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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Be finding Malachi chapter 3 if you would. That’s the last book in the Old Testament; Malachi chapter 3. Keep it open in your hand because I want you to see that the message today is coming right from the pages of God’s wonderful Word. We’re talking [...]
TD Jakes - Stewards of a Chance
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TD Jakes - Stewards of a Chance
TD Jakes - Stewards of a Chance
But often when you ask God for objects, he answers with chance. And then, as God oft answers with the chance, you, at your own discretion, have the opportunity how you respond to that chance. The kingdom, Jesus is teaching us here, is about the [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
Lord, we have a very interesting and difficult chapter before us. The material that Jesus gave on that day that he gave it was no doubt a shock to his audience. It was meant to be thus. And because of the material that has covered the subjects that [...]
Jack Graham - Entrusted
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Jack Graham - Entrusted
Jack Graham - Entrusted
Take your Bibles, turn to 1 Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 1: "This is how one should regard us". So if someone is looking at your life, this is about you, this is how you should be regarded, "as a servant of Christ (that's one), [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
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Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. Welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Any wise investor expects a return on the money he or she invests. And in the same way, God has high demands for a return on his investment in us. God has given each of us valuable [...]
Tony Evans - Kingdom Stewardship
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Tony Evans - Kingdom Stewardship
Tony Evans - Kingdom Stewardship
What do you have that you have not received? God claims comprehensive kingdom ownership of all of creation. So, if God owns everything, you and I own nothing. There are no other owners. God is giving you the freedom to mess up what he created. In [...]
Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Stewardship
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Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Stewardship
Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Stewardship
God has a house. It's called his kingdom. That's his house. And he not only owns the house, he owns everything in the house. Psalm 24, verse 1 says, "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof the world and all of them who [...]
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Robert Morris - Good Stewards
Robert Morris - Good Stewards
We're in a series called "Beyond Blessed", And, I want you to understand that this is so big and so many people miss this, and I'm trying to think of how I can say it to make the impact that I want this statement to make, all [...]