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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Jesus has already been here once. Now, while his entry was rather inauspicious, the outcome of his coming that first time was dramatic. It was an intervention. It changed the course of human existence for time and eternity. But he's not done. He [...]
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
The theme for this session, and this evening as well, is about interventionist in training because it's, our story is not just what God's done for us, but what God intends to do through us. We are not just consumers of the blessings of God or [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
And the Bible says we have to learn to reckon ourselves dead to sin. Temptation starts as an idea inside of me. Selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, those are all thoughts. So some of the challenge in our lives, the doorways that evil tries to [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Today, to be completely candid about it is, is really about worship. I'm gonna invite you to something with me. Before we go this morning, I wanna, I wanna place a new tool in your tool kit. Worship is about learning to use our voice to acknowledge [...]