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Watch 2022-2023 online sermons » Tag cloud » revelations to set you free season 2
Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
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Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
Hear me when I say to you this: To walk in freedom, we must learn to abide in our Knower. What do I mean by that? Because our society today in the Western world is so affected by their intellect, many people, believers included, are more affected by [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
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Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
One of my favorite verses is this: A wise man's eyes are in his own head. Listen to that again. I'd like it to sink in. A wise man's eyes are in his own head. What does that mean? Somebody whose eyes are outward focused, running there, thinking that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
God is not some place. Often times people conceive of God, they conceive that He's some place, that He's in heaven. But God does not live, beloved, in a place. It's true that there is a place called heaven. Don't misunderstand. But God exists, [...]