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Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
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Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
I’m talking about Yeshua promising those that are peacemakers divine happiness. When Yeshua said in the Beatitudes, blessed are those, what he’s saying is those that practice this will be made divinely happy. You see, the world offers us all types [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
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Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
Dr. Ed Young - The Answer to Hate
What is the operative word, the basic factor that leads to war? What is the thing that is there? We look at Mao, we look at Adolf Hitler, we look at Tojo, we look at Stalin, we look at Idi Amin, and we can rattle off all of those who led in war in [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Haters
Two places in your Bible I'd like you to have in front of you to read along. And the first is in Matthew, chapter 5; Matthew's gospel, chapter 5. And the second one is Luke's gospel, chapter 9. Matthew 5 and Luke, chapter 9. Is there [...]