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Craig Groeschel - You're Not as Right as You Think
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Craig Groeschel - You're Not as Right as You Think
Craig Groeschel - You're Not as Right as You Think
Are you ready to have some fun? All right, you can't be humble. You gotta be truthful. How many of you today would say that you're probably smarter than the average person? Raise your hands. Come on, have some fun, raise your hands. Come [...]
Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Those People
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Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Those People
Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Those People
Well, today, I wanna talk to you about, Those People. Now, just for fun, raise your hand if you think you might know who I'm talking about when I say, "Those people," raise your hand. Yeah, don't point at them because they are [...]
Craig Groeschel - Stop Being Offended
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Craig Groeschel - Stop Being Offended
Craig Groeschel - Stop Being Offended
Well, I wonder how many of you have noticed that there are so many people today that are incredibly easily offended. Who would say you've noticed, people are really easily offended? I hate to even ask this follow-up question, but how many of [...]