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Jack Graham - It Takes a Church
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Jack Graham - It Takes a Church
Jack Graham - It Takes a Church
If you were to ask me, "What is the greatest spiritual lesson that you learned"? It is the fact that Christ lives in me by His Spirit. That the Christian life is not my human effort or my self effort but it is yielding to the work of [...]
Jack Graham - Training Days
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Jack Graham - Training Days
Jack Graham - Training Days
We're calling this message "Training Days" because it speaks of our need to train up our children, to teach our children so that they can face the challenges of a new generation; the generation that is now and next to come. And Psalm [...]
Jack Graham - Happy Wife, Happy Life
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Jack Graham - Happy Wife, Happy Life
Jack Graham - Happy Wife, Happy Life
In 1 Peter chapter 3, beginning at verse 1, to the wives specifically the word of God says: "Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word", in other word, even if they are not Christians, [...]
Jack Graham - When a Man Loves a Woman
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Jack Graham - When a Man Loves a Woman
Jack Graham - When a Man Loves a Woman
Today as we talk about the role of the husband and man's responsibility to love the lady in his life all the days of their lives together, I discovered that the word husband is from the German language originally. It has a root in their German [...]
Jack Graham - Essentials for Healthy Relationships
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Jack Graham - Essentials for Healthy Relationships
Jack Graham - Essentials for Healthy Relationships
Today in our LIFE TOGETHER series, I'm going to be talking to you from First Corinthians chapter 13 so you can begin finding First Corinthians 13 in your Bible about the "Essentials of Healthy Relationships". The essentials. And while [...]
Jack Graham - Model Family
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Jack Graham - Model Family
Jack Graham - Model Family
We're beginning a new series today called LIFE TOGETHER. As I, along with our preaching team have gotten together over the last several weeks and months, we've talked about the need right now to work on our relationships, particularly the [...]