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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People, BUT...
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People, BUT...
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People, BUT...
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of Romans chapter 2? Romans chapter 2. And can we pause to ask God's blessing? Father, as we turn to this wonderful book written by Paul, I'm asking for your grace to be faithful to the [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
Luke, chapter 4, and also would you put a marker in Matthew, chapter 11. Luke 4 and Matthew 11, and let's pray together. Father, we feel the need to calm our hearts, to focus our hearts, to ask for your help for us to concentrate. I always feel [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Terrorists
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Terrorists
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Terrorists
Turn in your Bibles, please, to Acts chapter 9. In February, a man was shot in Syria. He was a 32-year-old member of the terrorist organization known as the Islamic State, ISIS. It happened in Syria; he was riddled with bullets, shot, and presumed [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Criminals
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Criminals
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Criminals
Would you turn in your Bible, please, to the gospel of Luke, chapter 23. People die differently. What I mean by that is some people die peacefully, some people die restlessly; some are very confident, some are very fearful; some die joyfully, some [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Murderers
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Murderers
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Murderers
Would you please turn in your Bibles to the gospel of Luke, chapter 23; Luke 23, please. The summer of 1976 was the summer of terror for the residents of New York City, some of you will remember from being alive then, others from because you just [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Prostitutes
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Prostitutes
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Prostitutes
Would you please turn in your Bibles to the gospel of Luke, chapter 7. Will Rogers said, "Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects." And so I plead ignorance. There's been so many topics in this Jesus Loves People series that [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Atheists
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Atheists
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Atheists
It's a joy for me to stand week by week and open God's Word with you and find out what he's telling us and build our faith together. It really is a joy. I was looking at the recap from Easter, just, like, thinking it doesn't get [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Traitors
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Traitors
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Traitors
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, this morning to Matthews gospel; Matthew, chapter 26. We're going to look at several verses of Scripture and then we're going to participate in this event of the cross; Matthew, chapter 26. Years ago [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
Two places in your Bible I'd like you to have in front of you to read along. And the first is in Matthew, chapter 5; Matthew's gospel, chapter 5. And the second one is Luke's gospel, chapter 9. Matthew 5 and Luke, chapter 9. Is there [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 2
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 2
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 2
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege on the way back from Iraq to stop in Jordan. And in Jordan a friend of ours, who's a part of this fellowship, is the chief archaeologist of the dig of historical Sodom in the Bible. And I have read [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 1
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 1
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Homosexuals - Part 1
You'll be happy to know that at last a perfect preacher has been found. I don't know the person, but here's the description: "He preaches exactly fifteen minutes", so, I'm out. "He preaches exactly fifteen minutes [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves the Broken
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves the Broken
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves the Broken
Would you turn in your Bibles to John's gospel, chapter 5. I brought with me today a camera. You can tell by looking at it, those who can see it, it's a very old one. They don't make these things anymore. This is called an Argus C-3 [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
Good morning, would you turn in your Bibles to two places in your New Testaments: the first gospel, the gospel of Matthew, and the fourth gospel, the gospel of John; Matthew, chapter 11, and John, chapter 20. Dennis was a doubter. Dennis grew up in [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People
Good morning and welcome to this new series that we're starting, Jesus Loves People. Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to Mark's gospel, the tenth chapter; Mark, chapter 10. I have for a long time enjoyed the writing of Dr. Richard [...]