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Watch Online Sermons 2025 » Tag cloud » Songs of Encouragement
Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
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Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
Turn please in your Bibles to Psalm 107. By now you should know that the Psalms represent the songbook of the Bible. These great poems and songs of praise and thanksgiving to God, praising God for who he is, giving thanks for what he has done. Psalm [...]
Jack Graham - Homeward Bound
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Jack Graham - Homeward Bound (Songs of Encouragement)
Jack Graham - Homeward Bound (Songs of Encouragement)
Please, take God's Word and turn to Psalm 84. The title of the message is "Homeward Bound". Psalm 84, verse 1 through 12. Verse 1 says: "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the [...]
Jack Graham - Making the Most of Everyday
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Jack Graham - Making the Most of Everyday
Jack Graham - Making the Most of Everyday
Someone said life is like a coin; you can spend it however you wish, but you can spend it only once. It's true. There are no do-overs for your days. Once you live your day, it's done. There are no mulligan's in life, just days. So [...]
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
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Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
We're back in Psalm 127 today so take your Bible and turn to 127th Psalm. As a reminder from the past message in Psalm 127, this is known as a song of ascent. There is a collection in the Psaltery the book of Psalms of these songs where the [...]
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
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Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
Every home needs an architect, a designer, a decorator, a builder and God is all of that and so much more for our homes and our families. And today, we're going to look at the family. In fact over the next two messages, I'm actually going [...]
Jack Graham - Get Strife Out of Your Life
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Jack Graham - Get Strife Out of Your Life
Jack Graham - Get Strife Out of Your Life
Strife and stress is a way of life for far too many people. It's what the psalmist calls in verse 1, "fretting," to fret. In fact 3 times in Psalm 37 he uses the word, "fret," verse 1, verse 7 and verse 8. [...]
Jack Graham - Declarations
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Jack Graham - Declarations
Jack Graham - Declarations
We are to openly, obviously publicly profess our faith in God. We do that in a number of ways, but one way that we do it is by our declarations, what we say, and even how we say it. The Scripture says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is [...]
Jack Graham - A Mighty Fortress
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Jack Graham - A Mighty Fortress
Jack Graham - A Mighty Fortress
Psalm 46 is a robust and muscular, as well as, musical hymn. Verse one says: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in (times of) trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into [...]
Jack Graham - One Thing (Songs of Encouragement)
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Jack Graham - One Thing (Songs of Encouragement)
Jack Graham - One Thing (Songs of Encouragement)
I want to speak to you on the subject, "One Thing". One Thing. The one thing that you can do to overcome your fears, to live in victory in your life. You can be free from fear and live with a courageous and confident faith in a God you can [...]
Jack Graham - Everything I Need
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Jack Graham - Everything I Need
Jack Graham - Everything I Need
The title of this message is "Everything We Need". Psalm 23 has been called the greatest poem penned in any language. And in reality it is a poem and it is a song. It is a song of the people, and it sounds the chords of human experience. [...]
Jack Graham - How to Be Forgiven
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Jack Graham - How to Be Forgiven
Jack Graham - How to Be Forgiven
David is the author of both these psalms as he is the author and the composer of most of the psalms that are contained in God's Word. He was not only a great worship leader, but a warrior, a shepherd-king, a sovereign, a great man, a dynamic [...]
Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
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Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
Psalm 19 is a profound testimony to the word of God. Psalm 19 according to C. S. Lewis is the greatest poem in the psalms, one of the greatest lyrics in the world. And Psalm 19 is a description of God's revelation of Himself, how God speaks. [...]
Jack Graham - Sing a New Song
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Jack Graham - Sing a New Song
Jack Graham - Sing a New Song
If you would take God's Word, turn to Psalm 96. We're going to read all thirteen verses. Psalms is at the center of the Scripture, very core. You open the Bible in the middle and there it is, because worship and praise, you know the [...]
Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
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Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
When you read the Psalms remember this is the songbook of the Bible. It's right in the center, right at the core in the heart of the Scriptures. In fact when I was a little guy and we were in Sword drill or Bible drill, we call it now, we [...]