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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Welcome and greetings in the name of Messiah, Yeshua. I'm excited because we're in the midst of the season that we call in Hebrew, Shavuot. Of course the Christian church refers to the same day as Pentecost. It's really the same day. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
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Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Everything that Yeshua, that Jesus did during His earthly ministry He timed to the exact day to fulfill these spring holy days. In other words, as many of you know, once again, He was crucified on Passover. He was buried during the next spring holy [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
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Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis. This week we're celebrating Pentecost or Shavuot in Hebrew. My co-host, Ezra Benjamin, and I are believing for an outpouring of God's spirit today in your [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
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Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
We read in the Scriptures that the Apostle Paul was in a hurry to get back in Jerusalem in time for Shavuot or we call it in English, Pentecost. Shavuot or Pentecost is one of the three main pilgrim feasts in the Bible. The time that Jewish people [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
The last of the spring holy days is called "Shavuot", also referred to as "Pentecost" or the "Feast of Weeks". It follows the first three spring holy days: Passover, unleavened bread, and first fruits. And this [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling God's Promise (Pentecost)
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Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling God's Promise (Pentecost)
Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling God's Promise (Pentecost)
Did you know Father God has some appointments with you? I know you want to get His appointments on your calendar. You see, the Lord actually gives us His appointments in the 23rd chapter of the book we call in Hebrew, Vayikra, which is translated in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost: What Does It Mean for You?
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost: What Does It Mean for You?
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost: What Does It Mean for You?
During this season of Shavuot, or we say in English, Pentecost, it's the same holiday. Pentecost just means 50 from the Greek and Shavuot means weeks because in the Torah, the Lord said that this day was to be celebrated seven weeks and a day [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot: God's Love and Provision
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Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot: God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot: God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis. This week we're celebrating Pentecost, or Shavuot in Hebrew. My co-host, Ezra Benjamin, and I are believing for an outpouring of God's spirit today in your [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God in Us
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God in Us
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God in Us
Virtually, all of us are familiar with the term Pentecost, the Hebrew holiday that we see brought to the surface in the Brit Chadashah in Acts 2, where the disciples are gathered together because the day of Pentecost had come. We're all [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God Is Within Us
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God Is Within Us
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, God Is Within Us
Shalom Uvrachah! Peace and blessings! As we're focusing now on Shavuot, which we call in Greek, "Pentecost," Pentecost meaning "Fifty," Shavuot meaning "weeks," it's the same day. Hebrew people will call it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Practicing the Presence
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Practicing the Presence
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Practicing the Presence
Virtually, all of us are familiar with the term Pentecost, the Hebrew holiday that we see brought to the surface in the Brit Chadashah in Acts 2, where the disciples are gathered together because the day of Pentecost had come. We're all [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Knowing God and Making Him Known
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Knowing God and Making Him Known
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost. Knowing God and Making Him Known
Rabbi Schneider : Shalom beloved ones. God bless you and Baruch Hashem, blessed be the name of the Lord. Cynthia as we're in this season of Shavout or Pentecost, I think about the fact that Yeshua said in the book of Acts chapter 1, that He [...]