oftentimes people speaking in the public square don't even imagine that [...]
Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
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Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
If you forget everything I say today, if you forget everything, there's one word I beg you and I pray to God you will never forget, not just this week, not next week, not just, for the rest of your life, and that word is discernment. If you do [...]
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? The Church's Truth?
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Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? The Church's Truth?
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? The Church's Truth?
For a couple weeks here we have been talking about truth and we have been talking about trust. Because no matter where you come from and what your background, I am sure you can agree that truth matters. That false news, being deceived, being lied [...]
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? Their Truth?
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Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? Their Truth?
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? Their Truth?
So back in grad school I had a professor use to say this one line again and again and again and again. The line that he wanted to plant very deeply into everyone of his students' hearts was this: "You are what you read". You are what [...]
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? My Truth?
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Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? My Truth?
Mike Novotny - Whose Truth Do I Trust? My Truth?
The simple fact is that at the end of the day everyone of us is believing some voice. And this series is all about figuring out which voice we should believe. It is really hard to know what to do when you are not exactly sure what is true. Let me [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Truth Will Show It to You
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Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Truth Will Show It to You
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Truth Will Show It to You
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome again to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And we're here at Kenneth Copeland Bible College. Isn't that amazing? Kenneth Copeland Bible. But I'm glad. Hallelujah. I [...]
Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
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Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
Michael Youssef - Urgently Sharing the Truth
In Matthew 24 Jesus warned again and again. He said, "Let no man deceive you". Now the apostle Paul, he was absolutely aware of the insidiousness of that subtle deception. He knew that deception can come to all of us, pastor and [...]
Michael Youssef - Standing for the Truth
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Michael Youssef - Standing for the Truth
Michael Youssef - Standing for the Truth
The greatest threat to the church of Jesus Christ always have been internal. If there's one person who fully understood that danger, it's the Apostle Paul. Here's a fact. Most of the defection from the truth starts with confusion, [...]
James Meehan - What Does Truth Really Mean?
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James Meehan - What Does Truth Really Mean?
James Meehan - What Does Truth Really Mean?
So a long time ago, there was a man named Jesus. He was a middle-eastern Jewish rabbi, who along with his 12 teenage followers completely disrupted the understanding of God that his culture had. Completely threatened the authority of the Roman [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
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Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
Dr. Ed Young - Battle for Truth
Our Scripture is found in Psalm 119, verse 105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet. And a light to my path". Say that after me, "Your word is a lamp to my feet. And a light in my path". In 1917, in Petrograd, Russia, now St. [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
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Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
Dr. Ed Young - What is Truth?
There's something about large public trials that have always attracted people. When there's an issue on the line, or a life on the line, and decisions must be made, and it is taken into the public arena, there's something magnetic [...]
Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
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Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
Bless you today, thank you for joining us. It's so good to see people, it really is. God bless you, and thank you for joining us. And while they're getting things set up behind me so I can teach, the Bible today, let me look into the [...]
Allen Jackson - Responsibility of Truth
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Allen Jackson - Responsibility of Truth
Allen Jackson - Responsibility of Truth
We're in the midst of a study on prophecy. Prophecy is a topic that it seems to me draws two very distinct and different reactions from Christ followers. One group of people run towards it and immerse themselves in it, and in every activity [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Is the Truth in You?
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Rabbi Schneider - Is the Truth in You?
Rabbi Schneider - Is the Truth in You?
Shalom, beloved one. I want to expand today on a scripture that I read earlier. I'm going to the book of 1 John Chapter 2. I'm going to read a longer portion today. I'm going to read verses three through five. Listen carefully and be [...]
Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
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Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 We come to the end but let me point out one aspect of Satan's deception. We go back to Revelation 16 and we just read verse 13. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs... Here in [...]
Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
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Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 Let's go on. I didn't ever get to where I was getting to! Matthew 24:23-24. My theme is this: For false... 'Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah, or [...]
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
Now, I want to take the balance of our time, we got a few minutes, and see if we can glean from this, some ideas around our own courageous faith. You know, I think I gave you a couple of definitions. Courage is the ability to do something that [...]
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
The prayers of God's people precede so often the activity of God. In fact, I have a pretty good window into your future if I could understand how you pray. Or at least your spiritual future. Because the seeds of what's in front of you [...]
TD Jakes - Truth Induces Labor
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TD Jakes - Truth Induces Labor
TD Jakes - Truth Induces Labor
This term as we use it today, born again for conversion. You know, you must say I'm a born again christian. Who are you? I'm a born again Christian. Bless God, I'm a born again christian. Are you born again? Yes, I'm born again. [...]
Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
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Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
Second Peter, chapter 1. Do you ever walk by those tabloids in the grocery store? And do you ever think when you go by them, "I really need to get one of them so that I can determine the accurate truth of what's going on in my world"? [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Truth
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Truth
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Truth
Welcome everybody to the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the 10th day of our message and the development of what the Lord had been talking to me about, he started talking to me about it last year and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and what I mentioned yesterday, I know you... Where did he get his wife... Well, and the record of Genesis. Two things that people don't realize and understand. Moses wrote the first five books of the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Truth in Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Truth in Love
Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Truth in Love
Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and again this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And we're studying from the life of Jesus and his teaching concerning "You shall know the truth and it shall make you free". [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
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Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
Kenneth Copeland - The Truth Will Make You Free
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Well, now, isn't that something, I remember way back in a little north Texas town named Hereford. It was named after the cattle that came [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Brings You Freedom
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. This is our beautiful daughter, Kellie, and this is our class here this morning. And this is always a wonderful time of year when Christmas is [...]
Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
So when it comes to dating or marriage, I'm curious, what do you say to yourself? What thoughts go through your mind when you think about someone you might potentially pursue as a spouse? Or what thoughts go through your mind when you think [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
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Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
This is an excerpt from: Devil You've Held Me Long Enough. Every time you go to change… There are two lies when you go to change. First, you can't change. Second, you don't need to. Either way, the Devil has you trapped. "Oh, [...]
John Hagee - Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness or Covet
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John Hagee - Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness or Covet
John Hagee - Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness or Covet
Turn with us to Exodus 20:16 and 17, as we conclude our sermon series, the Ten Commandments, with today's sermon, "Thou shall not bear false witness and you shall not covet". Two young boys were talking to each other, and one said to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Obligated to Tell the Truth?
I'm gonna be sharing a scripture with you today that I bet many of us have never really thought much about before. I'm going to the book of Galatians chapter 4 verse 16. I'm quoting the words of Paul to the church at Galatia. Listen [...]
Jack Graham - Truth Matters
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Jack Graham - Truth Matters
Jack Graham - Truth Matters
Take your Bibles and turn with me to 2 Timothy, chapter 3. This is our series DON'T BLINK: Focusing on Truth in Today's Culture. That's what we call a world-view, and we'll define it even more in just a bit. We are facing [...]
John Bradshaw - The Mouth of Truth
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John Bradshaw - The Mouth of Truth
John Bradshaw - The Mouth of Truth
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. On January the 13th, 2012, at 9:45 p.m., just 2 1/2 hours into a cruise that would see her stop at ports in Italy, France, and Spain, the Costa Concordia, with 4,000 people on [...]
Tony Evans - The Reception of Truth
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Tony Evans - The Reception of Truth
Tony Evans - The Reception of Truth
God is the only absolute source who can give an absolute standard about all subjects. Therefore, the starting place to know truth is what God has revealed. It is the revelation of God. We all know what it is to have abandoned truth, believed a lie, [...]
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