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James Merritt - Built to Last
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James Merritt - Built to Last
James Merritt - Built to Last
Hey, I’m so glad you came. Thanks for being here today. It was intended to be a one of the most beautiful developments in the Canadian province of British Columbia. They call it the SeaWatch subdivision, It was going to be this exclusive community [...]
Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 2
If you have your Bibles open them with me to the book of Hebrews 12. Hebrews 12 is where I wanna go this morning. Let's go down to verse 27 of Hebrews 12. "Now this, 'Yet once more,' indicates the removal of those things that are [...]
Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - How To Be Unshakable - Part 1
If you have your Bibles open them with me to the book of Hebrews 12. Hebrews 12 is where I wanna go this morning. Let's go down to verse 27 of Hebrews 12. "Now this, 'Yet once more,' indicates the removal of those things that are [...]
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be together again. We're going to talk today about the necessity of a strong foundation in our faith. You know, most of us understand we begin that journey with a profession of faith, with accepting Jesus, conversion, [...]
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic is "Big Trouble Ahead," and we're gonna need a strong foundation to flourish in that season when those storms come. It's not a matter of if they're coming, folks; they're [...]
Charles Stanley - The Foundation of Unwavering Faith
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Charles Stanley - The Foundation of Unwavering Faith
Charles Stanley - The Foundation of Unwavering Faith
When the storms of life blow across your path, where do you turn? Do you find yourself easily blown off course? Do you find yourself fragmented in your thinking? Does doubt and fear begin to plague you, and do you begin to question the fact that God [...]
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundations
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Allen Jackson - Strong Foundations
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundations
Hey, it's good to be with you today. Our topic is "Strong Foundations". You know, COVID is fading a bit, but the turmoil in our world is escalating. From wars with Russia to all sorts of internal confusion to conflict on our borders [...]
Charles Stanley - A Compass for Life's Journey
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Charles Stanley - A Compass for Life's Journey
Charles Stanley - A Compass for Life's Journey
I have in my hand a compass, and I have had it for twenty-five years. It has never failed me. It's always pointed North, always pointed to the North Pole, so I can always tell by looking at this which direction I'm headed in. Now, if I put [...]
Jack Graham - Life on the Rock
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Jack Graham - Life on the Rock
Jack Graham - Life on the Rock
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of the Gospel of Luke. We're in a series of messages in the Gospel of Luke and we come to the conclusion of our Lord's message to His disciples. The Sermon on the Mount given in Matthew 5, 6 [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Firm Is Your Foundation?
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Robert Jeffress - How Firm Is Your Foundation?
Robert Jeffress - How Firm Is Your Foundation?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. These days it feels like the world is changing faster than we can keep up with. Today's cultural standards look far different than they did even 20 years ago, and in the [...]
Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
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Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
Now I want to go on today by discussing the doctrinal foundation. We’ve looked at the personal foundation which is Jesus Christ. But the New Testament also reveals that there is a doctrinal foundation. This is a revelation which has escaped the [...]
Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
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Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
Adam was supposed to take the garden with the power of the blessing and take that garden and duplicate it all over the earth. What happened? Then God said, "Don't eat of that tree. Every tree you can eat of, but not that one. That's [...]
Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
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Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
Jimmy Evans - The Foundation of Trust
I want to welcome everyone. We're so glad that you joining us, all the Gateway family and everybody else that's been joining us. We are so glad that you're a part of these weekend services, and we hope that you've been blessed by [...]
Derek Prince - I Will Shake All Things
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Derek Prince - I Will Shake All Things
Derek Prince - I Will Shake All Things
From Psalm 94, verses 12-13 And I trust it will prove appropriate to the message which I'm going to be bringing. Psalm 94, verses 12-13: Blessed is the man whom you instruct, O Lord, and teach out of your law, that you may give him relief from [...]
Derek Prince - How Did The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock?
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Derek Prince - How Did The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock?
Derek Prince - How Did The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock?
Now we come to the next important practical issue. If you have laid the foundation, how do you proceed to build on it? You remember that the metaphors we used at the beginning all spoke about building. So here’s the next vitally important and [...]
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Derek Prince - Founded On The Rock
Derek Prince - Founded On The Rock
We have laerned by experience that there is no more effective way to release Gods power into a situation than by proclaiming His Word in faith. In fact I've told people many times but I'm never tired of saying it. I doubt whether either [...]
Derek Prince - Christian Life Is Like The Construction Of A Building
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Derek Prince - Christian Life Is Like The Construction Of A Building
Derek Prince - Christian Life Is Like The Construction Of A Building
The Bible is a model of good teaching and it follows various principles of teaching. One in particular is that you start from the known to lead people on to the unknown. You never start with the unknown, you start with what is known and you proceed [...]
Derek Prince - 4 Steps To Lay Jesus As Foundation In Your Life
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Derek Prince - 4 Steps To Lay Jesus As Foundation In Your Life
Derek Prince - 4 Steps To Lay Jesus As Foundation In Your Life
I would like to suggest to you four successive phases through which Peter passed in this encounter. First of all, confrontation. Jesus and Peter met face to face. There was no mediator, no priest, no one in between them. It was a direct, personal [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - How to Build Your House on the Rock
Kenneth Copeland - How to Build Your House on the Rock
Father, we thank You today. Oh, we're so thrilled at the things that are happening all over this world, and the meetings that we just came from in Nigeria. And the things that are happening all over the continent of Africa is just stunning. [...]
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TD Jakes — Grounded in Family
TD Jakes — Grounded in Family
Hello, friends. Thank you for joining this broadcast today. I believe that God has given me a word that will impact your spirit in a definite way. The quantifiable impact of his Word on your life will show up in unbelievable terms as you submit your [...]
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TD Jakes — Ground Level Zero
TD Jakes — Ground Level Zero
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our King. I'm excited, I mean, really excited to have this opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with you. I'm excited because I know this message is gonna bless you just like it blessed our [...]