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Skip Heitzig - Breaking Up Camp and Moving On
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Skip Heitzig - Breaking Up Camp and Moving On
Skip Heitzig - Breaking Up Camp and Moving On
Our Father, we commit this time to you. We commit our week to you. Lord, you and you alone know the issues, the things in our families, among friends, that we're thinking about, that we're perhaps troubled about. You even know all the great things [...]
Skip Heitzig - Look, Jesus Is Coming
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Skip Heitzig - Look, Jesus Is Coming
Skip Heitzig - Look, Jesus Is Coming
Father, I am compelled to pray for my brothers and sisters who have gathered at this service, this, our fourth weekend service. Lord, I pray for grace in hearing once again what we're about to hear. Even as the last couple of weeks have been filled [...]
Skip Heitzig - Caution: Ruts Ahead!
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Skip Heitzig - Caution: Ruts Ahead!
Skip Heitzig - Caution: Ruts Ahead!
As a servant of the Lord, I'm a servant of his Word, and as I am that, I don't necessarily get to pick and choose what out of the Scripture I teach. But because our method is through a book or through a series like this, we discover an entire [...]
Skip Heitzig - Watch Out for Fakes
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Skip Heitzig - Watch Out for Fakes
Skip Heitzig - Watch Out for Fakes
Would you turn in your Bibles to Second Peter, chapter 2. And I will warn you that it is a difficult passage, so I'm going to ask as we pray that you say committed to staying with me in this and don't tune this out. This is as important as John [...]
Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
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Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
Skip Heitzig - Is It True? How Can I Know?
Second Peter, chapter 1. Do you ever walk by those tabloids in the grocery store? And do you ever think when you go by them, "I really need to get one of them so that I can determine the accurate truth of what's going on in my world"? You [...]
Skip Heitzig - How To Live And Die Well
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Skip Heitzig - How To Live And Die Well
Skip Heitzig - How To Live And Die Well
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to Second Peter, chapter 1; Second Peter, chapter 1. Whenever people are asked questions that are big questions in life, life and death issues, you always get some interesting responses to those questions. And [...]
Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
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Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
Father, thank you that you brought us together. I'm honored to be with brothers and sisters in this atmosphere of faith and love, and, Lord, honoring your name, that's such a positive and such a rewarding venue and place and time to be together. [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Upright Walk of a Bowed-Down Man
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Skip Heitzig - The Upright Walk of a Bowed-Down Man
Skip Heitzig - The Upright Walk of a Bowed-Down Man
First Peter, chapter 5, and we're going to begin in verse 5 down to verse 7. But as we begin this morning, we want to pray about something special. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and it's a day that for the last hundred years or so in this country we have [...]
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
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Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Father, we turn our hearts toward you. We know this is essentially a Bible study and we believe you to be the inspired originator of the text. Though you used human authors with their own styles and personalities, nevertheless, you superintended [...]
Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
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Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
This is week 28 of our series Rock Solid in a study in First Peter, and I've discovered we're having a hard time ending it. And it's Peter's fault, he keeps saying stuff, and we find that some of the stuff we have to really kind of go through and [...]
Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
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Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to First Peter, chapter 5; First Peter, chapter 5. I love the rustling of iPads. You used to be able to hear it, now it's just quiet. First Peter, chapter 5, let's pray together. Father, as always we gather [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
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Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
You can imagine how puzzled some were in the community when they opened up the newspaper and saw in the little want-ad section, the lost and found section of want ads, an ad that read the following: "Lost dog with three legs. Blind in left eye. [...]
Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
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Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
First Peter, chapter 4, we're going to begin in verse 7. But let's begin at the beginning, let's pray together. Father, we count it a privilege to be able to examine carefully and reflect meaningfully on the words of a man who walked with your Son [...]