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Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
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Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
Would the people who know you best consider you courageous or cowardly? When they've watched you make decisions that were difficult, did they watch you run away from difficult situations? Or did they watch you courageously face them? When you [...]
Steven Furtick - When The Wind Is Against You
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Steven Furtick - When The Wind Is Against You
Steven Furtick - When The Wind Is Against You
This is an excerpt from: Winded Are y'all tired? I mean generally in life. Are you tired? How many of y'all work out so you can have extra energy? How many of y'all work out consistently? How many of y'all work out [...]
Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Victory Begins In The Dark - (Stronger Than You Think)
Most of us have faced a challenge that left us thinking, "This is just too much". Too much pressure, too much heartache. It's in those moments God whispers, "You're stronger than you think". The scripture says, [...]
Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
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Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
I wanna go quickly, but I wanna go to Romans 3:3. "For what if some do not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true and let every man a liar. As it is written". I love [...]
Derek Prince - Encountering Satanic Opposition
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Derek Prince - Encountering Satanic Opposition
Derek Prince - Encountering Satanic Opposition
I want to turn now to the book of Daniel which contains a great deal of useful information in these areas. And I want to take an incident in the life of Daniel which, I believe, illustrates the principals that I'm trying to bring out. The [...]
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Joel Osteen - Outlast The Opposition
Joel Osteen - Outlast The Opposition
I want to talk to you today about Outlast the Opposition. We all have things that come against us in life: people that aren't fair, we're dealing with an illness, our business has slowed down. We're praying, believing, doing the right [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Triumph Over Opposition
Joyce Meyer - Triumph Over Opposition
Anytime that you take a step to build anything, whether it's to build your life, to build your faith, to build your marriage, anytime that you're attempting to make any kind of progress at all in your life, you will get opposition. Jesus [...]