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Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
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Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
For years, we’ve been praying for people, all of us together, praying for the Father’s blessing. In fact, I was just with John Arnott this week. And, of course, he was here a month ago. And the Toronto Blessing, the Toronto outpouring, it was titled [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Volunteer, Serve God Joyfully
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Peter Tan-Chi - Volunteer, Serve God Joyfully
Peter Tan-Chi - Volunteer, Serve God Joyfully
We continue our series on our core values. The first one is Love God, Love one another. What is our core value? Love. Love God, Love one another. If you love God, love one another, what will happen? You will obey. So the second one is if you love [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm so glad that you have joined me today. It's so important that we don't just live selfish, self-centered lives, expecting everybody to do something for us all the time, when we [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". It's always my prayer that you will receive what you need to hear on this particular day. We started talking yesterday about "Generosity and the power of serving other [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
For the next couple of days, I wanna be talking to you about the power of serving others. Now, probably you're thinking, "Uh, uh, uh, I already do enough for other people". Well, you know, sometimes we do things for other people, we [...]
James Meehan - Serving Like Jesus
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James Meehan - Serving Like Jesus
James Meehan - Serving Like Jesus
Kaitlyn Caffery : Hello, everybody, and welcome. James Meehan : Hello and welcome. Kaitlyn Caffery : Gosh, to this weeks... James Meehan : Gosh, to this weeks... Kaitlyn Caffery : I, okay. James Meehan : Wait, oh, do I need to... Kaitlyn Caffery : [...]
James Meehan - Called to Serve
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James Meehan - Called to Serve
James Meehan - Called to Serve
So, it was a little over a month ago when we had our National Switch Serving Day, where across all of our Life Church locations, even some of our Switch family that are in different parts of the world, we went into our communities, we saw needs, and [...]
Adrian Rogers - Saved to Serve
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Adrian Rogers - Saved to Serve
Adrian Rogers - Saved to Serve
Take God's Word and be finding if you would please, Romans chapter 15. And let me tell you that when I look at a congregation like this and I think of the thousands that are here under this one roof, I feel very much like Ben Franklin [...]
James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
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James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
We're talking about something today that's really, really important to me, and I think it ought to be important to all of you, and it's not, and I hope it will be after the message. So I wanna begin by asking a question. How many of [...]
Derek Prince - There's Only One Acceptable Motive To Serve God
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Derek Prince - There's Only One Acceptable Motive To Serve God
Derek Prince - There's Only One Acceptable Motive To Serve God
Now I want to offer you some suggestions as to, how we can be sure that our service will stand the test of fire. I want to suggest to you three ways, that you can assess your own service. First of all, what is your motive? The only motive that’s [...]
Derek Prince - The Hardest Thing To Find In The Church Today
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Derek Prince - The Hardest Thing To Find In The Church Today
Derek Prince - The Hardest Thing To Find In The Church Today
Let’s look at the next parable which is very similar but somewhat different. The parable of the talents. That’s in Matthew 25:14-30. Matthew 25:14 and following: For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country who called, his own [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
There's a fifth consequence for the absence of servanthood in your life. Number five, the absence of a servant's heart leads to playing power games, or spiritual king of the mountain. Power games, you know, when everybody wants to be [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
We've been talking about "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". And one of the things we've discovered so far is if servanthood matters to Jesus, and it does, it should matter to us. And so, we're going to read from the Book [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
The world is searching for significance in all of the wrong places and in all of the wrong ways, and a search for significance, what it does, it naturally produces the opposite of servanthood. When all you're in it for is meaning in your life [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
We're gonna dig in this, and we're gonna deal with part 3. We're in a series on "Servanthood: The Pathway to Success," and this is part 3. "Servanthood: The Pathway to Success". Let's begin in our key [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
A servant in submission to God will now seek to meet the real needs of others or of the person who needs serving. That's a guy who's submitted to God: wanting to meet the needs of others. Servanthood is the condition, or the state, of [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the Book of Mark chapter 10. Mark chapter 10 and verse 45; Mark 10:45. We're talking about "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". Now, one of the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
There is a blessing when you go down the pathway of servanthood. There is a blessing when you go down the path of servanthood. For those that do this, they will be blessed. They will be happy. They will be prosperous. They will be blessed. God will [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
At this time, if you would, go to your Bibles to the book of Mark chapter 10, Mark chapter 10. And today I wanna minister something to you that hopefully will change your leadership style or hopefully will help you to evaluate who you are, but I [...]