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Mike Novotny - Be Like a Helpless Child
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Mike Novotny - Be Like a Helpless Child
Mike Novotny - Be Like a Helpless Child
A couple weeks ago, I asked our church family kind of a dangerous question. And the question was this. If you absolutely had to, what grade would you give your prayer life? Now a couple of you called me out on that question. And you're the ones [...]
Mike Novotny - But My Prayers Are Unanswered
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Mike Novotny - But My Prayers Are Unanswered
Mike Novotny - But My Prayers Are Unanswered
Have you ever wondered that before? "God, I'm asking you for a good thing. I've prayed once, twice, fifteen times about something I know You care about, but You haven't answered me yet. God, why don't You answer good [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Avoid Pretensions and Babbling
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Mike Novotny - How to Avoid Pretensions and Babbling
Mike Novotny - How to Avoid Pretensions and Babbling
A quick show of hands. How many of you have ever packed into the back seat with your parents or maybe packed your kids into the back seats or have just gone on a road trip with friends and have driven through the mountains? Anyone done that before? [...]