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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » Robert Morris: Good News
Robert Morris - Death
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Robert Morris - Death
Robert Morris - Death
We are concluding the series called "Good News". And what we've done is each week we've taken a word and shown how it's without Jesus coming and bringing the good news, that word's really kind of a bad word. Like the [...]
Robert Morris - Judgment
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Robert Morris - Judgment
Robert Morris - Judgment
We're in a series called "Good News", and we've talked about how the gospel, the word gospel means good news, and how, because Jesus came, he take words that were bad news before and changes them to good news. For instance, the [...]
Robert Morris - Repentance
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Robert Morris - Repentance
Robert Morris - Repentance
So we are in a series called Good News. I talked to you last week about how the word gospel literally means "good news," but that the word refers to not just the news, but the one who brings the good news, the messenger, and that messenger [...]
Robert Morris - Condemnation
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Robert Morris - Condemnation
Robert Morris - Condemnation
Alright, so I'm going to begin a new series for four weeks called "Good News". And we're going to talk about good news, and obviously we're going to talk about the good news of the gospel, but we're going to go in depth [...]