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Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
In Matthew 8 and Luke 7, there's a story of a man who comes to Jesus, he's a Roman Centurion, some of you will remember it. He needed Jesus, he was pursuing a miracle and he needed healing for someone he cared about. And he met Jesus, and Jesus [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
My intent is to get to a stopping point with this little series we've been doing on God is Moving. And this is really a session about an invitation. Let's join him. You know, I don't like to be complicated, whenever possible. You can always tell if [...]
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
We're gonna think about what it means for you and me to cooperate with God. It's going to require us, I believe, my opinion, to cultivate some new kinds of heroes. And when I say hero, I'm talking about the people whose lives we point out and go [...]
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
We've been doing a little study on the theme of "God is Moving," and I believe that. I believe the activity of God is more evident in recent months and years than at any time in my lifetime. Now, for fairness, I also have to say the [...]
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
So often when we take time in the presence of the Lord, we want him to hear about our problems and do something. But learning to listen to the Lord means I simply would like to be in your presence. I'll take some time with your Word. I'll put on [...]
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 1
We've been working through a series under the general theme that "God is Moving," and I believe that is an accurate statement. That God is moving in the earth, not because God always moves in the earth and God's always up to something, but [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
I know that we're not great at geography. Most of us learn geography from a coach, and he didn't want to be in the classroom with you any more than you wanted to be there with them. So we didn't pay a lot of attention, but a little bit of geography [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
I wanna talk this weekend and for the next two or three sessions about "Israel, the Church and the Nations". Three distinct groups with whom God is dealing in the earth these days, towards the same objectives: the establishment of his [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
Paul goes into some rather elaborate language in the book of Romans to talk about how we've been grafted in to a tree so that all the blessings that come to us extend from the blessings God made long before Jesus was born in the stable in Bethlehem. [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
I wanna continue a little series we've been working through called "God is Moving" because I believe he is. God is moving in the Earth in most unprecedented ways, ways I've never seen in my lifetime. I hear evidence of it week after week. [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. You know, we're talking about God moving in the earth. It's happening with such intensity and such frequency, it's easy to miss. Middle East is in turmoil again, Israel is being besieged by the court of public [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. I've just returned from Israel. I had an opportunity to be in the southern part of Israel really standing on the border of Gaza and to be in the villages where the terror attack took place. It's an important time to [...]
Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 2
So, every generation has to make a God choice. Every generation has to accept the assignment to deliver the message of reconciliation. You have to be reconciled to God. Parents have to teach it to their children, they have to instruct their [...]
Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Men, Women, and Angels - Part 1
In our previous session, I began a new series talking about when God is moving, because I believe God is moving in the earth. I think it's inappropriate simply to look at the darkness or the evil or the multiplication of immorality or all the things [...]
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
God withdrew his protection from his people. They were vulnerable to those who hated them because God withdrew his protection. I want to suggest something: that God is our protector. God is our protector. We cannot protect ourselves from evil, apart [...]
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
I want to begin a new series. At least for two or three sessions, I wanna talk about something that seems so apparent. I think it's important that we not just walk past it, and that's that God is moving. God's moving in the earth. We've asked him to [...]