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Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
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Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
For years, we’ve been praying for people, all of us together, praying for the Father’s blessing. In fact, I was just with John Arnott this week. And, of course, he was here a month ago. And the Toronto Blessing, the Toronto outpouring, it was titled [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 2
Saint John chapter 1, verse 11 and 12. Let's just go ahead and look at that, and get started, tonight. The Bible says, "He came unto his own," and making reference there to Jewish people. "He came unto his own, and his own [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 1
Go with me to the book of Saint John. We're studying out of John, but we're doing a lot of in a different way. And this phrase came up in John chapter 1, which before I wanted to go any further, I wanted to make sure I took time to explain [...]
Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
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Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
Greetings, church. Welcome back to the house of God. The storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge, amen? Every time we come to God's house, we expect to hear wisdom, wisdom they cannot find out there in the world. And who better than our God, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Spirit of Adoption
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Rabbi Schneider - The Spirit of Adoption
Rabbi Schneider - The Spirit of Adoption
Baruch Hashem. Bless the name of the Lord. We are continuing in the Word of God today as we're journeying through the book of Romans. Now, last time I was talking about the 14 verse of chapter 8, which says, "For all who are being led by [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean
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Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean?
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean?
More than anything else, beloved one, you and I need to know Father God as our own Daddy, and to understand that we are the children of his own loins. You know what John the apostle said in the Book of 1 John, chapter 3, verse 1? He said this: [...]
Robert Morris - The Shoes Of Sonship
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Robert Morris - The Shoes Of Sonship
Robert Morris - The Shoes Of Sonship
If you want to turn in your Bibles somewhere, we'll be in Luke 15. We're ending a three week series called, "Sons, Not Servants", and this week is a message called, "The Shoes of Sonship". So, we've talked about [...]
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Creflo Dollar - The Power of Sonship
Creflo Dollar - The Power of Sonship
Until you learn your sonship, you're not gonna be trusted with certain responsibilities. God's not gonna put responsibility in a hand of a person who doesn't understand that he's a son and you still operating as a servant. Moses [...]