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Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
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Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
Take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 1. I'm going to be preaching on the subject Christianity and socialism. And I don't know in all these years that I've preached a message quite like this one. But today I'm delivering a [...]
Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
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Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
Now take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Genesis, chapter 12. Genesis, the twelfth chapter. And the title and topic of the message today is "Israel, America and the Road to the Future". I know we have people from around the [...]
Jack Graham - How Can I Be a Hero to My Kids?
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Jack Graham - How Can I Be a Hero to My Kids?
Jack Graham - How Can I Be a Hero to My Kids?
Today we come to a very personal and very pertinent question and that is simply: How can I as a Dad, a man, be a "Hero to My Own Kids"? In Proverbs 20 and verses 6 and 7 the Scripture says: "Many a man proclaims his own steadfast [...]
Jack Graham - When Does Life Begin?
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Jack Graham - When Does Life Begin?
Jack Graham - When Does Life Begin?
When Does Life Begin? On our STRAIGHT UP series we have desperately attempted to deal with the most explicit and important questions of our times. Life issues. Really, questions of life and death. And we are communicating that there is only one [...]
Jack Graham - How Can I Know the Will of God?
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Jack Graham - How Can I Know the Will of God?
Jack Graham - How Can I Know the Will of God?
I want to invite you to take God's Word and turn with me to Romans chapter 12. Then look up here. Our STRAIGHT UP questions and answers are very important, because they give us a biblical perspective, a world view, if you will, regarding the [...]
Jack Graham - Is it Right to Say You're Wrong?
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Jack Graham - Is it Right to Say You're Wrong?
Jack Graham - Is it Right to Say You're Wrong?
The title of this message "Is it Right to say You're Wrong?" indicates that we have a message that is very positive but it's also very provocative, because clearly the Scripture tells us that some things are right and some things [...]
Jack Graham - Can a Person Really Change?
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Jack Graham - Can a Person Really Change?
Jack Graham - Can a Person Really Change?
Is it possible? Can a person really truly change? There are some who say, "Impossible! You are what you are. Can a leopard change its spots"? The rhetorical answer is apparently not. And we wonder, can we really change? Can a person be [...]
Jack Graham - Are Same Sex Relationships Really the Same?
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Jack Graham - Are Same Sex Relationships Really the Same?
Jack Graham - Are Same Sex Relationships Really the Same?
Are same sex relationships really the same? There's a great deal of vitriol, even violence associated with this subject. It is controversial, but it is one of the great moral issues of our times. This is not just a civil-rights issue, though [...]
Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
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Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
Whatever you believe, whatever you think about life, about religion, that's okay. And that's what you hear people say every day in the place where you live. So how do we answer that question: Are all religions the same? How do we respond [...]