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Rabbi Schneider - A Locked Garden
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Rabbi Schneider - A Locked Garden
Rabbi Schneider - A Locked Garden
Jesus is telling His bride is telling her how beautiful she is, how lovely she is. And He describes her fidelity to Him by saying to her this: "A garden locked is my sister, my bride, a rock garden locked, a spring garden or a spring sealed [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Following God up the Mountain
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Rabbi Schneider - Following God up the Mountain
Rabbi Schneider - Following God up the Mountain
Some of you can identify with the fact that when you were a brand new believer, you just felt so embraced by the Lord. It seemed like little miracles were happening in your life all the time and God's presence felt so near. But sometime after [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
We're going to what is oftentimes referred to as the song of Solomon, but which is more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs. Now, why would I say that it's more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs? Well, let's look at [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
Shalom Aleichem, welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. It's a special episode, part number 2, of a teaching I did at a pastor's conference in Kiev, Ukraine. As pastors, our ministry needs to be an overflow of our own relationship [...]