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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
In Genesis 7, "The Lord said to Noah, 'Come into the Ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.'" Now watch this, "'You shall take with you seven.'" How many? [...]
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
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Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story
Good morning, church. Praise the Lord. Welcome to New Creation Church. We trust we're going to have a great time together in the Lord. Amen? I want you to acknowledge the ones beside you. Just bless them. Okay? Say something good to them. Say, [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - What Did The Dove See?
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Frankie Mazzapica - What Did The Dove See?
Frankie Mazzapica - What Did The Dove See?
Thank you for tuning in today. My name's Frankie Mazzapica. The title of today's message is, "What Did the Dove See"? What did the dove see? Let me just dive right into it. It's in Genesis chapter 8, verse 7; 7, 8, 9 and 10, I believe, [...]
James Meehan - Responding in Obedience
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James Meehan - Responding in Obedience
James Meehan - Responding in Obedience
James Meehan : "Switch Uncut is here for you. What are we gonna do. Talk about the Bible and faith. And following Jesus. By looking at a passage of scripture. That is gonna be helpful." Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn Caffery : I thought it was gonna [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
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Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Be finding, please, Matthew chapter 24. In a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 36. Matthew chapter 24. I'm told that a man asked another man on the street, "Do you know what the two biggest problems in the world are today"? The [...]
Adrian Rogers - Captain Noah and His Unsinkable Faith
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Adrian Rogers - Captain Noah and His Unsinkable Faith
Adrian Rogers - Captain Noah and His Unsinkable Faith
Would you take God's Word and be finding Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 7? We're talking today about, "Captain Noah and His Unsinkable Faith". I cannot, I cannot overemphasize the importance of faith. We meet one another in the hallways and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Revolution Has Begun. It's Time to Take the Rainbow Back
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Rabbi Schneider - The Revolution Has Begun. It's Time to Take the Rainbow Back
Rabbi Schneider - The Revolution Has Begun. It's Time to Take the Rainbow Back
Shalom, my name is Rabbi Schneider, and I've recently launched a movement called Taking The Rainbow Back. The Rainbow is a sign of God's covenant love for the world, unfortunately it's been hijacked by a movement that has caused it to come to [...]
Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
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Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
Church, today I am so thankful that while Noah had to build his ark, Jesus Christ is the ark of my salvation. Genesis 7:1, God said to Noah: he said, "Come into the ark, you and your entire household". Now if you want to know whether or [...]
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story (Excerpt)
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Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story (Excerpt)
Joseph Prince - Noah, The Real Story (Excerpt)
And one of the things that I have observed that has happened recently that I want to address because I want to bring the truth of God’s word on the matter, is this movie called Noah. Now this movie is so crazy that it makes Noah crazy; that he is [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Message For You In Genesis 5
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Joseph Prince - God's Message For You In Genesis 5
Joseph Prince - God's Message For You In Genesis 5
This excerpt is from the sermon, Hope For The End Times, preached on Oct 9, 2022. I'm going to share with you real quick, a principle of studying the Bible before we close. Okay? Are you with me so far? Alright, let's look at the principle of Bible [...]
John Bradshaw - Noah
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John Bradshaw - Noah
John Bradshaw - Noah
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Creationist Ken Ham is the founder and CEO of Ark Encounter, which opened in Williamstown, Kentucky, in July of 2016. We've spoken to Ken Ham here on It Is Written. His debate in 2014 [...]
Jack Graham - Unsinkable
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Jack Graham - Unsinkable
Jack Graham - Unsinkable
Ninety five million people watched History channel's presentation mini series produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey called The Bible, and I enjoyed the series and watched it, and thought it was very well done. It brought to life these incredible [...]
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
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Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us whether you’re joining us in person or online for our fourth week of our Noah series. If you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. So far we’ve seen three kind of [...]
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
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Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us, whether you’re joining us in-person on campus or online, just so honored that you take a little bit of time this weekend to join with us. We are three weeks deep into a series on [...]
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
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Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Well, hey, we’re starting a new message series today on the story of Noah and his Ark, which is maybe one of the most familiar stories in the whole Bible. Even if you’ve never been to church or never opened the Bible, you’ve probably heard at least [...]
Tony Evans - The Obedience of Faith
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Tony Evans - The Obedience of Faith
Tony Evans - The Obedience of Faith
Noah walked with God. He was on the same page that God was on. And trust me, when you walk with God, he's walking with you. Noah walked with God; and we're told that he was a man of righteousness, blamelessness, and spiritual integrity and [...]
David Jeremiah - Noah: Overcoming a Corrupt World
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David Jeremiah - Noah: Overcoming a Corrupt World
David Jeremiah - Noah: Overcoming a Corrupt World
David Michael Jeremiah : One of the greatest joys of my life is that my office is right next to my father's office and, as life goes on and things happen, whether it's with my kids or at work or in our country, I can go in his office and sit down [...]