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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
Jack Graham - Tell the Story
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Jack Graham - Tell the Story
Jack Graham - Tell the Story
In your Bibles, Luke chapter 2. verses 17 through 20. This is in reference to the shepherds who find the Babe Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. And verse 17: «And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told [...]
Jack Graham - Born to Die That Man May Live
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Jack Graham - Born to Die That Man May Live
Jack Graham - Born to Die That Man May Live
So take your Bibles and turn to that passage in the third chapter of the Gospel of John. John chapter 3. I appreciate so very much my friend Dallas Jenkins who is the creator and producer of The Chosen. And in this passage that we are about to [...]
Jack Graham - Mary's Christmas
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Jack Graham - Mary's Christmas
Jack Graham - Mary's Christmas
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the Gospel of Mark, chapter 14. And today's story from God's Word is recorded in all of the Gospel accounts. The title of this message is "Mary's Christmas". Probably not the Mary [...]
Jack Graham - Rich Man, Poor Man
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Jack Graham - Rich Man, Poor Man
Jack Graham - Rich Man, Poor Man
I want you to take your Bibles and turn with me to Mark chapter 10, the 10th chapter of the Gospel of Mark. We are talking about conversations that Jesus had with individuals. Sort of like Facetime with Jesus. And today the title of the message is: [...]
Jack Graham - Jesus Is In the House
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Jack Graham - Jesus Is In the House
Jack Graham - Jesus Is In the House
Would you now take God's Word which is the story of Jesus from beginning to end? The Bible tells us after the resurrection that Jesus took a couple of disciples along the road to Emmaus and He showed them in all the Scriptures those things [...]
Jack Graham - Defeating Demons
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Jack Graham - Defeating Demons
Jack Graham - Defeating Demons
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Mark, chapter 5, the fifth chapter. And the message today in our TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS series, on now the confrontations of Christ. And in today's message, this series is really the life and times of [...]
Jack Graham - Why Follow Jesus?
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Jack Graham - Why Follow Jesus?
Jack Graham - Why Follow Jesus?
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Luke's Gospel chapter 5. This is the series we're calling TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS. And so far, we've looked at the character of Christ, who He is. We [...]
Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
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Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
We now open God's Word to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4. This is our series called TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS. And we're going to be connecting with the scenarios in Scripture found in the four Gospels which, of course, tell the story of [...]
Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
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Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
Today in John chapter 1 as our primary text, we're going to meet "God in the Dirt". A bit of an unusual title I would say. "God in the Dirt". But you're going to see why in this passage of Scripture. You know, there was [...]
Jack Graham - Beloved Son
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Jack Graham - Beloved Son
Jack Graham - Beloved Son
Today we're going to focus on Jesus, the Son of God, the Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The "Beloved Son". And this is majestic text that we find in our Bibles. It is a story about Jesus that is recorded in all four of the Gospel [...]
Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
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Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
This is the beginning of something I believe is going to be epic and that is a message series on person and work of Jesus Christ. We're calling it "TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS". Something does happen at the very mention of His name. [...]