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Mark Batterson - Prophesy Your Praise
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Mark Batterson - Prophesy Your Praise
Mark Batterson - Prophesy Your Praise
Welcome to all seven of our campuses. Before we jump into the message this weekend, can I give you a little update on the city block that we are building out? We are sprinting toward the finish line of phase one. Our LED screens installed a couple [...]
Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
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Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
In 333 B.C., Alexander the Great marched his Macedonian army into Gordian, the capital of Phrygia. There he found a wagon tied to it's yolk with what a Roman historian describe as several knots so tightly entangled that it was impossible to see [...]
Mark Batterson - The Adjacent Possible
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Mark Batterson - The Adjacent Possible
Mark Batterson - The Adjacent Possible
Welcome to National Community Church. All seven of our campuses absolutely honored that you would celebrate Easter with us. And I've gotta say, great timing. We begin a new series, Out of the Shadows. Believe it's gonna be a game changer, [...]