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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » Fear Deceives; Grace Frees
Michael Youssef - The Second Law of Godly Dynamics
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Michael Youssef - The Second Law of Godly Dynamics
Michael Youssef - The Second Law of Godly Dynamics
Thank you so much. I'm assuming that just about everybody heard about Lord Kelvin's second law of thermodynamics, right? I'm assuming you have, but in case my assumption is wrong, let me give you a summary of that second law of [...]
Michael Youssef - Restoration and Restitution
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Michael Youssef - Restoration and Restitution
Michael Youssef - Restoration and Restitution
We have been delighting ourselves for some time now in the past several messages of watching how the grace of God works in the life of Jacob and learning, in the process, how the grace of God works in our lives. Here we come to this point after God [...]
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Surrender
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Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Surrender
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Surrender
Sir Winston Churchill said during World War II, "We will never surrender, never, never, never surrender". I know these words of Sir Winston Churchill have encouraged a lot of people, many people, through the years, and they hung on to [...]
Michael Youssef - Biblical Prosperity
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Michael Youssef - Biblical Prosperity
Michael Youssef - Biblical Prosperity
Whenever I mentioned the word prosperity, what is the first thing comes to your mind? Probably thought of prosperity gospel. Some of you probably thought, well, $10 million mansion, a Rolls-Royce and a 50 million jet, all right? That's how we [...]
Michael Youssef - Sowing and Reaping
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Michael Youssef - Sowing and Reaping
Michael Youssef - Sowing and Reaping
We have begun the series of messages from the life of Jacob, entitled that "Fear Deceives, but Grace Frees," or sets us free. But before I get there, I wanna tell you that, in the New Testament, 'cause there's a distinction, but [...]
Michael Youssef - Your Bethel Experience
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Michael Youssef - Your Bethel Experience
Michael Youssef - Your Bethel Experience
In the last message, we left Jacob where his father Isaac finally, finally obeyed God and obeyed the will of God and blessed him, truly blessed him, and then sent him on his way to Haran. Jacob now has gone far away from home, from the comfort of [...]
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
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Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
About 20 years ago or so, the Lord began to teach my wife and I to study and practice what he said in Matthew chapter 18, verses 19 and 20, now, of course, known as the prayer of agreement. I have to tell you at the outset so you understand. I do [...]
Michael Youssef - The Overruling Grace of God
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Michael Youssef - The Overruling Grace of God
Michael Youssef - The Overruling Grace of God
Grace. I know and you know that that word grace has been used and abused. Grace is a word that's sometimes bandied about without proper understanding. Grace has become a word that is used to mean whatever the person wants it to mean. Grace is [...]