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Bobby Schuller - Temple Sermon
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Bobby Schuller - Temple Sermon
Bobby Schuller - Temple Sermon
Wow, this is an amazing time. Good morning, everybody. It's such a joy again to be with you here this Sunday morning. Coming to you from Jerusalem. We are here at the southern steps of the Temple Mount. So, in Jerusalem, of course, a fifth of [...]
John Bradshaw - Traditions, the Temple, and the Ten Commandments
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John Bradshaw - Traditions, the Temple, and the Ten Commandments
John Bradshaw - Traditions, the Temple, and the Ten Commandments
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. With Wes Peppers, I'm John Bradshaw. We get to answer your Bible questions on "Line Upon Line". We receive an avalanche of questions, Bible [...]
David Reagan - Randall Price on the Jewish Temples
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David Reagan - Randall Price on the Jewish Temples
David Reagan - Randall Price on the Jewish Temples
A book was published recently that contained a shocking thesis namely, that the First and Second Jewish Temples were not located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, but were situated instead in the ancient city of David, which was located south of the [...]
David Reagan - Jeanne Nigro on the Jewish Temples
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David Reagan - Jeanne Nigro on the Jewish Temples
David Reagan - Jeanne Nigro on the Jewish Temples
Most of you are aware of the fact that there have been two Jewish Temples in the past. But, did you know the Bible prophecies there will be two more in the future? When will they be built, and what will be their purpose? And what is the relevance of [...]
Derek Prince - The Rebuilding Of The Temple In Jerusalem
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Derek Prince - The Rebuilding Of The Temple In Jerusalem
Derek Prince - The Rebuilding Of The Temple In Jerusalem
Well, we have to move on. Now I’m pointing out that in verse 15 the focus changes. Jesus says: "Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place whoever reads, let him [...]