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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » Reaching Jewish People With the Gospel
Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
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Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
Now as I am sharing my heart with you today, it's very personal me, and yet this mandate that the Lord has put upon me in a fresh new way, because I've always been focused on reaching Jewish people. That's why Discovering the Jewish [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
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Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Greetings in Messiah, shalom, and love, beloved ones. The Scripture says that without vision the people perish. And we need vision in our life, even individually. And a lot of times what this means is that we're receiving new vision and fresh [...]