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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
The question for you and me ultimately comes down to whether we will be faithful to God or we'll choose to be unfaithful. Psalm 125, I love this verse, says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
We've been working through a little study called "Faith Mountains". The idea is pretty simple. If you're gonna make any journey of any significance distance, you're probably gonna have to traverse mountains. And historically, some of the [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
So I think we all have that question within us: Do I really matter? Our culture is hammering at us now. I mean, it pounds us. You know, they keep introducing all these trends and fads through social media to do bizarre things like eat a Tide pod. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
I wanna pick up a theme I began this past Wednesday, talking about faith mountains. I took a little detour last night. Our reading plan... I hope you're doing the Bible reading with us. If you're not, you're really missing out on an important part [...]