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Jentezen Franklin - Fasting to Unburden Your Soul
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Jentezen Franklin - Fasting to Unburden Your Soul
Jentezen Franklin - Fasting to Unburden Your Soul
Deuteronomy 18, «The priests the Levites, the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel: nor shall they eat the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and his portion. Therefore they shall have no inheritance among the brethren: the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
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Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
If you have your Bibles, you can open them with me. I wanna show you one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible on fasting. It’s there over, and over, and over. Two men are highlighted in it, and we see in Acts 10:1, «There was a certain man in [...]
Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 2
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Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 2
Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 2
I don't know if anybody's been to the Symphony recently, but when you go to the Symphony, you go to the Atlanta Symphony, and we've got an Atlanta Symphony member at Passion City Church up at Cumberland. Might be in the gathering [...]
Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 1
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Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 1
Louie Giglio - The Frequency of the Fast - Part 1
A lot of the prayer that God wants to release in our lives is not for us, it's for the person right next to us, the people who live in the house across the street from us, the family that we met through some friends, the guy that is working [...]
Marcus Mecum - Fasting For Your Future
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Marcus Mecum - Fasting For Your Future
Marcus Mecum - Fasting For Your Future
My goal today is to encourage you on the fast if you've not decided to fast, then hopefully, I can help you with that. If you have decided, I'll encourage you in your fast. But Daniel 9, let's look at verse 3, "Then I set my face [...]
Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
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Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
This is an excerpt from: The Secret Power Of Fasting But I want to speak about humility as an essential condition for effective prayer and I want to take a number of statements to this effect. Let's look, first of all, before we do that, in [...]
Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
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Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
In this session I'm going to continue with some of the secrets of answered prayer. In fact, I'm going to deal with one specific, major key to effective praying. And although this key is clearly presented throughout the Bible from the Old [...]
James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
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James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
Today I'm gonna talk about a topic that all the years growing up in church, I never heard addressed one time, never heard it in a sermon, never heard it in a sentence, mom and dad never talked about it, never thought about it. And I frankly [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Pray for America
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Adrian Rogers - How to Pray for America
Adrian Rogers - How to Pray for America
Take your Bibles and turn to Daniel chapter 9, and when you've found it, look up here and let me tell you that this God-blessed America of ours is at a crossroads. Back in the year 2000, we had an election, and we went through a thirty-six day [...]
Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
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Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
Levi Lusko - I Mean Business
But we do kick off a brand new collection of messages today, a brand new season in the life of our church today. And we're going to do so beginning with a message that I'm calling I Mean Business. I came to church today ready, y'all. [...]
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Practice of Fasting
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Charles Stanley - The Powerful Practice of Fasting
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Practice of Fasting
Sometimes do you feel just helpless and you don't know exactly what to do? Or maybe you find yourself in some form of bondage; and in spite of everything you've done, you just can't break it. Or you're trying to find God's [...]
Gregory Dickow - Fast From Wrong Thinking
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Gregory Dickow - Fast From Wrong Thinking
Gregory Dickow - Fast From Wrong Thinking
Well, I want to welcome you to a very special edition of The Power to Change. Today, I'm really grateful to be connecting with you like this, this one on one Bible study format. I want to introduce you to our newest release, 2021 of the [...]
Allen Jackson - Fasting, A Spiritual Weapon
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Allen Jackson - Fasting, A Spiritual Weapon
Allen Jackson - Fasting, A Spiritual Weapon
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is fasting as a spiritual weapon. You know, there is a spiritual conflict that has engulfed our world. It's not just your community or our nation. It's taking place all over the world, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Try Fasting?
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Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Try Fasting?
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Try Fasting?
Food is important to everybody. Not only do we need it to stay healthy, but we enjoy it. I mean, it's one of the pleasures that's built into humanity, the ability to taste food, and we all have our favorites. I love chocolate and certain [...]
Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
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Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Let me just turn for a moment to Joel 2. I want to now look at the prophetic element in prayer and fasting. It’s a very long chapter and I cannot read it all. I hope that some of [...]
Derek Prince - Why Fasting Is Fundamental To The Life Of The Church
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Derek Prince - Why Fasting Is Fundamental To The Life Of The Church
Derek Prince - Why Fasting Is Fundamental To The Life Of The Church
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting All right, we’re going to go to the New Testament. A lot of people say, "Oh, that was Old Testament. That’s the kind of thing they did in the Old Testament". Brothers and [...]
Derek Prince - At The Source Of The History Of The USA Is Collective Prayer and Fasting
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Derek Prince - At The Source Of The History Of The USA Is Collective Prayer and
Derek Prince - At The Source Of The History Of The USA Is Collective Prayer and Fasting
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Then there’s Ezra and the returning exiles. Ezra 8:21–23. Now Ezra was commissioned by the King of Persia to lead a company of Jewish exiles returning from Babylon to Jerusalem. [...]
Derek Prince - How Queen Esther's Fast, Changed Jewish History
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Derek Prince - How Queen Esther's Fast, Changed Jewish History
Derek Prince - How Queen Esther's Fast, Changed Jewish History
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Then we look at the story of Esther in the book of Esther 4. You know all of you the story of Esther, I hope. I think I have the privilege of speaking to people who know their [...]
Derek Prince - How Derek Managed To Fast For Eight Years
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Derek Prince - How Derek Managed To Fast For Eight Years
Derek Prince - How Derek Managed To Fast For Eight Years
This is an excerpt from: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Now, we’ve already quoted together 1 Peter chapter 5, where Peter says, "Humble yourselves". So the scriptural way to do it, the scriptural way, there are other ways, but the primary [...]
Derek Prince - Self-Humbling Through Fasting
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Derek Prince - Self-Humbling Through Fasting
Derek Prince - Self-Humbling Through Fasting
First of all, Ruth and I are going to make a proclamation which is taken from 1 Peter 5:6–11. "It’s more lengthy than the ones we’ve been making and its theme is humbling ourselves. 'God resists the proud, But gives grace to the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Problem-Solving Ezra Fast
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Jentezen Franklin - The Problem-Solving Ezra Fast
Jentezen Franklin - The Problem-Solving Ezra Fast
Welcome to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. I'm coming to you from the City of Jerusalem. I'm going to be teaching today on fasting, so get your Bibles out and get a notepad out. You may be wondering, well, where in the world [...]
Creflo Dollar - Why Pray And Fast?
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Creflo Dollar - Why Pray And Fast?
Creflo Dollar - Why Pray And Fast?
And so if you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Matthew chapter 17 and verse 14. Matthew chapter 17 and verse 14. And we're gonna begin to look at this issue of fasting and prayer and doing it under the covenant of grace. And I guess [...]
Jentezen Franklin - When We Fast
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Jentezen Franklin - When We Fast
Jentezen Franklin - When We Fast
Hello, and welcome to Kingdom Connection. I'm so excited that you're joining us today. I'm coming to you from the Holy Land. I'm in the beautiful nation of Israel. As a matter of fact, behind me is a very famous mountain. [...]
Creflo Dollar - Why Should We Engage in Prayer and Fasting?
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Creflo Dollar - Why Should We Engage in Prayer and Fasting?
Creflo Dollar - Why Should We Engage in Prayer and Fasting?
Why should we engage in prayer and fasting? Now, prayer and fasting doesn't move the devil and it doesn't move God. Now, listen to me. Prayer and fasting doesn't move the devil and it doesn't move God. God has already given the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Fasting Is Hungering For God
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Jentezen Franklin - Fasting Is Hungering For God
Jentezen Franklin - Fasting Is Hungering For God
"Fasting is Hungering for God". And it sounds so simple, but I wanna tell you that when you fast, some things that you probably need to expect, that at some point, the fun wears off. At some point, it becomes a grind. At some point, you [...]
Derek Prince - We Can Move Angels and Demons By Praying and Fasting
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Derek Prince - We Can Move Angels and Demons By Praying and Fasting
Derek Prince - We Can Move Angels and Demons By Praying and Fasting
So what Satan was seeking to do was to keep the Jewish people, Israel, under bondage and away from returning to their own land. What Daniel was praying for was the return of Israel to their own land. So this satanic prince of the kingdom of Persia [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Discover the Benefits of Fasting
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Rabbi Schneider - Discover the Benefits of Fasting
Rabbi Schneider - Discover the Benefits of Fasting
I want you to know my friends fasting is for you if you're a follower of Jesus. Jesus expected that you and I would have times in our life that we would fast. That's why He said in the book of Matthew chapter six, He said to His disciples, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Fasting Can Free You
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Rabbi Schneider - How Fasting Can Free You
Rabbi Schneider - How Fasting Can Free You
Today I'm continuing in a very special and anointed series entitled, "Fasting For the Kingdom of God". Now if you didn't hear the last weeks message, or the last message in this series, I really want to encourage you to get it. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Fasting Does For You?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Fasting Does For You?
Rabbi Schneider - What Fasting Does For You?
I'm gonna speak with you today about the principle of fasting. Fasting, F, A, S, T, I, N, G for the Kingdom of God. Now I know that many of you are not comfortable with the concept of fasting. Some of you perhaps have never fasted. Others have [...]
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Sid Roth — The Power of Prayer and Fasting
Sid Roth — The Power of Prayer and Fasting
Sid Roth and Marilyn Hickey on The power of prayer and fasting. [...]