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Joseph Prince - What To Do When You Can't Sleep
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Joseph Prince - What To Do When You Can't Sleep
Joseph Prince - What To Do When You Can't Sleep
This is an excerpt from: Answers For Dark Nights And Difficult Seasons What are you doing when you can't sleep? Meditate. If the devil wants to keep you awake, let him pay. That's why it says, "You shall meditate on my Word [...]
Derek Prince - A Remedy For Insomnia
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Derek Prince - A Remedy For Insomnia
Derek Prince - A Remedy For Insomnia
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. NIV There is a remedy for insomnia. How many of you, I wonder, really know what it is to have the assurance of [...]