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Robert Barron - Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?
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Robert Barron - Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?
Robert Barron - Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?
Peace be with you. Friends, I'm always delighted when the Church gives us the opportunity to reflect on the book of Job. The book of Job is one of the profoundest, most difficult, challenging books in the entire Bible. I might encourage you to read [...]
Steven Furtick - My Joy Is My Job
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Steven Furtick - My Joy Is My Job
Steven Furtick - My Joy Is My Job
We have also been releasing in this series that I'm doing, Do the New You, not only this new book I've written but also six confessions of faith into your life one at a time, just giving you your daily dosage. This one today is what Holly says is [...]
Mike Novotny - God's Nonanswer Is the Answer?
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Mike Novotny - God's Nonanswer Is the Answer?
Mike Novotny - God's Nonanswer Is the Answer?
Last Friday, I got to have a conversation with a guy I had never met before. Someone who watches our church services online. I'd given him my number. I picked him up on the phone on a Friday afternoon. And before I hung up the phone, I found out [...]
Mike Novotny - God Won't Tell Me Why There's Pain?
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Mike Novotny - God Won't Tell Me Why There's Pain?
Mike Novotny - God Won't Tell Me Why There's Pain?
I've learnt over the years of being a pastor that when you're in pain, the most natural question for you to ask is actually the most dangerous question for you to ask. "Why"? "Why is this happening? Why am I going through this? Why is [...]
Mike Novotny - How Am I Supposed to Comfort Others?
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Mike Novotny - How Am I Supposed to Comfort Others?
Mike Novotny - How Am I Supposed to Comfort Others?
You know, one of the really cool, really amazing, and really humbling parts of what we do is that people tend to come to us, to the church, and to pastors, normally, when times are really, really good or when they're really, really, not. Alright, [...]
Mike Novotny - I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?
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Mike Novotny - I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?
Mike Novotny - I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?
It's a serious question to start a sermon, I know. But if you were the devil, how would you do it? We sometimes think of the devil, Satan, demons, as being these dark forces that try to, like, horror movie style freak us out, keep us up at night, [...]
Mike Novotny - This Is Why God Lets Me Suffer?
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Mike Novotny - This Is Why God Lets Me Suffer?
Mike Novotny - This Is Why God Lets Me Suffer?
If you questioned my Christian faith, that wouldn't be crazy. I'm not saying that because I'm hiding some dark, sinful secret or leading some double life. I pray here in church, and I pray when I'm at home. I put on worship music and praise here in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
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Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
Dr. Ed Young - How Not to Comfort
Suffering is absolutely inevitable! It's a part of life! And if you want to know something about suffering, you have to study the Book of Job. There's no other Book in the Bible or outside the Bible that gives us more insight than this oldest Book [...]
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
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Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Today, we begin this sermon series with the message, "Lord, I don't deserve this". And we look at the life of Job: that if he could testify to you today, he'd say, "The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever". Read with me [...]
John Bradshaw - Great Characters of the Bible: Job
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John Bradshaw - Great Characters of the Bible: Job
John Bradshaw - Great Characters of the Bible: Job
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For many people it's a troubling book of the Bible. It's twice as long as the Gospel of John and almost as long as Ezekiel at 42 chapters. In 41 of those chapters, 98 percent of the [...]
John Bradshaw - Job
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John Bradshaw - Job
John Bradshaw - Job
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For many people it's a troubling book of the Bible. It's twice as long as the Gospel of John and almost as long as Ezekiel at 42 chapters. In 41 of those chapters, 98 percent of the [...]
Joseph Prince - The Story Of Job Through The Lens Of Grace
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Joseph Prince - The Story Of Job Through The Lens Of Grace
Joseph Prince - The Story Of Job Through The Lens Of Grace
Praise God. Thank God for all the wonderful, wonderful healings, amen? God is in the healing business. God loves to mend people up, God loves to heal, God loves to patch up. God loves to restore. God is not a God that breaks down. He's not a God [...]
David Jeremiah - Job: Overcoming the Overwhelming
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David Jeremiah - Job: Overcoming the Overwhelming
David Jeremiah - Job: Overcoming the Overwhelming
One of the things I've learned after all these years of studying the Bible is that God never gets tired of telling his children that he loves them. He never gets tired of sending them illustrations of his care and concern, and because we are his [...]