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Jonathan Bernis - Daniel 9 Can't Be Denied
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Jonathan Bernis - Daniel 9 Can't Be Denied
Jonathan Bernis - Daniel 9 Can't Be Denied
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. It's been said that the New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament, while the Old Testament is revealed in [...]
Michael Youssef - Jesus Reigns
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Michael Youssef - Jesus Reigns
Michael Youssef - Jesus Reigns
Last message from Psalm 2. We looked and saw how God, a thousand years before Christ, revealed the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we saw the function and the role of each member of the Trinity in Psalm chapter 2. And here, 1000 years [...]
Michael Youssef - Looking Forward to The Promised Messiah
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Michael Youssef - Looking Forward to The Promised Messiah
Michael Youssef - Looking Forward to The Promised Messiah
One of America's most respected professor of law by the name of Jonathan Turley, he was testifying before Congress, and he said something to the effect, "Everyone in America is angry. Politicians are angry. People are angry. My family is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The End and the Age To Come
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Rabbi Schneider - The End and the Age To Come
Rabbi Schneider - The End and the Age To Come
The Hebrew prophets told us in advance, that when Messiah came, he would be a light to the gentiles. Now this might not seem like a big deal to you, but I want you to think about. The Jewish people were very insulated amongst themselves, in fact [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus, From the Very Beginning
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus, From the Very Beginning
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus, From the Very Beginning
First of all, the Hebrew Bible told us that Messiah would be eternal. That He wouldn't just be a man or a great teacher, He wouldn't just lead Israel back to the Torah, but the Messiah would literally be eternal. Hear the word of God. Once [...]
Jack Graham - The Gospel of Isaiah
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Jack Graham - The Gospel of Isaiah
Jack Graham - The Gospel of Isaiah
Let me ask you a question today. How many Gospels are in the Bible? Well, you might say four: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And you would be wrong because there is only one Gospel in the Bible! All sixty-six books of the Bible proclaim the Gospel! [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Isaiah Reveals the Messiah's Identity
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Rabbi Schneider - Isaiah Reveals the Messiah's Identity
Rabbi Schneider - Isaiah Reveals the Messiah's Identity
As scholars began to study the book of Isaiah looking for the messianic prophecies, what they found were four very specific what we're calling songs from Isaiah's book that talk about the ministry of the Messiah. Now, in order to be able [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus: How, Who, and Where
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus: How, Who, and Where
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus: How, Who, and Where
One of the most foundational prophetic books in the Old Testament is the book of Isaiah. In fact, the gospel writer, Matthew, He uses the Old Testament more than any other gospel writer to show that Jesus is the Messiah. Matthew's primary [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus and the Tanakh
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus and the Tanakh
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus and the Tanakh
In order to understand messianic prophecy, we have to understand that the declarations that God made over the nation of Israel, although not fully fulfilled by the nation, are fulfilled in the head of the nation, King Jesus Himself. It's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Prophecy
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Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Prophecy
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Prophecy
Foretold by the Hebrew prophet David, fulfilled by Jesus Himself Messianic prophecy solidifies our faith. Isaiah tells us in Isaiah 53 that the one that came to bring salvation to the world would be rejected by the nation of Israel. Now listen, what [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Facing Persecution
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Rabbi Schneider - Facing Persecution
Rabbi Schneider - Facing Persecution
One of the things that has shifted in our culture is that there is no longer an agreed-upon set of values or of truth. What is happening today is that anybody can get online and propagate anything at all. And if it's said long enough, people [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
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Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
Sometimes in Israel Yeshua is not referred to as Yeshua but Yeshu which is like a curse word towards Him. He was despised and rejected of men. What I'm going to be talking about today is that the Hebrew Bible very specifically told us in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Gentle Nature of God
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Rabbi Schneider - The Gentle Nature of God
Rabbi Schneider - The Gentle Nature of God
I want you to gain insight into the nature of God. Even though God is complete and needs nothing. There's a mystery here that he gets joy when you and I love him. We're looking at specific prophecies that were in the Hebrew Bible that were [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
We as Jewish people, oftentimes we think of ourselves as God's chosen people. But we have to understand what it means to be chosen. We were chosen to be the carriers through which Messiah would come to the entire world through. And so we need [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Minister Like Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - Minister Like Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - Minister Like Jesus
You see today, the traditional rabbinic concept of the Messiah is that He would restore Israel to Torah study. And in restoring Israel to Torah study and in the rebuilding of the temple so we would have the third Temple, that that would usher in the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Suffering with Christ
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Rabbi Schneider - Suffering with Christ
Rabbi Schneider - Suffering with Christ
Isaiah chapter 61, verse one is a messianic prophecy that illuminates the work that Mashiach, that the Messiah would do. So, let's read it together now, hear the word of God. "The spirit of the Lord is upon me," it's Messiah [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Tune in to God
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Rabbi Schneider - Tune in to God
Rabbi Schneider - Tune in to God
Now let's consider the book of Acts 2, where we find the episode of the Spirit of the Lord first given to the church. Many of us know the story. A hundred and twenty first believers in Yeshua were gathered together, celebrating the day of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
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Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
Studying messianic prophecy, beloved, it's more than an academic endeavor. Because when we see the divine origin of the Word of God, which is realized in seeing how Messiah Yeshua fulfills the ancient writings, it establishes us in our faith. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Birth of Messiah Revealed in the Old Testament
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Rabbi Schneider - Birth of Messiah Revealed in the Old Testament
Rabbi Schneider - Birth of Messiah Revealed in the Old Testament
We know that Yeshua was manifest into the world when Miriam, His mother, or Mary, we say in English, conceived Him by the Holy Spirit. Many of us know the story. All of a sudden the angel came to Mary, told her that she had conceived by the Holy [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Does the Hebrew Bible Matter
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Rabbi Schneider - Does the Hebrew Bible Matter
Rabbi Schneider - Does the Hebrew Bible Matter
We're going deep into the Word of God. We're going into the Hebrew Bible that we call the Tanakh, standing for the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Prophets and the Writings and we're pulling out of the Torah the first five books of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - David, A Type of Messiah
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Rabbi Schneider - David: A Type of Messiah
Rabbi Schneider - David: A Type of Messiah
This is really important stuff because we need to be grounded in the soil of God's Word. And when we see how Messiah Yeshua is the only one that has ever lived or will ever live that qualifies to be the Messiah, it will root us and ground us in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Seed of Abraham
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Rabbi Schneider - The Seed of Abraham
Rabbi Schneider - The Seed of Abraham
There's all different types of Messianic prophecy. And in this elongated series, I've covered all the different types of prophecy. It's important to understand this if you're a serious student of the Word of God. Because many [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Multidimensional God
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Rabbi Schneider - A Multidimensional God
Rabbi Schneider - A Multidimensional God
I want to continue today, reading from the book of Isaiah 7:14, focusing on the fact that in the Hebrew Bible, as the Hebrew Bible predicted for us what the ministry of the Messiah would do, we read that the ministry of Messiah would bring God near [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Examining the Eternal Nature of Messiah Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - Examining the Eternal Nature of Messiah Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - Examining the Eternal Nature of Messiah Jesus
Understanding the nature of messianic prophecy is more sophisticated than many realize. Many people assume that all messianic prophecy is predictive in nature. In other words, many people think that there's 300 prophecies about the Messiah in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling Israel's Destiny
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Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling Israel's Destiny
Rabbi Schneider - Fulfilling Israel's Destiny
Much of the church, many of us don't understand the nature of what we are calling Messianic prophecy. Many people, when they think of Messianic prophecy, they think of predictions about the future that Jesus fulfilled. But as I've been [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding the Messiah Through the Old Testament
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding the Messiah Through the Old Testament
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding the Messiah Through the Old Testament
Now I'm really drilling down on the nature of Messianic prophecy and I've really endeavored to help you understand that many people's view of Messianic prophecy is that there's all these predictions in the Old Testament or the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Secrets of the Messiah Revealed
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Rabbi Schneider - Secrets of the Messiah Revealed
Rabbi Schneider - Secrets of the Messiah Revealed
Before I move forward into new content, I think it's really important that we review some of the highlights that I covered in the four episodes that we filmed for season number one. First of all, I pointed out that many people, when they think [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Shadows of Messiah Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - The Shadows of Messiah Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - The Shadows of Messiah Jesus
Last week I was talking about how Yeshua brings the binding of Isaac into its fullest prophetic meaning. We call it in Hebrew the Ha'Akedah, the binding or the binding of Isaac. This is such a critical story of redemption. In fact Jewish people [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Ultimate Mediator
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Rabbi Schneider - The Ultimate Mediator
Rabbi Schneider - The Ultimate Mediator
I'm talking about types and shadows in the Hebrew Bible and how Yeshua fulfills Israel's history by living out their same history in His own life and ministry. Last week I talked about the blood and the importance of the blood as it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Blood of the Lamb
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Rabbi Schneider - The Blood of the Lamb
Rabbi Schneider - The Blood of the Lamb
Let me share with you first of all why Messianic prophecy is so important. We're living in a culture today where more and more, because of the culture of political correctness, believers in Yeshua are shrinking back and taking a posture of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hidden Prophecies of Messiah Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - Hidden Prophecies of Messiah Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - Hidden Prophecies of Messiah Jesus
We're gonna be studying how Yeshua, how King Jesus, fulfilled the entire Tanakh, the entire Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. So often times the Brit Chadashah, the New Testament scriptures, took the verses out of the Hebrew Bible and said, [...]